I saw your posts in Femboy, since I play that game too. But, unlike the noob Femboy dev, the Secretary devs simply do not have the time to spend (waste) here when they have hundreds of people (many of them patrons, like myself) on their Discord asking the same questions and reporting the same bugs as people here do. Discord is Secretary's official support medium. In fact, it was because of Discord that I learned that Sashka (the primary bug-killer on Secretary's dev team) is also a dev for Perverted Education (yet another game whose primary support is via Discord).
New game devs use F95 to advertise their game and help drum up support. Smart devs will get a Discord up and running shortly after releasing a game (some do it even before release, to test the waters). Once their Discord gets busy they move primary support there and slacken their attention here. Discord is a much better platform than forums for disseminating news and for getting feedback from a game's players. Which is why many "mature" games (mature in the sense that they have been around for over a year) tend to have their main support via Discord.