I didn't play the original very long, because gameplaywise for me there is nothing worse than sandbox in combination with an energybar.
Overall I like this remake way more the the original, because of this.
The story is - so far - ok. Nothing I haven't seen here one or five times, but still KINDA original.
The girls look a bit strange, with their big eyes and thin extremities. Almost like human-alien (talking about the greys) hybrids. Especially Alison. But ok, I get this is a STYLE and I can live with that.
The choices are meaningful, 1. for the relations with the girls, 2. for if you want to play a nice guy, an asshole or something in between.
For my taste the storytelling feels A BIT rushed, moreso if I don't know exactly what is going on (either with MC or the girls). And the sex happens a bit to fast, for my taste - it just doesn't fell natural imo.
But there are way worse examples on rushing on this site. So it is not to bad.
I would say, in this state, it is better than average on this site, but not (yet) great. I give 3 stars, potential for getting one more or less with later updates. Will keep an eye on this for the next view updates.