
New Member
Oct 13, 2020
After Alexia in the dungeon it's no longer possible to assign her to a role on the main screen - the choose job button can't be clicked on. Did I do something wrong or is this intended?


Dec 10, 2019
After Alexia in the dungeon it's no longer possible to assign her to a role on the main screen - the choose job button can't be clicked on. Did I do something wrong or is this intended?
She spends a month in the dungeon -- corruption scenes can stack up, but technically she isn't free to work. Have you tried playing through a few (say, four or five) more weeks?
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Active Member
Aug 5, 2019
Can anyone share a save file with all gallery unlocked please? No matter how many times i try, i just can't trigger events and keep grinding :/
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
This is strange. I never get an option to build a Dark Sanctum after my initial choice to build forge, sanctum or tavern. I've always gone for a tavern first in my gameplay because of income. I'm up to week 57 in this playthrough with zilch succubi support or story events.

Looking around in research.rpy to see whether it relies on a research being complete, there is none for level 1 Sanctum. The only hit on sanctum in there is for "Contact Network" and that structure only has it for

    class ContactNetwork(Research):
        uid = 'contact_network'
        name = 'Contact Network'
        category = 'research and magic'
        cost = 40
        unlocks = 'Level 2 library, level 2 dark sanctum'

        def on_complete(self):
            castle.buildings['library'].max_lvl = 2
implying that Level 2 Dark Sanctum relies on Contact Network. Here's another thing about this btw. I never got the option to research Contact Network either so have been limping by on only a level 1 library on this playthrough as well. In previous playthroughs, that was always there or available very early on as far as I remember.

Grepping through the files for all sanctum hits we have a spot in "rowan intro.rpy" where sanctum supposedly is lumped in with all of the level 1 buildings that should be available without any research:

    python hide:
        # create starting buildings
        for uid in starting_buildings:
        # unlock first level of some buildings - they are available without research
        castle.buildings['tavern'].max_lvl = 1
        castle.buildings['sanctum'].max_lvl = 1
        castle.buildings['forge'].max_lvl = 1
        castle.buildings['arena'].max_lvl = 1
Then we have in "events/week_start.rpy" the spot where that initial choice of Forge, Tavern or Dark Sanctum happens:

    "Discuss construction with Skordred":
                $ castle.scheduled_upgrades.append('forge')
                $ change_treasury(-all_buildings['forge']['cost'])
                $ released_fix_rollback()
                scene bg6 with fade
                show rowan necklace neutral at midleft with dissolve
                show jezera neutral at midright with dissolve
                show andras displeased at edgeright with dissolve
                #If Rowan built the forge
                an "Excellent. Having proper gear should make my orcs actually somewhat decent in battle. I already have someone in mind to serve as forgemaster. I'll have him in by the time Skordred is finished building the forge."

            'Dark Sanctum':
                $ castle.scheduled_upgrades.append('sanctum')
                $ change_treasury(-all_buildings['sanctum']['cost'])
                $ released_fix_rollback()
                scene bg6 with fade
                show rowan necklace neutral at midleft with dissolve
                show jezera neutral at midright with dissolve
                show andras displeased at edgeright with dissolve
                #If Rowan built the dark sanctum
                je "I'm glad we're going to finally get sorcerers around here, they'll be able to give Cliohna a hand. Hmm, I'll have to see about getting someone to keep the succubi and incubi in line."

                $ castle.scheduled_upgrades.append('tavern')
                $ change_treasury(-all_buildings['tavern']['cost'])
                $ released_fix_rollback()
                scene bg6 with fade
                show rowan necklace neutral at midleft with dissolve
                show jezera neutral at midright with dissolve
                show andras displeased at edgeright with dissolve
                #If Rowan built the tavern
                je "The earlier we build our income, the faster we will be able to build everything else. I do hope you put the intelligence we get to good use as well. You're going to be playing catch up when it comes to building our armies."

So castle.scheduled_upgrades.append(whatever) is how things get scheduled to be built then. Where's that happen?

seeds-of-chaos-0.2.60-pc/game $ find . -name "*.rpy" -exec grep -iH "buildupgrade" {} \;./screens/buildings_screen.rpy:                        action BuildUpgrade(sel_bld)
./screens/buildings_screen.rpy:#~                                 textbutton 'Build/Upgrade {}'.format(castle.buildings[sel_bld].up_cost) action BuildUpgrade(sel_bld)
./screens/buildings_screen.rpy:    class BuildUpgrade(Action):
Looking at the code in "screens/building_screen.rpy" I see an iteration in the Workshop build menu section where all of the entries in castle.buildings is iterated through (setting bld) to see whether bld.can_be_shown() is true or bld.can_be_built() is true. I was just started on building my breeding pit so I jumped in the console and found that castle.buildings['pit'].can_be_shown() is True while castle.buildings['pit'].can_be_built() is False (probably because I was low on $$$ or it was in process). However both castle.buildings['sanctum'].can_be_built() and .can_be_shown() evaluated to False. So it never appears on the workshop build list on my playthrough.

Anyway, I let my pit get finished triggering the intro scene with Draith. Then I popped back into the console and forced the build of the sanctum:

After that the castle.buildings['sanctum'].can_be_shown() now returns True. I also had a sanctum in the basement on the next turn
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Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
This is a common enough reported issue in the present version, that I'd call it a general mistake rather than merely a bug. We know about the problem and it will be fixed for the next release.


Jul 2, 2017
For people wanting to see the scenes with the debug menu and don't know how to do it:
1. Download unren ( google it or search this forum )
2. Copy unren to the game folder
3. Run the script and select to enable console and dev menu ( option 3 if I remember correctly )
4. Close the command box and start the game
5. Play the game until you are in free mode ( aka in the castle where you can visit different rooms )
6. Bottom left click the blue "Show debug" button
7. Second button from the top "Events"
8. Click on one of the event groups on the left (All events, for example)
9. Select one of the events from the list in the middle and click "Force run now" ( right side, in the window that appears to the right)
10. Go through the events and just select a different one when it's done.

Note: If you get some errors, just click Ignore. None of them crashed the game for me ( so far )


RC-1138 Boss

Message Maven
Apr 26, 2017
Commendable effort, however I give 2-3 pages before someone start asking again.
Usually the ones who keep asking don't bother doing a minimum of research beforehand...:FacePalm:
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Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
Usually the ones who keep asking don't bother doing a minimum of research beforehand...:FacePalm:
Completely off-topic, but this year has really shown how badly "Joe Public" lacks common sense at even a basic level, which makes the lazy/ignorant repeaters seem like college graduates by comparison :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Okay I've traced down why the Dark Sanctum never shows up for building other than the static forge, sanctum, tavern pick menu at the beginning of the game. The devs use a Python class framework for castle buildings in game/core/buildings.rpy that defines a base class Building (derived from Python Object) that has a req_met method defined that simply returns true. Orc Barracks are defined as a class Barracks which derives from Building and thus inhierits this method. Then they define a MagicBuilding class that derives from Building which overrides this method with some more intricate checks involving library capacity.

Now here's the problem with the Dark Sanctum. They define it as an instance of a class DarkSanctum which has multiple inhieritance from both Barracks and MagicBuilding. Using Multiple Inhieritance is always fraught with peril for Python and C++ unless you take care to not define overlapping method or property names. Here they have defined req_met as a method in both parents. So what's a poor compilor/interpreter to do? Which method req_met ends up being used? Obviously the one that causes the most user grief! So I modded the DarkSanctum class def to explicitly redefine the req_met method to return True again. That fixes the can_be_built() and can_be_shown() checks in the creation of the Workshop build menu.

TLDR: Instead of waiting for them to do the next release in a couple of months where they fix this I'm attaching a zip of the game/core/buildings.rpy where I change the class def at line 130 from:

   class DarkSanctum(Barracks, MagicBuilding):
        def __init__(self, uid):
            super(DarkSanctum, self).__init__(uid)
            # remove equipment (cubis don't use it)

   class DarkSanctum(Barracks, MagicBuilding):
        def __init__(self, uid):
            super(DarkSanctum, self).__init__(uid)
            # remove equipment (cubis don't use it)

        def req_met(self):
            return True
The astute will notice that this basically makes the whole point of deriving DarkSanctum from MagicBuilding moot, but maybe their fix will end up doing something better with MagicBuilding down the road. It's still a really bad idea to have the same method name in both parents


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
Here's another edit added to buildings.rpy above to address the forge producing squat for equipment from available iron. The devs left capacity set to 0 for both the lvl 1 and lvl 2 Forge (available after research of smelting). This will only work on a new game since it edits values in the castle.buildings structure for both forge capacities. If you want to set it on the fly in the console do:



Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
My bad about commenting that Contact Network research wasn't available. It's usually one of the first things I do in early game and so I had forgot about it until I did a new playthrough to test my Dark Sanctum fix.

Did Opulence get pulled? I didn't get access to Brothel build until I had researched Fiendish Diplomacy now. Since that base is 120 moves it seems well nigh impossible now to take down Raeve Keep with a Spy. I didn't have it available until turn 18. I was thinking that it would be too late again this playthrough to get a Brothel up and running, spy implanted, and several turn wait out of the way to use that approach on the attack. I ended up taking it by force in turn 17 and then saw the research finished the next turn. That was with a fully staffed Dark Sanctum in place adding to research points. There's no telling how long it would have taken without one.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2018
My bad about commenting that Contact Network research wasn't available. It's usually one of the first things I do in early game and so I had forgot about it until I did a new playthrough to test my Dark Sanctum fix.

Did Opulence get pulled? I didn't get access to Brothel build until I had researched Fiendish Diplomacy now. Since that base is 120 moves it seems well nigh impossible now to take down Raeve Keep with a Spy. I didn't have it available until turn 18. I was thinking that it would be too late again this playthrough to get a Brothel up and running, spy implanted, and several turn wait out of the way to use that approach on the attack. I ended up taking it by force in turn 17 and then saw the research finished the next turn. That was with a fully staffed Dark Sanctum in place adding to research points. There's no telling how long it would have taken without one.
I managed to get Fiendish Diplomacy without cheating it out by getting abbeys fast AND scumming a Cliohna's Breakthrough event.


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2020
I still haven't played this game, but seems like Andras is the bull of Rowan (MC). How to defeat Andras? There is any mission to kill him? Or eliminate him like eric in big brother?


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
I still haven't played this game, but seems like Andras is the bull of Rowan (MC). How to defeat Andras? There is any mission to kill him? Or eliminate him like eric in big brother?
Nope it'll be literally years till any of that happens. The MC is basically his bitch currently. You can turn off ntr though, but that doesn't change you being his bitch. Plus you'll miss a good amount of content.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2019
It's obvious they were in the middle of a building and research revamp this upgrade, and that's why I mistakingly thought they had dropped Opulence. I did finally get it (and then Dark Subterfuge) in my second playthrough somewhere around week 30. They need to do some dependency cleanup here. I suspect they meant to swap Dark Subterfuge's spot with Fiendish Diplomacy in the research tree (ie going diplomacy -> opulence -> subterfuge instead of opulence -> subterfuge -> displomacy). If they had truly carried through on that in the code, the base for diplomacy should have been brought down to 40, subterfuge upped to 60 and opulence upped to 120. Also as part of that cleanup they should have dropped the "unlocks" for brothel in Fiendish Diplomacy leaving it in Dark Subterfuge to mimic availability of the brothel like in earlier releases. Otherwise maybe they were meaning to make the brothel available much earlier in the game?


Oct 20, 2019
So can we play as a girl or not? I am hesistant to try it since it says we play as Rowan but the tags says female protagonist too.
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