Oh, I was aware of those.
But according to those notes, it is unlikely that there will ever be new enemies, or new h-scenes, or H-attacks, etc,etc.
Personally, I think the dev team should consider adding some.
Heh, that's what I was kind thinking when the list talks about design flaw. Personal tastes maybe, but having swarms of mobs keeping you so busy that what in game rape there is you can't see is one.
Or even literally can't see if they are surrounded. And that leaves the GOR stuff only. GOR animations (or any canned animation) I can see in so many other engines. It's the live ingame ones while playing would be more novel in this engine.
When he mentions the epic Chapter 7 battle, that just more mobs again? Because they say they want to top it, even more isn't what I would be looking for. Shooting the zombies is servicable, it works, but really I'm here for the H. If I want to shoot stuff for a long time, there's so many games that do it better as they are real shooters.