Dec 28, 2019
Jezera only enters sexual situations where she's dominant. Even in a traditionally submissive position she has all the control, topping from the bottom as it were.

The only way we have a threesome is where Jez has the couple completely under her spell. You are either under her or you kill her. Her nature won't allow for anything else. She might play the part of the content mistress and act totally redeemed for a couple of years just waiting for the opportunity to take revenge. Rowan will regret not killing her.
While I agree that Jezera only enters into sexual situations where she's dominant, I think that's more a reaction to past mistreatment during her younger and more vulnerable days than natural inclination. Nobody will ever look down on her, mistreat her, or discard her like a piece of trash ever again. And that to her means being the dominant party. That doesn't mean she wouldn't enjoy sex as a submissive, only that she'd never consciously choose to allow it as long as she has both the power and sufficient presence of mind to prevent it. In the scene with Shaya she got so lost in pleasure she did allow Shaya to dominate her, at least until she got a hold of herself, realized what was going on, and switched positions.
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Jun 15, 2018
They are not allowed on Patreon so it is not even theoretically possible.
Patreon lash out even on much less controversial kinks.

Erotic hypnosis was banned because it demonstrated a power dynamic in which someone did not have the power to say no, and Patreon does not allow for anything non-consensual. Body transformation was banned because it demonstrated someone being forced to change their body for someone.
Any kink that can be considered violent, such as the sadism and masochism dynamic depicted in BDSM.
This also create self censorship when writer constantly has thoughts like : "did i cross the line here or im still ok? better not risk it."

The only reason they stay on patreon is because they think they will get the most money.
Sadly that also means writers will have less creative freedom and we in the end less refined content.
heh honestly that's not my problem. I just like game devs that are rebel and won't just nod to everything. There're lots of things on patreon with lolishota stuffs. There're lots of with rape and stuffs. They also have the choice of switching to subscribestar even. But again their choice, I won't push anything, just know that I don't place my respect to game devs that are basically lapdogs to puritans and ultimately this game is just not for me.


Jun 18, 2017
I think that's more a reaction to past mistreatment during her younger and more vulnerable days than natural inclination.
Dominating is as natural as breathing for her. I can easily argue she flipped positions with Shaya because she was done with rewarding her loyal servant and had to remind her who wears the pants.

The woman is a literal sex demon. Until I see some very compelling flashbacks pointing to the contrary I will assume she is being true to her nature. She doesn't need a tragic backstory to shape and justify her impulses. I don't think anything happened to her. SHE happened.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
So why is it that Rowan just calls Dibs on Helayna the twins back off, but don't back off his WIFE.
You'd think those dibs would be implied lol.
To my mind, they don't care about the dibs or Helayna. Tossing him Helayna is actually a tool to drive a wedge between him and his wife. For some reason, they are unusually invested in ruining that relationship even though it is literally the only thing keeping him there working for them. It is another indication to me that their irrational sadism far outstrips even their own self-interest.
Dec 28, 2019
Dominating is as natural as breathing for her. I can easily argue she flipped positions with Shaya because she was done with rewarding her loyal servant and had to remind her who wears the pants.
Jez has made enough comments about her brothel days and how men need to be handled in order for women to be avoid being mistreated that I consider it more likely that her dominance is a form of armor and shield than any sort of hard-wiring.

The woman is a literal sex demon. Until I see some very compelling flashbacks pointing to the contrary I will assume she is being true to her nature. She doesn't need a tragic backstory to shape and justify her impulses. I don't think anything happened to her. SHE happened.
Her nature is that of a hedonist. I doubt that she'd limit herself to dominance if she didn't think submission was dangerous to her own well-being.


Jun 18, 2017
Jez has made enough comments about her brothel days and how men need to be handled in order for women to be avoid being mistreated that I consider it more likely that her dominance is a form of armor and shield than any sort of hard-wiring.
That is incredibly generous and a lot of reading into a offhand comment. It is nothing any other ruthless madame wouldn't say, they also don't want their girls bruised up, bad for business.. Also don't you think its strange the amount of glee she takes in dominating and hurting others including women for someone with such benevolent beginnings?

And as for those beginnings I will say again: Sex Demon. Born from the literal seed of Satan.

She doesn't do what she does because she's scared of getting hurt (she can't really be hurt be mundane means) she does it because she likes it.

Her nature is that of a hedonist
A dominant one yes. Indulging in pleasure doesn't mean you enjoy it equally in every form. A hedonistic gay man isn't going to sleep with women for example. Its her nature to dominate and manipulate therefore it is what gives her the most pleasure since its what it aligns the most with her true self.

Sid in Toy story broke toys cause he was a little asshole, not because his father was killed by a crate of toys falling on his head and now a hurt Sid seeks revenge on all of Toykind.

Again. If I am proven wrong in the future then I am. But I there is nothing in what is depicted in the game right now that doesn't mesh with what she is presented as. Not without a massive dose of good will and reaching. Honestly at this point we might as well try to redeem Andras.
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Dec 28, 2019
That is incredibly generous and a lot of reading into a offhand comment. It is nothing any other ruthless madame wouldn't say, they also don't want their girls bruised up, bad for business.. Also don't you think its strange the amount of glee she takes in dominating and hurting others including women for someone with such benevolent beginnings?
I never said she didn't enjoy power differentials. I simply am not convicted that she's hardwired to be strictly dominant. I'm more inclined to see her as a switch attempting to repress her submissive side.

And as for those beginnings I will say again: Sex Demon. Born from the literal seed of Satan.

She doesn't do what she does because she's scared of getting hurt (she can't really be hurt be mundane means) she does it because she likes it.
I don't disagree with this statement. That said, I think you missed some of the nuance in my previous posts.

A dominant one yes. Indulging in pleasure doesn't mean you enjoy it equally in every form. A hedonistic gay man isn't going to sleep with women for example. Its her nature to dominate and manipulate therefore it is what gives her the most pleasure since its what it aligns the most with her true self.
She is very manipulative and she enjoys being dominant. No argument. But I also think there are clues that she may be repressing her submissive side.

Sid in Toy story broke toys cause he was a little asshole, not because his father was killed by a crate of toys falling on his head and now a hurt Sid seeks revenge on all of Toykind.

Again. If I am proven wrong in the future then I am. But I there is nothing in what is depicted in the game right now that doesn't mesh with what she is presented as. Not without a massive dose of good will and reaching. Honestly at this point we might as well try to redeem Andras.
I don't think there is currently enough to decide conclusively whether she's strictly a domme or a switch suppressing her sub side either way. So we can argue this all night with neither of us changing the other's mind.
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Jun 18, 2017
I don't disagree with this statement. That said, I think you missed some of the nuance in my previous posts.
I did not. I just disagree with your interpretation. There is nothing to indicate she has a repressed submissive side outside of what you decide to see there. Everyone we have seen her have sex with she had control and with Rowan and Shaya even took it back mid-coitus just to show she can.

I don't think there is currently enough to decide conclusively whether she's strictly a domme or a switch suppressing her sub side either way.
Hum. I got feeling from the posts before you thought her a submissive and even kind person that was being dominant and destructive as a shield to not to be a victim anymore. That she was made evil by abuse even. It is mostly that interpretation I had issue with hence the Silence of the Lambs reference. Sometimes people are not made evil, they just are.

If your argument is that she simply might enjoy being submissive during sex in the right circumstances then we disagree a lot less than I thought. That being said everything we've seen thus far reinforces the idea she is a dominant sex demon that occasionally indulges in pretending submission just to flip and take the power away from the partner. Its an even bigger show of dominance to do so from a "submissive" position.

Its a game, but one she literally can't lose. She hasn't been vulnerable or bereft of control in a sex scene yet. The closest we get is Rowan refusing her after she shoves her tits in his face.

So we can argue this all night with neither of us changing the other's mind.
Well, after this post I think what we disagree on is fairly more minor than I thought. The argument if she is just a domne or a switch is much less earth-shatering than the one of her being a victim made into an evil sex demon that just needs some good loving hero dick to become good again.
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Jun 18, 2017
It is another indication to me that their irrational sadism far outstrips even their own self-interest.
They are a blip in the radar of the realm without daddy Rowan. Surprised he can walk while carrying this whole evil empire on his back.

I hope the Twins do some really impressive and useful things the next game because as of now, they lucked into every good thing they have or were carried through it by Rowan. Have no reason to think that even now, if Rowan could get the necklaces off and disappear, this whole shebang wouldn't collapse in a week.


Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
They are a blip in the radar of the realm without daddy Rowan. Surprised he can walk while carrying this whole evil empire on his back.

I hope the Twins do some really impressive and useful things the next game because as of now, they lucked into every good thing they have or were carried through it by Rowan. Have no reason to think that even now, if Rowan could get the necklaces off and disappear, this whole shebang wouldn't collapse in a week.
A week? Nah. No way it would take even that long. If Rowan busted out of there on a Monday the orcs and monsters would run out of food by Tuesday. They would lose the capital on Wednesday. The treasury would be empty through theft and embezzlement by Thursday and the Fairy Realm would invade through the portals on Friday. They wouldn't make it through the weekend.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
They are a blip in the radar of the realm without daddy Rowan. Surprised he can walk while carrying this whole evil empire on his back.

I hope the Twins do some really impressive and useful things the next game because as of now, they lucked into every good thing they have or were carried through it by Rowan. Have no reason to think that even now, if Rowan could get the necklaces off and disappear, this whole shebang wouldn't collapse in a week.
There’s something to be said for an ability to find talented people to delegate responsibilities to and knowing how to use them. Rowan isn’t carrying their ambition, he and Cliohna and Skordred and Greyhide and Cla-Min are. Each one of them is massively talented at their jobs, to the point that in a less dire situation they could easily be called Mary Sues, and none of them would be working together in such tight coordination without the twins’ intervention; and that’s not even going into the folks whose contributions to the war effort may be less directly felt, but are still implied to be top of their fields like X’zaratl, Draith, and Shaya. Even then, without Jezera’s portals and Andras at the head of the army, there’s no way the resources at Rowan’s disposal would have been enough to conquer Rastedel, or even Raeve Keep. Rowan is more than pulling his own weight in all this, and he’s probably the lynchpin keeping it all together, but the twins clearly have a talent for identifying talent, pulling it together, and putting it where it’ll do the most good, even if without a buffer like Rowan they’d probably end up screwing all of that up afterwards. And remember, they recognize that they needed a buffer, it’s why they recruited Rowan in the first place, and have at least toyed with the idea of attempting to recruit one of the other heroes if Rowan is no longer performing for whatever reason.
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Nov 15, 2021
And why is there a female protagonist in the tags, if we play for a guy in a game like talk?


Jan 20, 2018
They either start liking women so the MC doesn't have to choose between love interests or they were gay and the MC is such a James Bond level of smoldering seduction that they turned bi just for him.
Love interests being bi is just a very convenient plot tool for almost all harem games. Simple as that.


Jan 28, 2019

- 2 new Goblin Recruitment Arc events have been added.
- The finale to the Liurial NPC arc has been added (including 2 sex scenes, Rowan x Liurial and Rowan x Alexia)
- 2 new Jezera NPC arc events have been added, which can be triggered from the "Spend Favour" option in her castle map location, after the capture of Raeve Keep if the player has enough favour (including 2 sex scenes, Jezera x Rowan, and Rowan & Jezera x Madeline)
- 5 new Chaos Incursion events have been added (including 2 new sex scenes, Rowan x Ghorza and Ghorza x Rowan, and 1 re-purposed sex scene, Rowan x Ygriss)

- 17 new CGs (with 57 variants)
- 1 new animation (Rowan x Cla-Min) with 1 variant
- 2 reworked CGs
- 2 new sprites (Tue-Row and Tue-San)
- 1 new BG (Castle baths)
4.00 star(s) 162 Votes