Jul 24, 2017
that's all nice and good for people that are into ntr and stuff, but as long as that's a possible route, and not an definite route.

i'd sooner behead Andras and Alexia both if such a thing did happen once Rowan finally takes control from the twins and defeats them. Rowan does not need to put up with such shit especially since he has so many women that want him. i'm just waiting for when he dethrones the twins, kills Andras (and Alexia if she does get pregnant by Andras), makes Jezera one of his many breeding bitches, then he becomes the one true ruler of Bloodmeen Castle. have Clionha figure out if it's possible for humans and goblins and ogres to breed, if so, then Rowan Breeds Cla-Min and her daughters, if not, have Cliohna study to find out how to make it possible, breed Cliohna, Liurial, Helayna, meet up with that group of heroes that had that magician girl, and enslave her and breed her alongside with the rest, breed Tarish, meet up with the freed Lady Delane again and this time claim her for yourself and breed her. have Rowan then make deals with the dark elves and unlike the last time in where Jezera beheads a possible ally, Rowan does the talking and succeeds in favorable negotiations due to his large army he has amassed until now at this point. have Rowan breed Shaya, that tavern lady (forgot her name), that Succubus lady in Inner Sanctum. have Rowan have one giant harem and breed all of them and more (i'm quite a fan of breeding and impregnations as well), and have him not share.

and for those that are into male/male, have Rowan go and claim that fey sissy Nileth for his own and have Rowan go to town on his ass, and mouth, probably with Daggertongue as well together as an option. we need way more Nileth, i really liked him a lot. more bottom Draith. we need way more feminine looking sissies overall wanting to be claimed by Rowan. more chances with Cla-Bow for those that are interested in him.
It's all about choices. NTR should not be forced. Futa should not be forced (I don't like futa). Furry stuff should not be forced. Gay stuff should not be forced. Etc. Give people a choice to disable what they don't like.
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Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
For the love of god and all that is holy, please please please have Andras impregnate Alexia, then have Rowan cry when he finds out about it. Then after the birth have the smug Andras force Rowan to be the babysitter of his new cuckold-born baby.
Meanwhile, in the other corner of the castle.

Rowan and Jezera's adorable blue baby: "Waaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Jezera: "It's so cuuuuute"

Rowan: "Yeah, I know right."

*Andras enters Jezera's room with his adorable red baby in his hands.*

Andras: "What the fuck!"

*Rowan grins*

Rowan: "Hey man, Quid pro quo."

There is nothing hypocritical about hetero males finding lesbian sex erotic while male/male action disgusting. You are trying to be too SJWish(sorry for the term) or politically correct in your assertions. Straight males will generally find the female form appealing so F/F is fine, but would get instant boner kill with male/male. Its pretty much that simple. Its really not some kind of political statement or something. That said, where they might cross the line and turn into one of your "anti-homosexual" people would be if they are obnoxiously demanding removal of gay content or whatever. The devs did a good job making sure that all of the controversial fetishes are optional. If you dont like male/male stuff just make the right choice to bypass it.
Well, having seen people who were 'vehemently' anti-homosexual on various sites talking soo much shit about homosexual content, but seemingly have no problem with lesbians... It gets quite overwhelmingly humorous after a while.

You see, I am not sprouting some bullshit SJW agenda (I do however support Social justice, but not in some vile manner), nor am I some Far-leftist moron. I have absolutely no problem with people liking F/F content, or straight people, and I certainly do get your point.

What I unequivocally do have a problem with (And what you have mentioned), Is the moment when 'straight' people start sprouting shit about "Faggots are ruining Muh game!" without giving a single thought about how, when they are opposing homosexuality on the grounds of homosexuality, are forgetting that Lesbians are also 'Dykes', yet they never raise the torch to the lesbians. No body 'lynches' the Lesbians in some written diatribe or other... No, it is always the 'Faggots' who have to go.

And thus, if you see it from my point of view, you will see hypocrites as far as the eye can see.

This, is my point. And this is why, when people start raising statements similar to what is stated above, that is where I derive some humour. In their vehement dislike of the 'Homosexuals', they will near-inevitably use double-standards to explain their position against homosexuality.

"Oh, Lesbians aren't gay. That's totally not gay!"

Which is funny, in the same way that people defend traps.

"Liking Traps isn't gay, it totally isn't gay!"

But gays... homosexual males.

"Faggots are ruining muh game!"
"Lets go kill all the faggots!"

And thus, one reaches an Orwellian level of 'double-think' (In that they dislike Homosexuals, but also enjoy Homosexuals, dislike Gays, but like Lesbians), to think away their woes, castigating people for their enjoyment of two people liking the dick, whilst enjoying two chicks merely scissoring it out for their visual enjoyment. This is where I infer that, people who raise the above sentiments, generally tend to be, you guessed it, Hypocrites.

As for political correctness. I undress it, douse it in gasoline, piss on it, and set the bitch on fire with a match. Political correctness, is the death of logic and reason. Certainly, if I were under the pretenses of being PC, I wouldn't be using Faggot or Dyke in this conversation, now, would I? Nor would I mention the casual undressing, pissing on and burning of a bullshit concept.

Political correctness is a crutch for morons with a rather overwhelmingly big desire for Authoritarianism.

But, George Carlin explains this best.

Edit: Additionally, I find it funny that you are asserting that I am a "acting like a SJW", when you do not know 'anything' about me. I don't know anything about you, I don't know you as a person and I don't know your opinions et cetera. Even if I did, I would not act out in any way malicious, and I certainly wouldn't infer things about you or label you, because I, unlike many people in the world, pride myself on my integrity, and on my belief in 'civil' discussion, and all that such entails. You may say of this, as you will, insult me as you will.

I certainly am not going to soil your name, nor will I insult you as a man/woman/attack-helicopter, and I won't insult you by putting words in your mouth, nor to add words where that do not need to be there. I may insult your character, and I may insult you as a person, but I will not insult your name. So do not add words down my throat and Infer that I am being something of which I am not, or of an agenda, of which I am not, nor of a group affiliation, of which I am not. Because then, where will the basis of 'civility' go? When you may label me, but I shall not label you?

So, to reiterate, I am not a 'Social Justice Warrior', nor was I, through my actions, being 'Social Justice Warrior-ish', I don't have an agenda. What I am, is biased, but that is merely a part of the human condition, and what I am, is human.

Additionally, I would be a terrible SJW. for you see, I am white and guilty of so many sins. Sins of which I have not committed myself, but of which I am guilty regardless. And so, you can see why I would be a terrible SJW. Not to mention, most SJW's are hypocrites also, and it is a hard choice between choosing whether the Anti-gays or the SJW's are more hypocritical. Because fucking hell.

If you feel that you must throw words or labels to your 'opposition', or infer that I am acting in a certain way, what you should call me is a pessimist, or perhaps a cynic. When people start saying that I am acting in a way, of which I know I am not, I think I can justify myself for being within this league.

Not to mention, with the amount of Anti-gay comments I have seen in my life. A fair amount of pessimism/cynicism, is... I feel, quite a healthy response.

If I have to be called a 'SJW' for expressing my viewpoint that 'Anti-gay' people generally tend to be hypocrites, I shall continue to do so. I believe in equality. Even if that equality means that both Gays and Lesbians should be equally mis-judged by unsavory people. At least those Homophobes aren't hypocritical.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Another point is that narrowing the focus allows more consistent characters. The gay scenes kinda ruin the mc's characterization. "Everyone's bi-sexual and has a magic penis to cast a wide net", well okay it's not just positive, you lose something important alongside it too.
You decide how consistent your characters are. You want Rowan to be a heterosexual male? Only pick scenes where he bangs a chick. Literally every scene basically gives you a prompt "Do you really want to get nasty with this person? Do you? Are you suuuuuuuure? Are you really really really sure? Really?".

You can play Rowan as a sex-addict, a loyal husband, a sissy fag, or a pussy-slayer. It's up to you.


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
Man I am so not getting into that discussion. All I say is this:

It’s 2018. Anybody who has a problem with the fact that somewhere out there in the world there are gay people doing jolly gay things, and that somewhere in their games and movies and books there are also gay people doing jolly gay things - is going to have an interesting experience with reality in the years to come. (Unless they live in the middle east or Asia, then they probably might get away with their very... respectable views for some more years).

Now, moving on, I wanted to comment on something.

Another point is that narrowing the focus allows more consistent characters. The gay scenes kinda ruin the mc's characterization. "Everyone's bi-sexual and has a magic penis to cast a wide net", well okay it's not just positive, you lose something important alongside it too.
This is a well said point, and it has not escaped the writing team. While by design both Alexia and Rowan are at the very least bi-curious, other characters have more defined sexualities. A downright silly amount of time is spent debating:
- What is a specific character interested in sexually?
- Under what circumstances could character X fuck character Y?

We try to keep characterisation consistent, though with 4 writers on the team, each with varying content preference, it can sometimes be a bit of a challenge, especially as the amount of events increase over time.

If anybody here knows of any scenes where characterisation is glaringly inconsistent, they can point the out, and I’ll toss to them to my personal review “To do” list.
Aug 26, 2016
We will continue to pursue out content for fans who enjoy male on male content. We have no plans to stop. In fact, we hope to expand our M/M content more in the future.

We will also continue to provide contents for straight fans. I have been serious about this statement in the past and will continue to insist this. We will never take seriously the argument of straight only players who want to remove M/M content, because we have a sizeable audiece of players who enjoy M/m...so sizeable as to actually pay for the M/m content all by themselves. We will not be removing that content from the game full stop. Ever.

We much prefer a productive convenient about what people like or dislike about the content in the game, and affirmative things people want to see. If you want more of Rowan as a pitcher, Rowan as a Dom, Rowan as a sub, Alexia as a Dom/sub/slut/unicorn.

You will never ever convince us that a segment of our user base is illegitimate just because you want 6 straight or F/F scenes per month instead of 5.
Well, regardless of the content of a given scene, there generally speaking needs to be more dominant Rowan content. Also more of the elf-slut getting fucked by Rowan, because you can never have too much elf-slut.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
Alright, let's fucking do this.

I would argue that the market for well drawn 2dcg, in a western game is not saturated at all. 3dcg is. Your game is distinguishable from the mass of low effort porn games. Your game is one of a few in your niche. And I think the games main focus being M/F means you are indeed competing for that audience (and succeeded mostly thanks to quality art), I think you then need to prioritize them and compete even more harshly.

Polling can be a result of having gay scenes in and asking an established fanbase, people wanting content thats rare in general might be more vocal about it because they're more emotional/vested in it. You also have to consider stuff like are people exclusively into that content or are they merely ok with it and not really care.
You forgot about the other argument I made. Diminishing returns. The total audience share for H-games interested in M/M content is perhaps 10% to 15% based on statistics. Our internal polling shows that 10% to 15% of fans are vocally pro-M/M content. These people are funding the existence of these scenes IN ENTIRETY. In fact, it might actually be a bit undeserved, which is part of why we've been considering an expansion of M/M content.

We do not need a single straight male to fund the M/M content. Among straight male players, statistically speaking, all of it is going to M/F or F/F content. Not one.

What that means is that if we simply ceased to make these scenes, then said people would no longer pay for the game. Which means that we would make one fewer scenes per month to two months. Which means, that even if we removed the M/M content from the game, the same exact number of straight scenes would be getting made each month.

So stop using your buzzword about "prioritizing". If we would be making the same amount of straight content regardless of whether or not we were making gay content, then why exactly would doing that somehow improve the business side of the game? The only way I can think of is if there is some massive segment of homophobes who want to donate to the game but refuse because they don't want to touch "the gay stuff" in a game with optional gay content. Is that the market sliver you're talking about that we can't reach?

Do you understand why the way you are framing your argument makes you sound like someone in that sliver?

There is nothing hypocritical about hetero males finding lesbian sex erotic while male/male action disgusting. You are trying to be too SJWish(sorry for the term) or politically correct in your assertions. Straight males will generally find the female form appealing so F/F is fine, but would get instant boner kill with male/male. Its pretty much that simple. Its really not some kind of political statement or something. That said, where they might cross the line and turn into one of your "anti-homosexual" people would be if they are obnoxiously demanding removal of gay content or whatever. The devs did a good job making sure that all of the controversial fetishes are optional. If you dont like male/male stuff just make the right choice to bypass it.

Basically, what im getting at is that any kind of sexual preference is a valid one, and everyone should just respect each other. In the end, its the devs who make the choice on what to include anyways. Unless you are a patron with a dev that is open to suggestions on game direction, it doesnt matter at all if you dont like certain fetishes. If it doesnt suit your taste, you are not obligated to play it.
I agree. The reason the F/F complaint is valid, is because it's an answer to some forms of the anti-homosexual content argument that argue that focusing on too many fetishes dilutes depth. It's an attempt to disguise the more socially unacceptable "I don't want optional gay sex!" arguments. I, and I think Sexnati as well, were pointing out that if that were the case, what would be removed would be more expansive then "remove the M/M".

It's not an attempt to claim hypocrisy. It's a claim that an argument isn't being made in good faith.

Personally, the economics of the "issue" are irrelevant to me, my problem stems from a lack of consistent characterization. When everyone does anything with anyone, everyone is the same but with a different aesthetic. That's a major negative for me, as the story and characters of a given experience are what interest me.
You're going to need to explain this complaint better. What do you mean by choices lacking consistent characterization? Please provide an example of an inconsistency.

that's all nice and good for people that are into ntr and stuff, but as long as that's a possible route, and not an definite route.

i'd sooner behead Andras and Alexia both if such a thing did happen once Rowan finally takes control from the twins and defeats them. Rowan does not need to put up with such shit especially since he has so many women that want him. i'm just waiting for when he dethrones the twins, kills Andras (and Alexia if she does get pregnant by Andras), makes Jezera one of his many willing breeding bitches, then he becomes the one true ruler of Bloodmeen Castle. have Clionha figure out if it's possible for humans and goblins and ogres to breed, if so, then Rowan breeds Cla-Min and her daughters, if not, have Cliohna study to find out how to make it possible, breed Cliohna, Liurial, Helayna, meet up with that group of heroes that had that magician girl, and enslave her and breed her alongside with the rest, breed Tarish, meet up with the freed Lady Delane again and this time claim her for yourself and breed her. have Rowan then make deals with the dark elves and unlike the last time in where Jezera beheads a possible ally, Rowan does the talking and succeeds in favorable negotiations due to his large army he has amassed until now at this point. have Rowan breed Shaya, that tavern lady (forgot her name), that Succubus lady in Inner Sanctum. have Rowan have one giant harem and breed all of them and more (i'm quite a fan of breeding and impregnations as well), and have him not share.

and for those that are into male/male, have Rowan go and claim that fey sissy Nileth for his own and have Rowan go to town on his ass, and mouth, probably with Daggertongue as well together as an option. we need way more Nileth, i really liked him a lot. more bottom Draith. we need way more feminine looking sissies overall wanting to be claimed by Rowan. more chances with Cla-Bow for those that are interested in him.
Well that was...specific...

There will be an Overlord route. It will probably not play out exactly like that. We take generalized requests, but the exact nature of what happens will probably not be that specific.

More to the point, even in a more empowering context, the story here is not a complete empowerment fantasy. Even a Rowan that overthrows the twins will find that the world won't just bow to his whims. There will still be conflicts, failures, challenges, and things besides narrowly kicking ass and taking names. Good stories have conflicts. Bad stories do not.

It's all about choices. NTR should not be forced. Futa should not be forced (I don't like futa). Furry stuff should not be forced. Gay stuff should not be forced. Etc. Give people a choice to disable what they don't like.
That's essentially our philosophy. If a player does not like certain types of content, nothing in the game will force players to engage in it. There are always alternatives.

All six pictures were posted on momdadno's official tumblr account and I believe are still there.
Were they? I don't know the manner they got released. I just know that we didn't intend for their early release, and at present don't have much to say about the content with her. It's coming. Those scenes will be in the game. Just not yet.

Well, regardless of the content of a given scene, there generally speaking needs to be more dominant Rowan content. Also more of the elf-slut getting fucked by Rowan, because you can never have too much elf-slut.
There's more Helayna content this release. I plan on putting out another Helayna scene, god willing, in October. It's not like we aren't already increasing the dominant Rowan content.

Dominant gay Rowan, not just with feminine sluts but actual men. And let's not assume him as a complete bottom just because someone is bigger for fuck's sake.
There is a desire for more Rowan as a top M/m scenes. I can't comment on what those scenes will look like. I don't write the M/M content.


Conversation Conqueror
Sep 5, 2018
I might be in the minority but I really like male dom as well as hard NTR and all forms of cheating and shit lol. I love that this game can put up a coherent story that actually combines all of these fetishes in a single run. My main save is rowan banging all the chicks and claiming hylena while Alexia bangs Andras. It all flows well with minimal characterization clashes even when combining these opposing fetishes. He cant very well domninate the twins yet since his way weaker, so hes still their bitch which makes sense. I guess my only gripe is that Rowan is forced to be too morally conscious. I made a long post a while back about it. It would fit well if you are trying to play as honorable as one can be under the circumstances, but when you try to go really dark, there is a bit of clash with what would be reasonable based on his dialogue and monologues. Lack of dom Rowan scenes is noticable but im sure that will be worked on as the development progresses.
Jul 27, 2017
Since it has already been established that magic can make penises appear and disappear, one thing I'd like to request is the option to de-futa Roseln once she has been beaten. Futa on female is one thing, but Futa on male is another. This could be done with very little change to art, since you could just use variants. Similar things could also be done for other male on futa scenes.
Jul 27, 2017
I might be in the minority but I really like male dom as well as hard NTR and all forms of cheating and shit lol. I love that this game can put up a coherent story that actually combines all of these fetishes in a single run. My main save is rowan banging all the chicks and claiming hylena while Alexia bangs Andras. It all flows well with minimal characterization clashes even when combining these opposing fetishes. He cant very well domninate the twins yet since his way weaker, so hes still their bitch which makes sense. I guess my only gripe is that Rowan is forced to be too morally conscious. I made a long post a while back about it. It would fit well if you are trying to play as honorable as one can be under the circumstances, but when you try to go really dark, there is a bit of clash with what would be reasonable based on his dialogue and monologues. Lack of dom Rowan scenes is noticable but im sure that will be worked on as the development progresses.
I think the players and devs are talking past each other when it comes to dom Rowan. The devs keep pointing to Luriel and other super subs he bangs, but I think most the players are referring to his interactions with all the other characters. He tends to be submissive to almost everyone he meets, without ever being aggressive or even an equal partner, unless the characters are super submissive themselves. The way he is ordered around by Clan-min is a great example of this.


May 21, 2018
I think the players and devs are talking past each other when it comes to dom Rowan. The devs keep pointing to Luriel and other super subs he bangs, but I think most the players are referring to his interactions with all the other characters. He tends to be submissive to almost everyone he meets, without ever being aggressive or even an equal partner, unless the characters are super submissive themselves. The way he is ordered around by Clan-min is a great example of this.
You nailed that one.


Active Member
Jun 16, 2017
Seeds of Chaos has a unified thematic sense, has segments that tie in together, and a unified gameplay experience. We could have every fetish yet invented and two that only Alan Moore is into and we'd still be making one unified game, because a fetish alone does not make a game.
And here is where good writing and good game design comes in. Currently the game feels like a mosh pit of different flavors of genres. I feel like a centralized UI with the girls, eg Alexia, describing their "history" and the choices / scenes you made them go through will help tie this.

The best game that I've seen do this is . You need to play a few hours and watch how her profile changes. There's a lot of programming involved here, but it's all text / programming work so if you're a competent coder, this shouldn't be too expensive. Compared to you hiring some dude drawing a bunch of scenes; it's going to cost less man hours.

I'm almost inclined to write some library with RENPY using OOP to demonstrate a good way to code this... the challenge and fun is there. A well designed system will make adding / removing text in that menu a breeze. A badly written one will look like the guy who does Rogue-like which takes months to release bad code.
Aug 26, 2016

Hello seedlings,
Another month gone, and another release down. Again, like the last two months, it was a bit of a mixed bag in that release went smoothly, but there was practically no growth. Hopefully that will sort itself out, all we can do on our end is keep working hard, improving the game, and releasing on time.

Moving on, the date for the next backer release will be the weekend of the 27th-28th. As previously mentioned there will be a big focus this month on introducing Rastedel. This will involve opening up the second half of the Rosaria map (which will unfortunately require a new game to be started), with players now being able to travel to the capital, and begin the narrative arc that will form the conclusion of the game's first act.

To that end, Winter has been working away writing, splitting his work last month to do double duty, and we are hoping to give you the first two stages of the Rastedel storyline (which should be something like eight events) to serve as a solid introduction. He'll also be doing a bit more with Helayna, and a few small events, while Rein will be focusing on a few Alexia events.

Art wise, Sommy has already finished one Rastedel background that we will be sharing over the next few days, and he'll be working on another for the release. He'll also be doing two CGs for this release, one of which is a non-sexual story CG important for the Rastedel narrative. MDN has been giving his four CG descriptions, and I'll be sharing those with backers as they arrive. Finally Keidi has been working on the sprites for new characters needed for Rastedel, including the baron above - here's Winter to say a little about him.

Meet Baron De Rosa, the ruler of Rosaria.

Impressive outfit, right? Well, I'd say so. Anyway, for all of his power the Baron isn't there a 100% anymore. Kind of a problem in a system of one man rule. I doubt I need to explain what role he's going to have on the plot in too much detail. When the ruler is weak, what does his kingdom (well, barony) look like? We're also going to go deeper into his psychology and motivations, and perhaps even get a few surprises.

Back to you, boss!

That's all for today. We're really excited about Rastedel, and we hope you are looking forward to visiting too.

New update, Rastedel is coming up next. For the record, I''m kinda curious how noble ranks work in this setting exactly. Is Baron De Rosa just the guy's name or is it his title? I would assume that a kingdom would be led by a king.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
*Sound of whooshing battle-axe being embedded into bench table*

Woohooooo, conquest is at hand!

As they say... nothing pillaged, nothing gained.
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