
May 1, 2021
>the game has optional NTR
>no the game has forced NTR even when disabled in the settings
>no the NTR is optional
so... which one is it?
View attachment 1807543
In earlier versions of the game durring the prologue there was a scene in which your spouse appears to be being won over by her demon captor, which lead a some people to conclude that it was leading to inevitable NTR. In the current version you can choose whether she is being won over or see's through the ruse.

However the demons will continue to proposition her through out the game. Every sex scene in the game is optional though, so she won't actually sleep with anyone unless you chose for her to do so. However, I've heard some people say they feel like even if they don't choose for her to cheat, they feel like it is happening off screen, though I personally disagree with that interpretation.

It can be a fairly dark game, and the protagonists are put into difficult situations, but in the end it is always in the players control whether or not they have sex. If you read the text it is generally super obvious where each choice will lead. However if you skip the text or just skim it you might not fully understand the consequences of some choices which may lead you into a sex scene that you didn't anticipate.
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Nov 22, 2021
There are so many things I like about this game and so many things that just frustrate me. As others have mentioned, there are just too many routes and unnecessary random side stories that go no where. It has a major feeling of 'throwing random stuff against the wall and see what sticks'. The dialogue is all over the place and in many situations does not fit the current narrative/progress of the characters' corruption. The side jobs for Alexia are strange as well. You can be corruption level 3 by the time you start those jobs, and she'll act as a timid little mouse in the beginning even after doing some major character changing things. You can tell that there wasn't a definite plan or direction for this game.

I just replayed through and reread everything (for about the 10th time now) and it's just painfully obvious that his is a 'chaotic' mess. I know they're trying to do clean up at this point, but they have A LOT of work ahead of them. I would rather see them disappear for 6 month and make a clean, properly planned story with logical connecting story elements and character 'corruption' elements, then what they're doing currently. It feels to me that they just keep adding building stories on top of a foundation made of sand. I only say these things because I do really want to see this story/game go somewhere, and I think they have a bunch of random elements that are enticing, but boy is it a mess at this point. Just my opinion overall.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
>the game has optional NTR
>no the game has forced NTR even when disabled in the settings
>no the NTR is optional
so... which one is it?
View attachment 1807543
I wrote the hideously outdated tentative guides for this game, for what that’s worth, and I can say with full confidence that the two protagonists, Rowan and his wife Alexia, cannot have sex in this game without the player making the choice for them (with the exception of a bad end or two), either on or off screen. A few important characters can, probably most notably Andras, Jezera, and Shaya (the two demon overlords and a literal prostitute).

Disabling NTR in the prologue simply removes the choices that lead to NTR sex scenes (as well as, by extension, the NTR storylines those scenes lead into). NTR, like virtually all sex in the game, is entirely avoidable regardless of whether it’s on or off.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2018
However if you skip the text or just skim it you might not fully understand the consequences of some choices which may lead you into a sex scene that you didn't anticipate.
So the option to remove the ntr-options leaves (some) ntr-options in the game? I get that it is avoidable, but isn't that also the case with the ntr toggled on?
If that's the case, that's a very odd gameplay decision the creators decide to go with.


Aug 28, 2017
So the option to remove the ntr-options leaves (some) ntr-options in the game? I get that it is avoidable, but isn't that also the case with the ntr toggled on?
If that's the case, that's a very odd gameplay decision the creators decide to go with.
no, it means that you can still avoid NTR even if you left it on.

ntr off = definitely no ntr.
ntr on = only ntr if you choose for it to happen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2018
>no ntr option
>shoehorned encounter where Alexis and the minotaur lust for each other
yeah... dropped.
even without the actual fucking taking place, it's already confirmed that alexia is lusting for other guys, clearly demonstrating that NTRing the protagonist is part of her character.
the entire story revolves around NTR and being threatened with NTR. the developers just made the toggle so the game isn't disregarded instantly.
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Anti Anti-NTR & Anti-Woke Crusader
Apr 14, 2020
Do people really like Summertime Saga art style better than SoC? What's more, do people really think Summertime Saga style is good? I honestly find it quite ugly.
you are not alone.. and im bewildered why they are the top earner. so many people rave about it like the 2nd coming of christ.


Jun 16, 2017
I know this is kind of mean, but a part of me wishes whenever somebody asked this, we had a save on hand from like Week 100 with every bit of content already explored to offer with no further explanation.
I finished game 3-4 times with different chooses and routes and still can't open 3.0.5 content.


Anti Anti-NTR & Anti-Woke Crusader
Apr 14, 2020
does this game still have many "black screens" its has been a long time since i last played.


May 1, 2021
The art lags one update behind the scene being added to the game. So the scenes that got added in the last update will have their art added in the next update. All the black screens from when you previously played will now have art, but there will be new black screens in the new scenes from the last update. However the black screens are an ever shrinkingly small percentage of all the scenes in the game.
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May 1, 2021
I finished game 3-4 times with different chooses and routes and still can't open 3.0.5 content.
Let us know what scenes you are trying to unlock and we can help you find it.

If you are talking about unlocking the new scene in the art gallery however, the reason would be because (as I replied in the above response to Swordman83) the art for new scenes lags one update behind so the scene added in the 3.0.5 upate wont have art until 3.0.6 which will come out on May 29th and will add more new scenes that will in turn get their art in the July 31st update, and so on.


May 1, 2021
>no ntr option
>shoehorned encounter where Alexis and the minotaur lust for each other
yeah... dropped.
even without the actual fucking taking place, it's already confirmed that alexia is lusting for other guys, clearly demonstrating that NTRing the protagonist is part of her character.
the entire story revolves around NTR and being threatened with NTR. the developers just made the toggle so the game isn't disregarded instantly.
Of course you are free to dislike the game and not play it. I sincerly hope you find something that better suits your tastes next time. However, I just want to clarify the scene in question for anyone unfamiliar with the game that comes across this discussion.

In the scene in question both Alexia (the wife) and Greyhide (the minotaur) are secretly drugged with an aphrodisiac (this is revealed in detail in a later scene). Due the drug, during their conversation Alexia's thoughts will wander to what Greyhide has under his loincloth. Then you, the player, can either have Alexia ask to see it, or to get a hold of herself and shake it off the thought. Personally, I don't think having a stray lustful thought counts as NTR, I'm not the thought police so as long you don't act on it that is all I care about. On the other hand if you make the choice to have her request the see his dick, that is on you and you don't get to be mad about what comes next.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2018
I don't think having a stray lustful thought counts as NTR, I'm not the thought police so as long you don't
I believe it does, especially since you are forced to engage with it (you have to choose if you want to ask him about his dick or what's his favorite part of her is), and it's not just a lustful thought but an entire scene with undeniable NTR-esque buildup.


Dec 12, 2017
Of course you are free to dislike the game and not play it. I sincerly hope you find something that better suits your tastes next time. However, I just want to clarify the scene in question for anyone unfamiliar with the game that comes across this discussion.

In the scene in question both Alexia (the wife) and Greyhide (the minotaur) are secretly drugged with an aphrodisiac (this is revealed in detail in a later scene). Due the drug, during their conversation Alexia's thoughts will wander to what Greyhide has under his loincloth. Then you, the player, can either have Alexia ask to see it, or to get a hold of herself and shake it off the thought. Personally, I don't think having a stray lustful thought counts as NTR, I'm not the thought police so as long you don't act on it that is all I care about. On the other hand if you make the choice to have her request the see his dick, that is on you and you don't get to be mad about what comes next.
edit; just realized i ended up writing a fucking essay. my b. other edit/proper conclusion at the end of my response. feel free to only read that or read it first to to get a better idea of my take.

I was scrolling through to comments to see if the dev had decided to actually remove the NTR in the other route rather than just make it """avoidable""" and saw you making some sense so figured I'd try to explain.

The issue is that someone who dislikes NTR doesn't want everything to do to be marred with its existence. It's like having girlfriend who doesn't cheat on you but keeps reminding you of their better ex with the bigger dick and better personality every month or two. Sure you're not getting cucked in reality but it sure as hell feels like you're at least getting a taste of it. Games like this seem to often be colored by the fact that they're NTR bait, which is a good thing if that's what you're into since it means even the setting serves genre but also means you need to put in much more work to make it "avoidable". I feel like a lot of people try to take the definition of NTR as gospel when people who use the term to avoid it only use it because it's the only decent/common descriptor for what they dislike not because it's wholly accurate.

If we're talking about the scene you specifically brought up, people who dislike NTR would obviously dislike anything that leads to it or begs the question. Your clarification of the scene only made me more sure the NTR wasn't actually avoidable just optional. The very scenario reeks NTR from the jump, no one who's not trying to cuck you would even think of a setting like that let alone force the player to engage with it. If the settings are being written like this it's clear who the dev is pandering to and what they want you to click. This all seems so obvious to me that I can't help but tin foil hat think that people are simply trying to trick us into playing a game we won't like. Eventually I wake up and assume people wouldn't care enough to do that but not everyone second guesses themselves as evidenced by the vitriol spewed on both sides, often unprovoked.

The proper solution, which is implemented in plenty of other initially NTR games, is to be given the option to avoid NTR scenes closer to when the build up starts. For example, the aphrodisiac scene should never happen if I'm trying to avoid. Going by the way you describe the scene there should ideally be an alternate scene/route that don't involve either the aphrodisiac or the minotaur, ideally both. Maybe this isn't as obvious to someone who doesn't mind NTR but both aphrodisiacs and beefy men alone in a room with the player's SO are pretty much exclusively NTR/Rape tropes. Their very inclusion makes my dick shrivel up in fear of what's to come. In other games it's common to be cucked as a result of neglecting the SO, so the option to avoid NTR should be in whether or not the player chooses to pay attention the SO before another man or whoever enters the picture at all. From your description this game sounds like a case where the plot is so NTR driven it's nigh impossible to make the NTR avoidable without writing a bunch of alternate scenes and plot descriptions that don't clearly play up that vibe.

Either way this is mostly the fault of the f95 devs refusing to expand the tags to include more appropriate tags for situations like this. There should really be a tag for things that use cheating/NTR as a plot driver which is much more indicative of whether or not someone who dislikes NTR will like the game as opposed to whether or not the NTR is avoidable/optional though even that would help too. That way people like me would never even bother to enter the thread of a game like this and you'd only be left with the absolute dipshits who go around looking for trouble and they can just be ignored/banned. Also to be clear I'm only here because I remember the game from back before it was properly tagged and they were just implementing the NTR being """avoidable""".

Appreciate you clarifying the scene as that pretty much cements the devs intention to not make an actual non-NTR route as well as your attempt to understand and extend an olive branch to the other side.

editedit; Read more and judging by the rest of the thread this game seems to be exceptionally well written NTR and inspired by some of the most beloved dark fantasy/NTR/rape stories in the business (dark souls/berserk) so I don't see how you can actually make something like that avoidable when the drama of stuff like that is so integral to what they they appear to be going for. Feel like that'd require a lot more work on stuff they're not interested in than I'd feel comfortable asking of their team. Best of luck to the writers and I don't have any issues as long the NTR tags stay as they are. Glad to see ya'll getting/making something good.
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