A small QoL suggestion: if possible, consider moving the bottom part of the inventory window (the bit with
edit: not sure if a bug or just content reuse: after Janet Osorio's dog show mini-arc is completed, it can subsequently trigger on later cleaning visits and play again (from the "discovery" event etc) as if it never happened before.
edit2: clothing evaluation bug: if you decline Dr. Trapper's offer to change your clothes, the
Consider your appearance.
link and such) to the top, above "worn items" etc. Once you acquire larger number of items, scrolling down to get the evaluation while you experiment with various options and combinations... get old rather quick.edit: not sure if a bug or just content reuse: after Janet Osorio's dog show mini-arc is completed, it can subsequently trigger on later cleaning visits and play again (from the "discovery" event etc) as if it never happened before.
edit2: clothing evaluation bug: if you decline Dr. Trapper's offer to change your clothes, the
variable is left empty (rather than reflect the clothes you're already wearing), which causes all clothing style checks fail during event_psychiatrist_session_prostitution_
events, and the scenes end in the " that was just a test scenario" branch, even if you arrive dressed like the skankiest slut.
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