
Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
I love this game so much, is very good and vicious. Can someone recommend a 2D out 3D game like this one, RPG, adventures, you control protagonist in kingdom, so he became king or just play with woman.
Sengoku Rance, maybe? Bit starved for that genre myself.


New Member
Apr 23, 2018
I can't seem to get past week 60, battle of rastedel at all since I always die because I wasn't able to get orc allies.

I don't know what to do and have been trying for the past 3 hours, searched all the posts in this thread, explored every single tile in the northwest and I still can't find the orc camp to get orc aid. I tried debugging events to force past the game over but I still don't know how. What am I supposed to do? The debug menu said I've explored every single resource on the map already so I literally don't know what I'm supposed to do next. The hexagon where the supposed orc camp is I've already explored but nothing ever happens when I enter into it. I haven't gotten any event to trigger to meet the orcs at all. What do I do?


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
It's literally at the northwest of the map. You can't get more west of north.

One tile from the road.


Active Member
Jun 21, 2017
You are literally standing on the camp.
Not sure why entering it does not happen.


Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
The cgs are high quality but I'm not going to play it until there's a story path to turn the tables on the demon siblings and start being the dominant one, if that'll ever even be added.
There had better be the option to fuck over the demon siblings, otherwise me and a horde of Angry orcs will descend upon the Offices of Lord Arioch's studio with picketing signs and shouted chants such as "Fuck Andras!" and "Give us the blue cunt!"

Of course, Lord Arioch would probably come out swinging the Berserk sword... so We'd be kinda fucked. But still, we better be able to fuck over Andras and Jezera or there will be riots.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
There had better be the option to fuck over the demon siblings, otherwise me and a horde of Angry orcs will descend upon the Offices of Lord Arioch's studio with picketing signs and shouted chants such as "Fuck Andras!" and "Give us the blue cunt!"

Of course, Lord Arioch would probably come out swinging the Berserk sword... so We'd be kinda fucked. But still, we better be able to fuck over Andras and Jezera or there will be riots.
It is named Dragon Slayer (Despite mostly slaying demons).


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
To the folks who are struggling to get Orciad to trigger. Please answer the following.

what version are you using? Is it a new save? exactly when are you trying to visit?

Our current theory is that there is specifically an issue with visiting early. We plan on giving it a deep dive a bit later.
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New Member
Dec 5, 2017
To the folks who are struggling to get Orciad to trigger. Please answer the following.

what version are you using? Is it a new save? exactly when are you trying to visit?

Our current theory is that there is specifically an issue with visiting early. We plan on giving it a deep dive a bit later.
Version 0.2.41, a brand new save with all SoC files deleted (including hidden files), and right away initially, but then continuously until I lose because of the time limit. Is that too early? Should I be going after a certain event?
Dec 3, 2017
Version 0.2.41, a brand new save with all SoC files deleted (including hidden files), and right away initially, but then continuously until I lose because of the time limit. Is that too early? Should I be going after a certain event?
Have you captured Raeve Keep yet?


Mar 2, 2017
Version 0.2.41, a brand new save with all SoC files deleted (including hidden files), and right away initially, but then continuously until I lose because of the time limit. Is that too early? Should I be going after a certain event?
Before turn 4? I've looked at Arioch's event code and it seems the event won't trigger until after then, but the tile is explored which makes it unable to trigger again.
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Aug 26, 2016

Hello everyone,

The backer poll has just closed earlier today, which means we now have our three colour CGs decided for next month. In first place, the gays have it with last month's new Andras x Rowan scene, followed by the Rowan x Helayna bedslave path domination scene, while bringing up the rear, in third, is the Ulcro x Delane scene from the Orciad. As usual they will be going on the commission sheet for the March release.

Meanwhile, as you can see above Sommy has finished the background he was working on this month for the Copper Club, somewhere you'll be visiting in future trips to Rastedel.
Finally, I'm well on with coding for the next release. I'll finish up and test over the next few days, meaning the release will very likely be out on time on the 28th as usual.

New update. Anyway, about the whole 2 CGs per scene thing, couldn't you guys just create a set of foreplay images for each character and re-use those to cut down on excess work? A couple of the Rowan x Alexia scenes seem to do this already, I.E 3 CGs per scene but the foreplay scene is used for more then one scene. Just a thought.

Deleted member 225626

Would have been great if there's an option to overthrow the twins, kill Andras and make Jezera your slave.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2017
Re: Machinations Against the "Masters"
Rowan faces difficult, often impossible, choices and must live with the consequences of his actions or inactions. He knows that he's a villain; albeit, a reluctant one, but does what he can from within while in service to his diabolic masters. Solansia's light has difficulty reaching Bloodmeen and her inhabitants so perhaps a few strings of fate were nudged just a little to help move and maneuver a certain piece into place...

(Sorry, I just had to have a little fun with that paragraph.) The short answer is "yes"--there are indeed ways to plot against the Twins, hurt them, and (later on) ultimately bring them down; like an undetected cancer eating away at a body from within. There are some subtle things you can do here and there [such as knowingly sending off a goblin caravan along with an orc detachment to their doom, cultivate your own agent to spy on the Twins (sp. Jezera), secretly saving the lives of certain individuals, and so forth], but it's infrequent and mostly in the background. The idea that Rowan (and others) can work against Bloodmeen and the Twins IS there and previously identified by the SoC team as a possible path, but development has focused on other areas. So long as Rowan isn't cowed by the demons and keep his corruption in check, he can still take pride in living by his morals and help others. Unfortunately, this path of subterfuge appears to be a low priority at the moment.

Re: Issues encountered in v0.2.41
Whelp, I finally got around to playing a more recent version of the game. I spent most of my time just enjoying it and creating an accurate map for the exploration part of the game; so, I wasn't really focused on doing a bug hunt. However, I had to chuckle and shrug at seeing some ancient and persistent typos that were still in the game. Anyway, I'm still around mid-40s on the turn week on my first run, and I got to say the Orcaid events were fun--they were really cool. Lots of things a player can do!

On the other hand, the expanded region was very disappointing. Respectively speaking, the entirety of the eastern map save Rastedel was boring. I mean, a single village near Raeve Keep, a Winery up north, and then one each of an Abbey, a Lair/Monster Nest, and Mine across the second bridge from the initial Portal amongst a landscape dominated by only two terrain types in that huge eastern area... It's lacking. The expanded map just doesn't compare to the more interesting western region. I get that sometimes less is more, but nothing is, well, still nothing. No offense intended at all but, I don't know, throw a village or something in that hinterland region south of the capital, yeah? As it is, it just felt "desolate". Thankfully, there are a lot of random encounters in the game to keep the spirit up while mapping out that region.

Alright, let's talk about some other issues real quick:
  • Villages - The game is not correctly tracking this. For example, in my current save, the game says I only have three villages under Bloodmeen's thumb despite folding all the villages in the exploration map towards the Twins. At least the Mines are tracked correctly.
  • Tech Tree / Build Data - What the heck happened here, guys? I'm literally researching and building blind. Virtually none of it has any descriptions about what it does or what things are unlocked once completed. It wasn't perfect in the past, but it was a lot more descriptive and useful once upon a time. Also, I don't think the research points from test subjects are being correctly accrued.
  • Tangentially, the income summary is still a mysterious mess. Like, if a player has 400gp in the treasury and a listed income of +50 or thereabouts, then why would spending 300 of it on building something would change the income listed to something crazy like -157 all of a sudden after deducting 300? (And after all that, a player will discover that she's still in the black despite what the income summary claims will happen at the start of a new week.) Even without building anything, one never knows what the amount in the treasury will ultimately end up at. It's confusing! An overhaul of it, or a financial page breaking everything down is needed. I just sort of guesstimate my way through whether there's a need for a positive cashflow or building something won't nix some criteria set by the Twins.
  • Inventory - This also took a back seat. Nothing's priced. I also horrifically discovered that clicking things spent my very limited funds. I just wanted to see what things were... Did NOT realize that right-clicking while hovering over items is how you go about looking into items in detail (heh). A short note about that is required to inform players. Also, while in Rowan's personal inventory, if a player right-clicks on items on his person the game crashes immediately.
  • Sidenote: I'd like to see the codexes get updated a bit more. For example, while going through the Orcaid events, that quest was being continuously updated. That's awesome. Other stuff, like Heleyna or Arthdale, could use an update to represent the current state of things. Oh, about Heleyna, a minor thing but I kept running into continuity problems in the story after assisting in her escape (as a paragon Rowan). As I said, it's minor, but wanted to note it.
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To the SoC team - This version was fun! Having not played for several versions, seeing the new additions to the game that I've ran across so far was impressive. *Thumbs up* Keep up the good work and here's hoping that the world in the game continue to be imaginative and detailed! Woo~!
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