
Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
Honestly it seems like most of the named NPCs would be open to joining Rowan, and I think this is ultimately the goal—eventually by building Rowan’s relationship with the significant NPCs, the player will be able to build up his powerbase under the twins’ noses. Helayna and Grayhide are obvious, sure, but Cliohna is clearly interested in Rowan and doesn’t give a fig about the twins outside of access to research materials; Cla-Min is extremely interested in making Rowan a member of her clan, which a manipulative player could easily take advantage of to secure her loyalty; even Skordred grudgingly recognizes Rowan as the champion of chaos (or whatever, I don’t remember if that’s what he calls it), and if Rowan gets more or less on his good side by doing Chaos-things, I think if push came to shove, he’d side with the champion over the twins.

Basically very few people really like the twins. Most people just go along with them because they have no other reasonable options, and if Rowan gives them one, well...

Oh, and X’zzy is a hardcore RowanxAlexia shipper in her updates, stating outright that they’re literally the only reason she came along with the twins, so you should probably stick her in their camp unequivocally. At least until we know more about her motives, anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
Juliet's last name is actually Villele. Werden is the name of the duchy that house Villele rules. Duke Antoine is called "Werden or Duke Werden" instead of "The Duke of Werden" because that was a common naming convention for nobles historically and I like the way it implies an intermingling of his title and his identity.

This is compared to Raeve Duchy which is actually ruled by house Raeve. (One presumes that the original house Werden is extinct in the male line).


Jun 13, 2018
shit someone taught me how to mention someone but forgot so I'll just "quote" you
It's all up in the air at the moment, to be honest, it could be anything, and I highly encourage people to think of each character as a separate part of the story instead of being tied to others.
The twins could stay together they could go against one another, they could come under someone else's rule, both or just one of them.
Same with Rowan and Alexia, their love and influence stats will play a big role I reckon.
Other players are also in the play as you said, for now, Cleohna is a confirmed one, she seems to have her own plans of world domination with her siblings who are imprisoned in the holy city, My guess is they are Demons.
As Rowan, you could both submit or dominate her or keep your distance.
The potential is near limitless, especially when we're just at the beginning of the story, it all depends imo on how much content the Devs are willing and able to put in.
I can only look forward to what's to come I love this game every element to it is amazing gameplay, story, porn, and especially the gorgeous art.
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Active Member
Jun 2, 2019
I also think everybody would be swayable to Rowan's side except the Twins. Even brutes like Batri would be okay for a change in management if you offer him some power. Only problem would be keeping factions and people at the same time. For example if you recruit some dark elf slavers to your side, Draith would probably refuse to join. Goblins wouldn't probably want to share the power with orcs. If you recruit orcs first, goblins would side with other side.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
I want to see where each NPC or Faction currently stands by the end of Act I. What you guys think about it, and so forth.

diebesgrab, Ssamad8593, kiljaeden - I respect your views and actually agree with much of what was said. However, a lot of that is speculation and possibly many years down the line in the game's development. Being interested in one or both of the PCs, or along The Twins-Bloodmeen side of the axis doesn't necessarily mean that a certain character or faction would throw their lot with either. For instance, it's been pointed out that Cliohna is quite interested in Rowan and later Alexia, but still pursues her own agenda using Bloodmeen's resources and research facilities.

I actually placed the Cla-Clan with Rowan's camp originally on the table, but was convinced otherwise by Aykarin. Perhaps that will change with further debate. Who knows? Skordred currently acknowledges that Rowan is Chaos's Champion, I agree; though, I still think he's there more for Bloodmeen's sake (and not necessarily The Twins') than Rowan's in the end. Having not delved into advancing an intimate relationship between he and Rowan, I can't tell you if there's further revelations that would make it so that his ultimate loyalty would fall with Rowan by Act's end.

The Orciad Orcs would ultimately lie with Bloodmeen, wouldn't it? Regardless of where its chosen leader would align himself or herself to, yes no? It would be tough to get that army to tow the line and follow Rowan's banner even if you could get its warchief to fall in line with the PCs at this point of the story.

Ssamad8593 - You can mention specific users by using placing an @ symbol before typing out the user's name. A list will pop up after a few characters to help autofill it even. Cheers! ;)

At Rein, I think I got "Captain Alain" and "Captain Alarie" from old changelogs actually. So... same character then? I can't even recall who they are in the first place. :ROFLMAO: Someone from Raeve Keep maybe? They might even be dead...

Juliet's last name is actually Villele.
I shall fix that momentarily. Thanks.
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Dec 3, 2019
Okay, so I've quickly tried to gather the factions and NPCs from memory and from the discussions found around here. Why? 'Cause I was curious about something as explained here. Help me build the list. (See spoiler.)
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Faction / NPC Loyalties (by end of Act I)
Rowan / Alexia
(Can or will join the PCs, or can be convinced to switch from The Twins.)
The Twins / Bloodmeen
(Will join or remain faithful regardless of the actions either Rowan or Alexia.)
(Follows their own agenda or has loyalties elsewhere. Or undetermined.)
GreyhideBloodmeen Standing ForceArmies of the Six Realms
Lady Eleanor DelaneShayaCliohna
Juliet VilleleX'zaratlNasim
Patricia CrevetteIndarahJak
Agatha / YgrissBatriUlcro
HelaynaAmeraineDuke Antoine of Werden
???DazzanathJacques and the Copper Faction
Adventuring Party of Qais, Sheera, et al.
Aryzl and the Midnight Court
Black Ness
Heartsong, Whitescar, Red Sun Alliance

After looking for NPCs, I was going to give a short reason for why they were placed where they were on the table. But I'm tired after that. ^^' So unless you think someone or a faction was incorrectly placed, I'll let it stand. However, let's see if we can't fill this out more! Be awesome in the meantime, y'all!

Edit: aykarin, I didn't see your post until after refreshing the page with this post. I've kept Cliohna and Nasim in the third column since they appear to follow their own goals over other concerns, I did move over the Cla-Clan per your suggestion however. I don't believe Shaya, Draith, or Indarah would break from Bloodmeen since Shaya is a close friend to Jezera and Indarah is indebted to The Twins. I've removed Draith from the table for now (edit#2, again, lol). The Fae Factions appear only willing to work with either our PCs or Bloodmeen to further their own goals without aligning themselves to either in full commitment (per my understanding of many users' posts including yours). Also, as I recall Ameraine is also a personal friend to Jez as well, is she not? In any event, thank-you for the well-thought out and for the most insightful post, Aykarin. For now, I'm going to give this time to stew for a bit and see what others have to say before making further changes or additions. Off to other things for now! Be safe, y'all!

Edit #2 - Draith removed from the table (again).
Edit #3 - Corrected Juliet's last name and clarified Duke Werden in the table.
I think Mary's alignment could easily change, because of her relationship with Alexia. If the dev intends to create events between Mary and Rowan, than it would be even easier. But it doesn't really matter, as she is a perfect case of many NPCs that - even though make great scenes - don't have much to offer in a coup against the Twins. What I believe would change everything is if Kharos, the God of Darkness or something like that, interfered and nominated Rowan as his true heir. I know, I know, it seems rather bizarre. However many things point to that direction. For example, the existence of Kharos and Solansia points of favour. Also, since the beginning, the game has presented the idea that as Rowan grew closer to the Twins, and so "Darkness" and Kharos, he also distanced himself from Solansia, representing his old life and "Light". Well, if I'm wrong or not, we'll have to wait, as the game seems quite far from the end.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
You think so? I believe Mary is steadfastly loyal to Jezera despite working together or having fun with Alexia. When it comes to her servants that personally serves her, it's stated that Jezera takes her time and fully vets the candidates. And Mary is one of them -- going so far as marking her body for Jezera.

What do y'all think? Do you guys think she'd be able to throw her lot with Alexia over her mistress when it comes down to it by the end of Act I? Is this possible in the current version of SoC?

Oh, and X’zzy is a hardcore RowanxAlexia shipper in her updates, stating outright that they’re literally the only reason she came along with the twins, so you should probably stick her in their camp unequivocally.
Wait wait wait, X'zaratyl only came to Bloodmeen because of Rowan and Alexia and not because of her friend, Jezera? Did she even know who they were before even arriving to Bloodmeen? (I mean, outside of what Jezera might have said about Bloodmeen and Rowan off-screen when Jez first invited her.) X'zaratyl didn't even recognize the couple when they first met, right? Ret-conned? I heard there was a little bit of a rewrite to allow for a fit better with the new content centered around the character. Having not played through this, if the player makes the most optimal choices in regards to X'zaratyl, could Rowan/Alexia actually secure her loyalty above The Twins by the end of Act I? Or would she just be infatuated with the couple and continue to remain faithful to Jezera in the end?


Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
You think so? I believe Mary is steadfastly loyal to Jezera despite working together or having fun with Alexia. When it comes to her servants that personally serves her, it's stated that Jezera takes her time and fully vets the candidates. And Mary is one of them -- going so far as marking her body for Jezera.

What do y'all think? Do you guys think she'd be able to throw her lot with Alexia over her mistress when it comes down to it by the end of Act I? Is this possible in the current version of SoC?

Wait wait wait, X'zaratyl only came to Bloodmeen because of Rowan and Alexia and not because of her friend, Jezera? Did she even know who they were before even arriving to Bloodmeen? (I mean, outside of what Jezera might have said about Bloodmeen and Rowan off-screen when Jez first invited her.) X'zaratyl didn't even recognize the couple when they first met, right? Ret-conned? I heard there was a little bit of a rewrite to allow for a fit better with the new content centered around the character. Having not played through this, if the player makes the most optimal choices in regards to X'zaratyl, could Rowan/Alexia actually secure her loyalty above The Twins by the end of Act I? Or would she just be infatuated with the couple and continue to remain faithful to Jezera in the end?
No, in the rewrite she’s got this whole fanfiction thing worked out in her head for RowanxAlexia; she was apparently following news of Rowan’s exploits (and researching his home life) during the war. I’m not exaggerating when I call her a fangirl shipper, that’s 100% how she’s presenting herself. I suspect she has other motivations, but her real interest for now seems to be RowanxAlexia, period. Without knowing more about what she ultimately wants, it’s hard to say exactly what she’d do, of course, but if we take what she says at face value, all she wants is to wallow in RowanxAlexia, she doesn’t really give a crap about anything else.


Jun 13, 2018
I actually placed the Cla-Clan with Rowan's camp originally on the table, but was convinced otherwise by Aykarin. Perhaps that will change with further debate. Who knows? Skordred currently acknowledges that Rowan is Chaos's Champion, I agree;
Skordred recognizes Rowan as the Champion of Chaos only if you decide to go with Might makes right as the modus operandi.
Opposite with Cla-min who you gain favor with by choosing Feudalism.

The Orciad Orcs would ultimately lie with Bloodmeen, wouldn't it?
I think it depends on how you treat them and whether you sided with Tarki from the start.
Personally, I'll rather have them all slaughtered for all the rape and pillaging they commit against us humans.

What I believe would change everything is if Kharos, the God of Darkness or something like that, interfered and nominated Rowan as his true heir. I know, I know, it seems rather bizarre.
It does seem bizarre, I do think the two gods play a role but direct intervention seems to be unlike them, especially Kharos who likes to watch shit unfold, I believe it was Nassim who said Kharos strongly stands by his motto of might makes right that he would even let his own priests fend for themselves at the face of annihilation.

Wait wait wait, X'zaratyl only came to Bloodmeen because of Rowan and Alexia and not because of her friend, Jezera?
It seems like it, she has an interest in Rowan and she develops a love for him and alexia, she seems to be interested in watching over their relationship and willing to participate if Rowan lets her in, she also seems to have an interest in helping Alexia get pregnant and also hints at being interest in it too. Probably both getting pregnant and impregnating Alexia if allowed by Rowan idk.


Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
I liked the old art much more to be honest. Is there a way to roll it back?
No, not without modding the game. (To modify it, replace any CGs with the old style in game's directory after UnRening it. This will only get you so far since new CGs will be created to the current visual style of the game.) The team is trying to bring a similar style to the CGs in the game so that it doesn't look like it's been hacked and duct-taped together from a wide variety of sources and styles. In fact, existing CGs will be touched up as needed to bring them in line with a similar visual theme for continued consistency. Personally, I approve of this move as it makes the game look a lot less amateurish.

Re: Fangirl X'zaratyl
That actually sounds super interesting! More folks interested in the Dirt General pre-Bloodmeen is awesome.

Re: Skordred
Oh yes, I forgot that going with a Fuedal-type of system will ruffle Skordred's feathers. As I recall though, he gets over it with time, but it's been ages since I played so it's possible I may be misremembering how this pans out.

...have lactation scene?
Other than with Emma, I don't believe so.

Other NPCs (not an exhaustive list) that are not yet placed onto the table... (Where should they go?)
Draith, Drokk, Francois, Emma, Krug & Snug, Maud, Captain Alain / Captain Alarie, Darla the Huntress, Garforth, Kethar, Koh, Mikael, Nileth, Obelius, Rylea, Shani, Sil, Sister Gwen, Tarek, and Valrys.

Many of them may not even need to be placed on there such as Drokk, Krug, or Sil. They may be dead, are a one-off throwaway character that will not return or will not leave a lasting impact, subsumed by another or another faction, or have little more than animal-like intelligence such as Black Ness.
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Dec 3, 2019
It does seem bizarre, I do think the two gods play a role but direct intervention seems to be unlike them, especially Kharos who likes to watch shit unfold, I believe it was Nassim who said Kharos strongly stands by his motto of might makes right that he would even let his own priests fend for themselves at the face of annihilation.
Well, whilst this is quite dissapointing, it also makes it easier for the MC, as he doesn't need clear nomination and can just proclaim himself.
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Aug 3, 2019
Making somebody your ally who is willing to betray their master is completely different to simply gaining that person's trust. I agree that Skordred and Cla-Min can become close to Rowan, but I don't think this is enough to secure their support in case of an open struggle between Rowan and the Twins. Like somebody said earlier, probably the player will eventually be able to sway to his side almost every NPC in the castle. But that's in the long run, only in the much later part of the game. I don't think Rowan could gain much support at the end of Act I.

Also, SoC will probably be similar to BioWare's games, where certain morally-aligned decisions divide your party, making some of your companions support you and others oppose you. I'd be willing to bet that gaining support from every NPC in one playthrough will not be possible in any case. Winning over some of them will require decisions that isolate the others.

Regarding X'zaratl and her obsession with Rowan & Alexia... I have my own theory about this. I don't believe we can trust X'zaratl 100%. True, she seems trustworthy and wants our protagonists to love each other even more, but at the same time she is a succubus, a type of demon specializing not only in sex, but also in deception. Whereas in terms of gameplay X'zaratl's scenes serve as a counterweigh to large amount of NTR options, in terms of her role in the plot I don't think she could join the "good"/Solansia side. All her events give the player big amounts of corruption points. This is just my own theory, but I suspect X'zaratl isn't truly in love with Rowan & Alexia, she is just playing with them, introducing them to new fetishes and willing to see how far will they go. Her plan is to corrupt them, not to help them.
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Feb 12, 2018
No, not without modding the game. (To modify it, replace any CGs with the old style in game's directory after UnRening it. This will only get you so far since new CGs will be created to the current visual style of the game.)
I'd have to get the old CGs from somewhere first. I'll see if there's any left in the public build.
The team is trying to bring a similar style to the CGs in the game so that it doesn't look like it's been hacked and duct-taped together from a wide variety of sources and styles. In fact, existing CGs will be touched up as needed to bring them in line with a similar visual theme for continued consistency. Personally, I approve of this move as it makes the game look a lot less amateurish.
Normally I'd be all for style consistency, and I know a few projects which quality was hurt overall by mashing unfitting art together, but old art style is the reason I care for Seeds of Chaos, and it hurts seeing it go.


Mar 18, 2018
Does anyone know if and how can someone decompile images or music? I tried using rpaextract but I keep get Errno13. I even tried using command line to grant myself full control and even after I do that successfully nothing changes.


Feb 12, 2018
Does anyone know if and how can someone decompile images or music? I tried using rpaextract but I keep get Errno13. I even tried using command line to grant myself full control and even after I do that successfully nothing changes.
I extract everything with Unren, never had any issues.
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