
Dec 15, 2018
Oh I'm fully aware. I was being vague in my response to avoid drawing the ire of the SoC devs that post here. I consider patreon to be a scam, so I occasionally tend to go overboard and the devs who occasionally post here get pretty petulant about the subject.
I mean they do deliver content consistently. Their value proposition is just not at all compelling.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
I mean they do deliver content consistently. Their value proposition is just not at all compelling.
As a point of comparison, consider how much content SoC actually puts out in any given release cycle. The standard at present is 50k-60k words or so of professional quality writing, which is almost a small novel. We also pair that our CGs, which are of "genre leader" quality and come out at more then weekly.

As an overall package, the value proposition of a SoC Patreon membership is far in excess of the standard H-Game Patroen page or H-artist patreon page.

Sure, the value proposition of buying the game on steam is somewhat better even then that (by design). But, that's only because at a "Price to buy" vs "ammount of content level", Seeds of Chaos is basically sitting on a throne of skulls composed of our H-game competitors. How many others can boast more then a million words of content and hundreds of high quality CGs? I can only think of a few off the top of my head.

I've bought H-games before on steam, and I'm a patron of several of my contempoaries. Basically, no one I spend money on matches SoC in terms of raw contnet and very few match it in terms of quality. And what few do usually don't match it on reliability of update schedule either, which is definitely a point of pride for us, and in practical terms is a point of value for our consumers.

So basically, yes the value proposition of buying SoC on steam will normally beat out Patroen, provided getting the release sooner and more frequently isn't worth money to you. But, that's merely a function of the *massive* value proposition of the game on steam, not of the value proposition of the Patroen being substandard.

Now, if you want to have a conversation about patreon value in the H-game market generally, well that's a discussion that can be had. But, SoC regularly beats that value standard, and the SoC forum thread probably isn't the place for such a discussion anyway.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
I mean they do deliver content consistently. Their value proposition is just not at all compelling.
EDIT: Turns out I was ignorant of what a "value proposition" is; which means I replied to you about something you didn't intend (the compellingness of recent content). Still- I'll leave up my questions in case anyone else wants to talk about the subject matter.

I disagree- but I am curious about your viewpoint.
Negative feedback is useless to the devs unless you qualify it- so here is your chance.

Your feedback begs the question,

What would you find narratively compelling??? :WaitWhat:
Or perhaps rather what did you find narratively compelling in the game so far that you want more of?

For me the most compelling meta-plot has been Rastedel.
The least compelling has been Alexia's job arcs (its mainly just fan service; and the whole logic behind her doing the jobs she is doing is incredibly flimsy and not extrapolated upon at all; why would a logical Rowan who is resisting the twins and loves his wife send her to do any of those jobs? There tons of other things she could be doing that would be more utilitarian and less abrasive.

The logic is like: "To vaugly help Rowan / the war efforts."
She doesn't have any end goal in her jobs and she and Rowan don't talk about any main goals at all

To spy, to sabotage, to make allies, to research specific topics, to make funds ect? Who knows- it is not talked about. The job arcs are fundamentally pretty aimless.

But from the last update alone:
I found the new narrative including Werden being a total Elitist-clown compelling.
I found the Rowan vs Jezera banter, argumentation logic, and their fight scene compelling.
I find the power building in the NPC arcs compelling.
I found Alexia / Rowan coming to terms with non-mongomy (or really not) in the 3-some compelling.
I found the development of a Rowan x Cla-min romance compelling.

What I didn't find that compelling in the last update.
One off events. I still enjoyed the two hetero ones with Rowan and I like the world building in them; but they are largely just fan service to get some hot sex scenes in.
Last edited:


May 1, 2021
All joking aside, yes, this game has been in development for a long time considering the progress they made. Until somewhat recently the game’s development has been rather haphazard and without a sense of direction. Which led to a fair amount of bloat, working at cross purposes, or the creation of scenes that would later end up scrapped.

However, the developers have started making a development road map to keep them on track and limit their focus. Thus far it seems to have made a big difference and the development is proceeding much more smoothly. Would it have been nice if they had this level of forethought and planning at the beginning? It certainly would have been nice. But it is too late to change the past. At this point all that can be done is to learn from the mistakes and to do better in the future. Which they do seem to be doing.

I don’t know how long everyone else has been around. Myself it been about 9 months, but I first discovered the game on where the latest version is 0.2.47 which came out in mid 2019. And the differences between the game now and then are fairly monumental in terms or game play and writing. And even in the 9 months I’ve been playing the latest version the games continued to improve in quality dramatically. So overall I’m pretty happy with the direction the game is going in. Do I wish it was being developed faster? Sure, but that is mostly because I enjoy the game so much that I can’t wait for more content.

That said, they have fairly recently brought two new writers onto the team so I think it stands to reason that we can expect the pace to pick up a bit in the future.

The reason the main story isn’t currently being advanced is because the developers want to wrap up all the loose threads they created in the past and give all the important characters the depth their patrons are demanding, before finishing up the current act. It makes sense that they wouldn’t want to start the development on the act 2 while still devoting a lot of time and resorces to tying up the loose threads and adding depth to the characters in the 1st Act that would ostensibly be finished.

Here is the latest roadmap they put out. Please note that as of this last update Cla-Min’s Arc and the Prologue Rework are complete.



As for Patreon...

Personally I believe that nobody should subscribe to Patreon with the intention of receiving a product. I have never come across a Patreon that I felt was worth a long term investment to receive whatever product they are making. No matter what they are providing with enough time the subscription will eventually out pace the realistic value of the product. Hell, most of them you could get anything worthwhile by subscribing for one month, maybe another month here and there just to get the new stuff.

Now I am NOT saying that Patreon is a scam. All I am saying is that using it is not an effective way to purchase a product, no matter how much some people try to make it or want it to be. The purpose of Patreon is to contribute to the livelihood of creatives, so they can continue to make whatever it is they make. Any fringe benefits that a patreon may receive be should be an ancillary to that purpose.

Patreon isn’t that different from tossing a bit of change to a talented street musician every day as you pass by, and maybe if you donate a certain amount he will ask if you have any requests. Long term it would be cheaper to just buy any songs that he would cover, but that isn’t the purpose of your donations in the first place.


May 24, 2019
For me the most compelling meta-plot has been Rastedel.
Of course we would find Rastedel arc being the most compelling of them all as it is the result of the small choices we me made in game and shaped Rowans character and several characters resentment, desires, actions etc

1)Kharos got to have his fun and create chaos

2)The city Nobles,Elites and Aristocracy got a huge blow for being complacent and careless, puting their hubris and desires over their duties is why they are here in the first place, depending on what path you are on you could consider this as Rowan sticking it to the elites for not giving him what he was owed.

3)The Orcs get a good fight

4)Skorded and the other chaos faction gets to see Chaos rise again

5)Rowan gets to have more mates

6)The twins get power and their desire to rule,kill, pillage etc

7)Helyana/Julliet finally got Rowans love [depending on player and whatever form the writer have in store for them (・・;) ]

8)Clionha finally gets to stick it to the Solanse and hoard knowledge (and maybe own Rowan ?)

9)Nassim gets to be a plastic surgeon experiment

10)Draith gets to be pegged and away from the crazy Dark elf dominatrix

11)Patrica,Werden,Jack gets what they are owed and more(player dependednt)
12)Ameraine/Aleksi finally gets revenge and achieve a bit of their hidden goal.

I think that's all for now but I still feel the emotion during the Raid is missing more things like the pot is missing more characters interest or visit

The least compelling has been Alexia's job arcs (its mainly just fan service; and the whole logic behind her doing the jobs she is doing is incredibly flimsy and not extrapolated upon at all; why would a logical Rowan who is resisting the twins and loves his wife send her to do any of those jobs? There tons of other things she could be doing that would be more utilitarian and less abrasive.

The logic is like: "To vaugly help Rowan / the war efforts."
She doesn't have any end goal in her jobs and she and Rowan don't talk about any main goals at all
As for Alexia, I feel we could see her arc climax later on during the story but, so far as the wife of the hero I feel she's doing fine for now as she represent what Rowan stood for and her changing also represents Rowans change in a way, at the same time she could be the foil for Rowan later when they build back their village or as an anchor to his past.

But from the last update alone:
I found the new narrative including Werden being a total Elitist-clown compelling.
I found the Rowan vs Jezera banter, argumentation logic, and their fight scene compelling.
I find the power building in the NPC arcs compelling.
I found Alexia / Rowan coming to terms with non-mongomy (or really not) in the 3-some compelling.
I found the development of a Rowan x Cla-min romance compelling.

What I didn't find that compelling in the last update.
One off events. I still enjoyed the two hetero ones with Rowan and I like the world building in them; but they are largely just fan service to get some hot sex scenes in.
I get a weird feeling Werden wasn't supposed to go down soo easily, it just doesn't sit right I feel like we missed to remove a thorn on our side. Σ(;・益・;; )!!!

Rowan Vs Jezerra is fun when we don't get served else it's a pain to not strangle that slut.


Mar 2, 2017
Patreon isn’t that different from tossing a bit of change to a talented street musician every day as you pass by, and maybe if you donate a certain amount he will ask if you have any requests. Long term it would be cheaper to just buy any songs that he would cover, but that isn’t the purpose of your donations in the first place.
Exactly, the hint is in the name.
Aug 21, 2017
I have a quick question for the game since I've been putting a couple hours in and haven't gotten too far. Is Andras the only character that has more of a focus on humiliating Rowan when Alexia and Andras are in an NTR relationship? Because that's really the only thing that bothers me in most NTR in which it focuses on humiliation (bigger penis, ect.) so if the other options for Alexia don't really focus on that aspect I'd rather go that route.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
I have a quick question for the game since I've been putting a couple hours in and haven't gotten too far. Is Andras the only character that has more of a focus on humiliating Rowan when Alexia and Andras are in an NTR relationship? Because that's really the only thing that bothers me in most NTR in which it focuses on humiliation (bigger penis, ect.) so if the other options for Alexia don't really focus on that aspect I'd rather go that route.
With malicious intent yes. That said Rowan is one of the smallest dudes in the game.

No other route hard focuses on that though. The biggest character is Greyhide- but he isn't designed to make the player feel like garbage. Even if he makes Rowan look like a baby.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
I have a quick question for the game since I've been putting a couple hours in and haven't gotten too far. Is Andras the only character that has more of a focus on humiliating Rowan when Alexia and Andras are in an NTR relationship? Because that's really the only thing that bothers me in most NTR in which it focuses on humiliation (bigger penis, ect.) so if the other options for Alexia don't really focus on that aspect I'd rather go that route.
Thinking it over, nope. It is pretty much just Andreas' thing. I don't think he would permit anyone else to play with his toys.
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Aug 21, 2017
With malicious intent yes. That said Rowan is one of the smallest dudes in the game.

No other route hard focuses on that though. The biggest character is Greyhide- but he isn't designed to make the player feel like garbage. Even if he makes Rowan look like a baby.
Thanks for the response but yea that is what I meant, how he purposely tries to humiliate him. Obviously Rowans' dick isn't going to be the biggest lol, just not a fan of that type of stuff.

Rowan ain't got to be the biggest anyway, he got Alexia as his wife. Lucky guy


May 1, 2021
How to survival form this??
Looks like you hit one of the game few game over scenes. Thjere are 5 possible game overs in the game. The fist is to refuse to serve the twins durring the prologue. Second is failure to capture the nearby village with in three days. Third is failure capture nearby Raeve keep by week 22. Fourth is if you do not recruit the Orc Army locted in the northwest AND visit Rastedel in the northeast by week 60. An the final one is is if you refuse to help the twins capture the capital city Rastedel

You seem to have ran afoul of the forth one. If you haven't already resolved the conflict the the north west orc camp you will need to load an older save as it will take at minimum several weeks of game time to resolve. If you haven't visited Rastedel then it only takes one game week to do.


May 24, 2019
Here is the latest roadmap they put out. Please note that as of this last update Cla-Min’s Arc and the Prologue Rework are complete.

View attachment 1657063
rivon , A sad 6 months for us Helayana fans ( p_q)

I do wonder if Ameraine will get a story arc considering her artworks are pending and we will work with her in the future plus it seems odd not to use the time to atleast delve more into the mysterious being.

Finally a voice of reason!
┬┴┤( ͡⚆ل͜├┬┴┬

your almost done with the coding ? or do we expect more broken saves ?
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Oct 17, 2017
rivon , A sad 6 months for us Helayana fans ( p_q)

I do wonder if Ameraine will get a story arc considering her artworks are pending and we will work with her in the future plus it seems odd not to use the time to atleast delve more into the mysterious being.

┬┴┤( ͡⚆ل͜├┬┴┬

your almost done with the coding ? or do we expect more broken saves ?
Chill Hel fans. Now that Liurial's rework is in it's final stages (I've been scripting the finale all this week) I've started investing more time in brainstorming for her already.

RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Not to reopen an old discussion but i love too much how the mandatory fuck the zoomers:

Came after this:

Broken english gigachad, must be a fellow boomer :LUL:
Only now i realize it should have been ntr hater written there. Change the means of what i wrote a lot. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
X'zaratl first encounter with Rowan and Alexia was great! you feel the seduction, which leads to a hot threesome until Rowan came in with his 4k ass lol.
after that good vibe from her first scene X's got less and less involved in her next scenes ...fertility scene could be added way later when getting close to pregengenanto Alexia , futa content is small as is, please don't make it like another hetero scenes or Rowan receiving a dick.
something worth mentioning is the writing is the best i have seen in porn games.

also, i did some simple blender poses for motivation
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and silly one
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It seems we have opposite views on what would be hot. Cool to put in the extra effort in blender doing poses tho. Particularly the suggested cucky vibed Hel x Alexia futa scene with Rowan there just passively laying there looking peeved would be a bonerkiller. It'll be better if he gets to be a active part of that.

I'd love for Rowan to get a Male transformation event - a double dick Rowan event sounds amazing; I certainly wouldn't find it boring. All the transformation events so far are Lexi getting a dick(2), Rowan getting Analed/sucking cock (1-futa lexi) or bimbofying Alexia(2). [Admittedly, 4 scenes is a pretty small pool so obviously you aren't going to have a ton of content diversity in that].

Though I'd prefer a masculine transformation- I wouldn't mind a Fem Rowan on Fem Alexia either. Game has almost no good yuri in it. Basically just the Alexia x Liurial and the Jezera x Shaya Scene. No Jezera x Alexia and Mary don't count- NTR tag overrides other shit for those of us who dislike it.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
X'zaratl first encounter with Rowan and Alexia was great! you feel the seduction, which leads to a hot threesome until Rowan came in with his 4k ass lol.
after that good vibe from her first scene X's got less and less involved in her next scenes ...fertility scene could be added way later when getting close to pregengenanto Alexia , futa content is small as is, please don't make it like another hetero scenes or Rowan receiving a dick.
On the contrary, I’d say we need more futa on male scenes. Particularly futalexia on rowan. To be honest, the gentler, less forceful vibe of the X’zaratl rework killed some of my immediate interest in the character beyond her granting Alexia a dick, so I’m hoping that future events with her will start to showcase some darker intentions—it doesn’t have to be wholly selfish, but I want to see her shaping her OTP in ways they don’t necessarily (initially) want.

Game has almost no good yuri in it. Basically just the Alexia x Liurial and the Jezera x Shaya Scene. No Jezera x Alexia and Mary don't count- NTR tag overrides other shit for those of us who dislike it.
Again on the contrary, if we get more yuri outside Jezera, my main interest would be a route that leads Alexia away from men (and dicks) entirely. Lesbian conversion is the best conversion.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
On the contrary, I’d say we need more futa on male scenes. Particularly futalexia on rowan. To be honest, the gentler, less forceful vibe of the X’zaratl rework killed some of my immediate interest in the character beyond her granting Alexia a dick, so I’m hoping that future events with her will start to showcase some darker intentions—it doesn’t have to be wholly selfish, but I want to see her shaping her OTP in ways they don’t necessarily (initially) want.

Again on the contrary, if we get more yuri outside Jezera, my main interest would be a route that leads Alexia away from men (and dicks) entirely. Lesbian conversion is the best conversion.
Amusingly. I wrote all three of those pairings mentioned.
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