
Apr 23, 2018
One of the few good story based games out there.Really love the characters and everything.The only problem is it's not a typical ren'py game.I wish there was less chaotic way to play this game.It's intriguing and everything when you're playing for the first time.but when you're playing for umpteenth time,its really hard to trigger the events that you want to see happen.
Man do i dig the shaya*rowan scenes.They're amazing.
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May 8, 2020
doesn't anyone have all the sex scenes CG s , I've opened a lot of them, but there's a lot that hasn't been opened.


Jan 7, 2021
Huh, interesting. Probably a wise decision though, I imagine Rowan/the player has enough on their plates.


Jul 23, 2019
Huh, interesting. Probably a wise decision though, I imagine Rowan/the player has enough on their plates.
Also, the nemesis would probably took space from the other NTR routes. They can't release only NTR, so this would mean less Andras and Jezera path so we can have a nemesis arc. Also, it could be hard to make a new character successfully seducing and stealing Alexia with Andras and Jezera trying this since the beginning of the game. Divoce is probably be an option in the future too, so stealing Alexia may not have that much impact in some routes.
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New Member
Aug 2, 2020
...I can't stand the lame plot. If they're able to defeat Rowan so easily, what's the point of luring him away with a trap? Also, what's the point of getting a hero's help to lead their army or whatever? It's not like that's something he specializes in.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
I don't have any insider info about what the devs have planned for the future, but I think the nemesis could make a lot of sense for act 2.

With the Twins having a target on their backs after conquering a city as large as Rastedel, they will probably have to seriously look into alliances with other corrupted forces, the nemesis could potentially be a liaison of one of the other big players sent to the castle to coordinate their efforts. Bonus points if she's a former hero like Rowan or has been building a heroic reputation so that it also makes sense for them to have to keep a friendly appearance and occasionally work together when spying on the humans.

I think such a dynamic could lead to interesting interactions: If Rowan is becoming corrupt then their rivarly could be instigated by their respective masters pitting them against each other to see who was the best "corrupted champion". If Rowan is submissive to the Twins then they could try to command him to best the nemesis while they continue using and humiliating him, to intimidate the nemesis and send a message ("we can enslave one of the most competent heroes and turn him into our bitch, imagine what we could do to you"). And if Rowan is still defying the Twins and resisting the corruption, then the nemesis could REALLY have it out for him, and the Twins could give her carte blanche to fuck with Rowan as much as she wants if it means breaking his spirit and having him give up on any kind of heroism.
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Jan 7, 2021
If we're just spitballing out ideas, in that scenario I'd rather try to ally with the nemesis. I doubt they're being treated particularly well by their overlord(s)

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Same issue why the system was put to the side: too much work while they still need to progress the story and make the basic systems working well.

I get the feeling the nemesis system won't return anytime soon, if it returns.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
If we're just spitballing out ideas, in that scenario I'd rather try to ally with the nemesis. I doubt they're being treated particularly well by their overlord(s)
Based on the unused CG and the idea of she being a nemesis, I envisioned the nemesis character being extremely corrupted, she has already fully embraced the idea that "might makes right" to the point where she doesn't even resent her overlord anymore, and at least at first she wouldn't have any reason to think allying Rowan would give her any benefits (maybe she could fakeout sympathizing with Rowan's position to get the best of him early on).

Maybe as a conclusion to their rivalry she could be made to switch sides if Rowan is the victor: A corrupt Rowan could convince her he is "dark overlord" material and that she should serve him. And a Rowan that is loyal to the Twins could convince her to join the winning side and betray her overlord, with both of them serving the Twins now.

But for a pure Rowan? I think she would hate his guts and have massive resentment over the fact he still thinks he can be a real hero after being made to serve demons. I don't think there should be any way of turning her unless we go the route of Rowan somehow managing to "purify" her and getting her to restore the good in her that had been buried down for so long... of course that, knowing this game, imediatelly afterwards she would be caught and Rowan would be forced to watch while she was tortured and mindbroken.

Same issue why the system was put to the side: too much work while they still need to progress the story and make the basic systems working well.

I get the feeling the nemesis system won't return anytime soon, if it returns.
I said it would be an interesting idea by the time act 2 rolls around, we're still probably over a year from that since the devs are still gonna finish revamping the skills and equipment systems, add the entire goblin forest area and quest, rework the conquest of Rastedel, and who knows what else before they consider act 1 finished. I don't think it would be too unreasonable to expect the devs to have the "basic systems working well" by then, and if that's the case then I think the nemesis system would be a pretty cool way of expanding beyond the basic systems.

Ultimately, I want the nemesis system for act 2 particularly because by then the player needs a break from having the Twins as constant antagonists they can't overcome. For a corrupted Rowan, regardless if he is truly loyal to them or not, it wouldn't even make sense for them to keep acting so extremely antagonistic to him since Rowan is becoming everything they wanted him to be. And for a pure Rowan, since he probably won't get the best out of the Twins until act 3, might as well give him an antagonist he is allowed to beat for act 2, because like I said before, it would be extremely tiresome if act 2 continued with Rowan unable to get any real victories.


Dec 31, 2019
Does anyone else has problems where the game freezes/lags? i would have to constantly close out the game and restart. Any solutions to this?
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