Unity - Sedita Quest [v.1.3c] [juegosGrises]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Really not seeing the appeal here.

    The map has no indication on where you can go without mousing over everything to see what glows. It has something like 10+ rooms. 90% of which are empty at all times. You click through them in the hope you see Starfire so she can recieve the exact same pickup line for probably +2 (sometimes its +4, I don't know why) affection. Then you can rub her face, which apparently she doesn't mind, which also raises her affection, sometimes multiple times, mostly just +1. Then you press skip time and find her again.

    You click twice (every time) to enter lobby, which Star may or may not be in. If she's not in it, she's probably in the locker room. If she's in the locker room, she immediately leaves and you make no progress. I don't know where she goes.
    In the afternoon she may be in the research room. If not, fuck it, skip it.
    In the night she's in her room; mostly sleeping, so you may aswell skip that to.
    So you click twice (lobby), skip if you don't see star, click 3 times (research) and skip if you don't see star, then skip to the next day.
    Over and over again with dialogue that doesn't change even with > 50% of the affection bar filled. Very rarely she'll ask you to help find her pet or a book or something; you just click rooms like looking for Starfire for the pet. You don't advance progress with her in any meaningful way.

    On top of all the clicking getting around every time you talk to her you need to click her (1), then past dialogue (2), then click the hug image (3), then past dialogue (usually 4 and 5), then click a box with talking symbols (6), THEN (why is clicking the talking symbols not just "seduce her" if that's the only option?) click talk ()7, THEN click "seduce her) (8), then click past that dialogue (9, 10, 11), then go back (12), then nothing (13, why does going back not just skip pas this menu?), ast that dialogue (14, 15), click the body image (which has mouth selected for some reason but you can't use mouth, also 16), then face (17), then drag it around a bit (18), then the exit button (19), then past "that's it?" (20), then 2 more dialogue boxes (21, 22)
    , then you can exit.
    Add the clicks to reach her and you're at 24 clicks just for her quickest interaction every single day. That's actually fairly insane.
    On top of that you can't even tell what progress is being made. Green bar is relationship, what are pink and purple hearts, which both raise from the same interaction? No idea.

    This is a tedious grindy mess for payoff probably not worth seeing.
    Normally I don't review games this early but this one is just making so many terrible design choices it'd be best if they got changed early rather than commiting to them.
    Why does she move so much? Why does she have so many interactions that don't let you make any progress at all? Why is both talking to her and rubbing her inconsistent in its gain, giving as little as literally 1 point? Why does it give 4 at most, which is basically nothing, beyond making the game grindy to hide the lack of content? Why do I need to click so many times to do so little? Why does the map not properly indicate where you can go without mousing over every inch? Why are there so many rooms?
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent and very refreshing game for me!

    There are bugs and glitches at this stage, but the idea and realization of animations and arts are very nice.
    The game's mechanics are nice but needed some improvement (I liked that the cursor didn't help you to search spots because when you find them for the first time, you get some extra pleasure).
    Also I can say that Starfire is very sexy, and I love her very much.

    So I can't wait to play more of this brilliant game ;)
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    A game that shows promise.
    Not the best art, but it's good enough.
    The only lacking part of this game at the moment is interaction.
    There is almost nothing available other than basic groping/massage/titjob.
    The pacing of the game is very slow (for what content there is), but I'm sure this will get better as more content gets added.
    I'll revisit this in the future.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A promising game. There is room for the soul to roam, a well-chosen heroic universe where you can reveal all the depths and hardships of the heroes, if you know what I mean :) I really hope that there will be some cool implementation with the symbiont, like when it takes over the body, it blows your mind with lust, or something like that. Hope for a future update.