
Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
SoC's a dark fantasy game. Of course, Rowan can be more or less corrupt depending on the player, but right now, his fate is bound to the Twins, if he likes it or not. Moreover, I don't see Rowan usurping the Twins or going against them anytime soon. They still have his wife, a powerful bargaining chip.

Upcoming Update summed up in a Video.

Hilarious vid.

Hot voiced Cronie: "Sir... the Goblin population is skyrocketing again."
Mayor: "DAMNIT! Who is doing this? Who is this man? Who is this."

Meanwhile Rowan in Blackholt like. "Wonder who that could be."

Meming of course b/c Rowan is canonically shooting blanks :(. Maybe some day though.:cool:

I do wonder how much gob content we will see this release. Last release was very light on it.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
Alexia's descent into depravity is why people play this game. Not because of yet another boring male mc harem route.
Real dumb of you to assume everyone likes the game for the same reasons you do. There are plenty of reasons to like the game. If Alexia's was the whole game loop I'd un-sub and yeet this shit out the window. That arc is hella boring to me.

Also, its fucking insulting to the Devs / actually mind numbingly idiotic of you to say this game would be the same as a typical male MC harem game without the Alexia's depravity route. Harem can be done in interesting ways. The game would be interesting without any sex in it at all. Besides, like ALL kinks you need good writers to make plots gel. The dev's put a lot of intellect into a lot of different pathings. To me, Alexia's depravity route is the most basic/least interesting- it's not dissimilar to like like 90% of Japanese female MC corruption games. Her path is literally just which cock/s she chooses to ride on the cock carousel. She has little other character development. I'm not saying they didn't do a good job with it- it is obviously popular with some people, but don't try to pretend it is the only reason people play the game just to advocate for more of the content you like. It is inaccurate and frankly insulting to the rest of the work they put into the game.
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Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
Now, now, children. We're all hideous creatures living under bridges and various other pieces of infrastructure intended for transportation. Getting pissy over someone making a hyperbolic statement is silly, just ignore it and move along like the rational bridge monsters we all are.


Feb 10, 2019
SoC's a dark fantasy game. Of course, Rowan can be more or less corrupt depending on the player, but right now, his fate is bound to the Twins, if he likes it or not. Moreover, I don't see Rowan usurping the Twins or going against them anytime soon. They still have his wife, a powerful bargaining chip.

Upcoming Update summed up in a Video.

It'll def be a while. I'm curious how long Alexia would be a bargaining chip for a truly corrupt Rowan if we go down that path. It'll be interesting if we get one where he turns on the twins not caring about her so takes risks preparing for the backstab or another where he serves willingly but just stops caring about her so there's no need for her. Doubt it will happen and if it does be a long way off. Same for a cucked Rowan route, does he at some point get to say know what fuck her and form a stronger bond with Helayna, Liurial or whoever. But if that becomes possible that'd likely be an endgame thing.

I have a feeling the Rowan by the end of this will be a monster.

Now, now, children. We're all hideous creatures living under bridges and various other pieces of infrastructure intended for transportation. Getting pissy over someone making a hyperbolic statement is silly, just ignore it and move along like the rational bridge monsters we all are.
I mean dancingqueen could've tried not been a dismissive child to a simple question while you know been wrong, I like Y and that's why people play the game not boring X you like. Then cry because one post called her dumb and the other was sarcastic. A public forum is not their echo chamber or safe space.

It could be a selectable route.. You have to admit, if andras does father a kid with rowan's wife, he could be something else in the future storyline.. A new plot to be exploited.. It could be a new opportunity for the storyline to progress into.. If time is really an issue, the devs would have avoided the cla-min impregnation branch of the storyline.. But nope, they pushed through with it.. Why though? An offspring of a human and a goblin can't be powerful.. No.. But a human and halfling demon hybrid? Now you're talking a lot of possibilities.. And yeah, i agree that they could open an impreg branch for alexia and her lovers and put their offsprings on a nursery or something and put it on her stats.. Except Andras' kid.. Alexia and Andras' kid could serve as a goldmine for the future plot..
Though I'd love Rowan to impregnate every woman in sight tbh I think a lot more leg work would need to be done before an actual baby happens outside Alexia and Rowan, The way the story is done atm babies are a major sore point for Alexia and Rowan would be furious if Andras got her pregnant. An Andras baby or a Cla-Min baby should realistically be a relationship breaker. Considering how important babies are to Alexia and how important Alexia is to keeping Rowan compliant I don't think the story is at a place where a baby outside them two can happen for a while. At least not where the other knows.

Hilarious vid.

Hot voiced Cronie: "Sir... the Goblin population is skyrocketing again."
Mayor: "DAMNIT! Who is doing this? Who is this man? Who is this."

Meanwhile Rowan in Blackholt like. "Wonder who that could be."
View attachment 2185204

Meming of course b/c Rowan is canonically shooting blanks :(. Maybe some day though.:cool:

I do wonder how much gob content we will see this release. Last release was very light on it.
Hopefully just ALL the goblin content. They've had a war, they've got a population to rebuild blanks or not he can give it a good try it's the "heroic" thing to do. The content in blackholt is really good it feels like a place with a lot of characters. The goblins also feel like they can go two ways with Rowan, their admiration of him deepening or disappointment at the reality I hope that gets leaned into a couple of times. The goblins definitely stand out more than the chars in the orciad the only real standout was Delane imo and she's a bit of a stupid choice for Rowan to make considering the risks, which sucks because Delane is great. Not been much with Tarish either since. If it's not goblins I wouldn't mind some Jezera, Liurial or Helayna content either, the stuff with them 3 tends to be really good.

What I dislike is that your actions have no meaning, even though you convince them to not kill the humans because you have a great use for the they kill them anyway, you decisions and actions feel hollow like the game linear

Also for rowan to slay the demon king you expect him to be strong or something, but the twins can one shot him anyway, wish there were options to defy them in some things, like priestess fate of turning her into stone, or at least reverse it
I think it serves a point in showing ultimately the twins can't be trusted and they do what they want it also shows ultimately they don't mind losing Rowan. I think it's meant to be frustrating. Not that knowing that makes it feel any better of course!


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Also, its fucking insulting to the Devs / actually mind numbingly idiotic of you to say this game would be the same as a typical male MC harem game without the Alexia's depravity route.
That's hardly insulting or idiotic when it seems to strike pretty close to home. But you're welcome to provide your reasoning how Rowan's part of the game isn't very much a "male MC harem" with the protagonist getting to bone everything that moves and no one getting upset they have to share.
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Aug 21, 2017
That's hardly insulting or idiotic when it seems to strike pretty close to home. But you're welcome to provide your reasoning how Rowan's part of the game isn't very much a "male MC harem" with the protagonist getting to bone everything that moves and no one getting upset they have to share.
How would that not be seen as insulting to the devs, Alexia isn't a main character for a reason, Rowan is. If you think the devs would appreciate someone saying that a majority of their game is a boring cliché and that the side character is more interesting and the only thing people show up for, I don't see how that wouldn't be a slight against their writing capabilities. Monk did provide reasoning behind what he said but you either didn't read what he stated or purposely ignored it to feign ignorance. Just because a game does something that's common, it doesn't inherently make the game bad. Because the writing and plot in SOC is so great that is what elevates it above a "cliché boring harem game". I also fail to see the point you're arguing when Alexia plays the exact same way? Does she not fuck everything in sight if you allow her to do so? If you like the cuck content who cares, but don't sit there and pretend that every other person who enjoys the game is also only here for the NTR. If you're one of the people who want Alexia to be the MC then I'd recommend you just stop playing because it's never going to happen.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2017
How would that not be seen as insulting to the devs, Alexia isn't a main character for a reason, Rowan is. If you think the devs would appreciate someone saying that a majority of their game is a boring cliché and that the side character is more interesting and the only thing people show up for, I don't see how that wouldn't be a slight against their writing capabilities. Monk did provide reasoning behind what he said but you either didn't read what he stated or purposely ignored it to feign ignorance. Just because a game does something that's common, it doesn't inherently make the game bad. Because the writing and plot in SOC is so great that is what elevates it above a "cliché boring harem game". I also fail to see the point you're arguing when Alexia plays the exact same way? Does she not fuck everything in sight if you allow her to do so? If you like the cuck content who cares, but don't sit there and pretend that every other person who enjoys the game is also only here for the NTR. If you're one of the people who want Alexia to be the MC then I'd recommend you just stop playing because it's never going to happen.
In what universe is Alexia not a main character? The lowest possible position Alexia could be called is the deuteragonist. Alexia is more important than every other character not named Rowan and has the heaviest amount of content after him. You remove her from the game and a huge, gaping hole would open up that cannot be filled.


Anywho, arguing a topic like this is a fool's errand, no one wins.

Sooooo, how about the tits on that new goblin queen looking character?
Aug 21, 2017
In what universe is Alexia not a main character? The lowest possible position Alexia could be called is the deuteragonist. Alexia is more important than every other character not named Rowan and has the heaviest amount of content after him. You remove her from the game and a huge, gaping hole would open up that cannot be filled.


Anywho, arguing a topic like this is a fool's errand, no one wins.

Sooooo, how about the tits on that new goblin queen looking character?
Come again? (look at attachments) (For the uninitiated chuds Mr. LA here is the creator of this here game SOC) Also nowhere did I state that I would advocate for any of Alexia's content to be removed from the game.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
How would that not be seen as insulting to the devs (...)
Allow me to repeat myself, because you appear to have gone off without reading to the end:
That's hardly insulting or idiotic when it seems to strike pretty close to home
If someone gets insulted and incensed hearing simple truth, well, that's their problem. Of course, it is perfectly fine to argue that provided statement wasn't true, which is precisely why i offered the person i was replying to a chance to do so.

Monk did provide reasoning behind what he said but you either didn't read what he stated or purposely ignored it to feign ignorance.
Feel free to quote exactly which parts of their post you believe disprove the notion that male MC part of the game is basically "a harem route". Because what i saw was:
Harem can be done in interesting ways. The game would be interesting without any sex in it at all. Besides, like ALL kinks you need good writers to make plots gel. The dev's put a lot of intellect into a lot of different pathings.
then it devolves into rant about Alexia's route. And well, "harem can be interesting and devs put lot of thought into it" is hardly an argument how the male MC part isn't one.
Aug 21, 2017
Allow me to repeat myself, because you appear to have gone off without reading to the end:

If someone gets insulted and incensed hearing simple truth, well, that's their problem. Of course, it is perfectly fine to argue that provided statement wasn't true, which is precisely why i offered the person i was replying to a chance to do so.

Feel free to quote exactly which parts of their post you believe disprove the notion that male MC part of the game is basically "a harem route". Because what i saw was:

then it devolves into rant about Alexia's route. And well, "harem can be interesting and devs put lot of thought into it" is hardly an argument how the male MC part isn't one.
First there is no "simple truth" because your OPINION of the game isn't objective so you might want to take your head out of your ass. IMO Monks' point seemingly boils down to stating that the writers of SOC have made the plot interesting enough to the point that the game isn't a "basic harem MC' as you and the other person stated. But sure what they stated wasn't really elaborated on so you can have that point. I do like how that's the only part of my response you decided to pick out, is there a reason you didn't respond to the rest of my comment? Or is it because you have nothing to argue against there?

I find it kinda funny that you seem to think that people are only arguing against you because somehow it's the "truth" and that "it strikes close to home". Did it ever occur to you that maybe, just maybe people are defending a character that they like and just don't agree with you and that other person's not very smart point? As I said earlier the fact that you are even getting any replies arguing against what's been said disproves the notion that "people are only here to see Alexia fall into depravity". Do people here not defend Alexia to the death anytime someone brings up a gripe that they have with her? I don't see why fans of Rowan can't do the same when it's something as egregious as stating that he's a boring run of the mill average character. If I were to say Alexia is your average horny slut housewife just like every women in every NTR ever would those people who respond to me upset about what I've said just be angry because it's the "simple truth"? Or could it just be that she's a character they enjoy and want to defend?
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Nov 27, 2020
How would that not be seen as insulting to the devs, Alexia isn't a main character for a reason, Rowan is. If you think the devs would appreciate someone saying that a majority of their game is a boring cliché and that the side character is more interesting and the only thing people show up for, I don't see how that wouldn't be a slight against their writing capabilities
Alexia has almost as much content as Rowan, if not the same amount. She's pretty much a co-protagonist. I echo the original sentiment, which is that Alexia and her fantastic descent into depravity is what makes this game what it is. The Rowan content is fine, but I come for Alexia (pun very much intended).


Feb 10, 2019
Allow me to repeat myself, because you appear to have gone off without reading to the end:

If someone gets insulted and incensed hearing simple truth, well, that's their problem. Of course, it is perfectly fine to argue that provided statement wasn't true, which is precisely why i offered the person i was replying to a chance to do so.

Feel free to quote exactly which parts of their post you believe disprove the notion that male MC part of the game is basically "a harem route". Because what i saw was:

then it devolves into rant about Alexia's route. And well, "harem can be interesting and devs put lot of thought into it" is hardly an argument how the male MC part isn't one.
Why are you asking someone to disprove it's a harem route when "same as a typical male MC harem game without the Alexia's depravity route. Harem can be done in interesting ways " was in the comment you responded to? I think you've got your wires crossed there. At no point do they say it's not a harem game or route.

Without Alexia's depravity route is the important part no? Since the whole discussion was about Alexia. That the game is not a harem game is you putting words in their mouth at no point do they say it's not a harem game. They're disagreeing Alexia is the only thing stopping it been a typical one and Alexia been the games main draw. Considering there's a gay route right there and how dark this game gets yeah I'd say it's pretty accurate to say Alexia is not the only thing stopping the game been the same as every other harem game. Hell Rowan can be anything from monogamous, gay, a cuck to a man whore. There's been a lot of work creating a lot of choice and routes that cater to multiple kinks and orientations. I'd say the games pretty different from say WVM, Milfy City or sisterly lust or whatever Alexia route or no.

You can take Alexia out right now and it's not a typical harem game. As any player that impaled Rowan on a foot of Minotaur cock can likely attest. It's a fucking harem game with Alexia's routes for a lot of players, which is another reason dancingqueen's comment was kinda dumb. The Alexia NTR route isn't the games main draw never mind it's only one any more than Helayna, Liurial, Jezera, Andras, Greyhide etc are.
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Aug 21, 2017
Alexia has almost as much content as Rowan, if not the same amount. She's pretty much a co-protagonist. I echo the original sentiment, which is that Alexia and her fantastic descent into depravity is what makes this game what it is. The Rowan content is fine, but I come for Alexia (pun very much intended).
Refer to my above post where I provide images in which the creator of the game clearly stated Alexia is not a protagonist. If that's why you enjoy the game that's fine, the issue is when people like you pretend that Alexia is somehow the only reason that people enjoy the game. If you aren't a fan of Rowan you don't have to be, but Alexia isn't the only thing bringing people to this game and sorry to say but Rowan is the main character not Alexia and that won't be changing anytime soon. IMO the game would be insanely boring if Alexia was the main character as I am someone who actually enjoys the plot and Alexia's optional depravity plot really provides nothing for me
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