
Feb 10, 2019
There's a lot of unnecessary hatred in that post. I treated Alexia nicely, did not turn NTR on (unless it is on by default). Even followed walkthroughs. In the end, you seem to be projecting. I'm not bashing the game. Relax. I'm just warning people who don't like NTR to avoid a game with NTR. Why is there so much anger about this?
Have you not seen what this site is like? NTR is the kink that causes endless bullshit on here. A lot of people that dislike NTR cannot do what most do and ignore kinks we dislike. It's at such a silly level that the same people drooling over an MC fucking their daughter in one thread will be on another that clearly has the NTR tag and warn about it, label it disgusting ask for it to be removed etc. It happens all the time.

I don't like feet or pissing I don't go to games with them kinks warning or railing about it that's why the tags are there. Lots of people have kinks they dislike but those that dislike NTR seem to need to warn others or ask for it to be removed on a regular basis in a way that doesn't really happen with other kinks. So I'm not surprised it's met with hostility it's just how this site is now. The NTR in this is also avoidable or at least it should be. It can be turned of at the beginning, you can even leave it on and still avoid every NTR scene as far as I'm aware, you control Alexia as well for one thing. What did you run into that was unavoidable?


Jul 2, 2017
I'm just warning people who don't like NTR to avoid a game with NTR. Why is there so much anger about this?
we have tags for that. sometimes games don't have the proper tag for the content and you can warn others about it or ask people responsible for the thread to add it. this game has a ntr tag and the content related to it is avoidable. so basically what you want to do is pointless and unnecessary. it just seems like you don't know any of this (which should be obvious) OR you purposefully want to scare people away from the game. people's reaction, especially fans, is not that surprising my friend


Jul 2, 2017
I'd like to hear from you about what draws you to the world the devs are creating.
for me, it was the premise of playing the villain or at least working with the villains. you rarely see it in any genre. the idea of "saving the world" and "defeating the big bad guy" is sooooo overdone, especially if u play Japanese smut games. I don't care if in the end, we have to be the hero here because it's just so damn different from what I experienced before in other games.

also SoC's collection of my favorite kinks is a big yes for me

did I mention I have a weak spot for redheads? lol
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Down with Delta-G
May 8, 2017
I don't like feet or pissing I don't go to games with them kinks warning or railing about it that's why the tags are there. Lots of people have kinks they dislike but those that dislike NTR seem to need to warn others or ask for it to be removed on a regular basis in a way that doesn't really happen with other kinks.
But, but, but, how will people know if I don't go in and loudly declare that I don't like it :( But seriously I don't know why it's only this one thing that compels people to always come in and say something like "<three letter tag> Ignored!" Well you didn't ignore it did you? Literally got the heads up that you won't like it, but you didn't ignore, you came in and complained. As you said, I don't see people constantly doing this with pissing and other things. I have zero interest in pissing or scat, I see those tags and I move along. I don't get what this incessant need is to declare that one doesn't like <three letter tag> every single time it appears.

I really feel like on account creation (and for all existing accounts) a question should be asked: Do you hate <three letter tag>? If you click yes, then all <three letter tag> tagged games/art/VN/etc will be hidden from you. If you click no (or somehow circumvent the filter to get into a thread) and post the usual "omgzor <three letter tag> ignored" or whatever else, it just gets immediately deleted and you get banned from the thread with no discussion or warning. It would go so far to reduce so much toxicity.


Conversation Conqueror
Apr 27, 2017
But, but, but, how will people know if I don't go in and loudly declare that I don't like it :( But seriously I don't know why it's only this one thing that compels people to always come in and say something like "<three letter tag> Ignored!"
Basically, the fragile ego of someone who desperately wants to believe themself as being "The Alpha" but really isn't anything more than a scared child inside, and hopes to incite other people into behaving the same, or echo sentiments of others like them who have already done so.


Aug 28, 2017
Geez. My most beloved thread really devolved there for a bit. A lot of unwarranted things were said to the developers and a great deal of whinging about issues that are for the most part applicable to just about any game in development. I'd like to put out some positivity to help cleanse the thread. Let's have a discussion prompt.

1. What is the moment in the game that made you laugh out loud the hardest?

2. What is your favorite Rowan Scene?

3. What is your favorite Alexia Scene?

4. What is your favorite random event?

You don't have to answer all the questions. Heck, you can come up with your own questions. Just so long as they hold to the positivity. These are just ideas that hopefully can exorcise some of the bad ju ju of the last few pages. There is a lot to love about this game. I'd like to hear from you about what draws you to the world the devs are creating.
1) uuhh, that is actually kind of hard. i don't remember in particular anything that made me laugh out loud in this game. mind you, i really like this game, the cool characters, their background, the machinamations of all the people involved with either blood meen or rastedel and obviously i'm here for the sex as well. but i can't say i laughed at anything. if i had to guess i'd say i enjoy every scene with Nasim and the whole situation with orc alexia is amusing to me.

2) in terms of sex scene Rowan x Heartsong takes the cake. but from overall, considering who partakes and what's at stake, it's Rowan x Cliohna defying her. so high and mighty and yet slave to her own pride.

3) here again i adress two. the new Alexia x Greyhide scene is visually supherb, but the whole situation is way more arousing to me in Alexia x Liurial x Rowan, though that may be because i just LOVE any cuckquean and soak up anything anywhere i can find it.

4)it's the training event with the orcs in the big camp. lots of orcs, not trusting the human nor liking outsiders in their camp, the karnas shaman doesn't care for origin, if you have skill to show your worth, he trains you regardless.

a scene which stood out to me is Rowan breeding Alexia with Xzaratl's help. i usually don't like futa, because i only like dick if it's attached to a masculine frame, but i honestly have to reconsider by how earnestly she tries to help Rowan and Alexia to their happiness. well i'm excited to see how this will go in the future.


Mar 2, 2018
Curious on what the general state of things, roughly how long til completion, basically. Am pretty much waiting on that to play again.


Conversation Conqueror
Jun 21, 2018
But, but, but, how will people know if I don't go in and loudly declare that I don't like it :( But seriously I don't know why it's only this one thing that compels people to always come in and say something like "<three letter tag> Ignored!" Well you didn't ignore it did you? Literally got the heads up that you won't like it, but you didn't ignore, you came in and complained. As you said, I don't see people constantly doing this with pissing and other things. I have zero interest in pissing or scat, I see those tags and I move along. I don't get what this incessant need is to declare that one doesn't like <three letter tag> every single time it appears.

I really feel like on account creation (and for all existing accounts) a question should be asked: Do you hate <three letter tag>? If you click yes, then all <three letter tag> tagged games/art/VN/etc will be hidden from you. If you click no (or somehow circumvent the filter to get into a thread) and post the usual "omgzor <three letter tag> ignored" or whatever else, it just gets immediately deleted and you get banned from the thread with no discussion or warning. It would go so far to reduce so much toxicity.
I agree with the first part but not the second.

Deleted member 563623

Active Member
Apr 19, 2018
While I agree that the slow rate of story progress combined with the small team size opens the game up more to the always present possibility of “shit happens,” I’m curious if anyone’s actually aware of any large scale smut games that have had a more organized, more efficient team outside of the Japanese market? Or for that matter, any smut games that have produced more content in a similar period of time?

I’m honestly curious, I don’t play a lot of western porn games, and a lot of people accuse this game of a lack of progress. I understand most of them are just looking at the version number and making assumptions based on that, and I already granted that main story progression is really slow, but in terms of the amount of work being done and the content that’s been added, I’m actually curious what western porn games are out there that compare favorably.
Why limit it to smut games? In terms of quality and quantity of content rendered (and to a lesser extent, the price asked, which for various reasons can be forgiven for being terrible value compared to mainstream indies but that only goes so far), how does this project compare to the likes of Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress, Stardew Valley, Terraria, Pre-Microsoft Minecraft, etc etc etc?

(And that's mostly not a rhetorical question btw. I have my suspicions, but it's been a long time since i played this and i honestly can't give a comprehensive answer.)

I often wonder why should (full time) smut devs not be held to the same standards. Whatever the type of game being made, these are all solo projects or very small teams of 'amatures' here.


Apr 23, 2019
What are the new events names so i can see them in debug mode. I dont want to replay the whole game yet again.
While I really enjoyed the ending of that Alexia scene where the dark elf confirms to be the size queen we always suspected he was, I still want to see bestboy in action and can't find his events


Jan 20, 2019
My is unwanted and unneeded review of the game thus far, and yes, I have supported the game on and off for 2 - 3 years on Patreon, before anyone asks or claims otherwise; this is just a better avenue to post a review.


The experience this game provides is awesome. The setting is fantastic, the writing is fantastic, the art is fantastic. You can definitely see where the developers want the game to go, and what they want it to be. The game is massive as is and it's not even the end of Act I yet. I'm saying this even well knowing that my favorite aspects of the game have seemed to be more of an after thought to the dev team. Is the game worth playing? Yes. Is the game worth supporting? Yes. The game is awesome.


Here's where things get tricky, and don't take "Cons" as in "THIS IS BAD REEEEEEEE!"; take it more like these are my subjective opinions as an avid gamer both sexual and non-sexual, as a game developer myself in the game industry (non-sex related), and my honest critique of the game.

The first con and the biggest, is the actual game play. The developers have repeatedly said on almost every platform of media available that they mechanics are getting an overhaul. My question is why? Removing the mechanics of the game wouldn't hurt the game (as it stands now) in the slightest. The stats are useful for random events and clearing certain CG checks (which tend to be random events) that you may never get in a play through despite having the proper stat level. Almost all the main events do not require a stat (if this isn't the case and there's hidden stats, such as Alexia's Corruption, that'll be tackled in a later con). I find myself doing the main things so that I don't get off'd at a certain week and then not even visiting the map at all. I'm not saying the random map events are useless or not needed, I 'm just saying they feel empty and I hope this is an aspect that gets some love in the mechanic overhaul. Either that, or just remove the stats. I once played to about week 150 and got the majority of scenes I wanted to see without even leveling up. Just doesn't seem consistent with what the game is portrayed as trying to be.

The second con, is hidden stats. I love living with my choices, and I love not being able to go back and fix an outcome to my liking, but having hidden stats that dictate what is and isn't going to happen is a game developer no-no. I get it, smoke and mirror it until you make it (I work in the game industry, I do get it), but hidden stats are absolutely a no-no. I can't think of a single game where hidden stats were well recieved. Give us an indicator of Alexia's corruption without needing the debugger. Give us indicators of relationships or progress with characters. So much of the game is centered around using stats and then they're just used poorly. As said before, I hope this is an aspect that gets some love in the mechanic rework.

Third: Items. Same thing with hidden stats or, well, just about all the stats. They're largely unused from what I've seen in my years of playing the game on and off. We'll see how things go with the mechanic rework, but honestly, the game would be just as good without them. I understand Cla Min would need to be able to sell something, but what she sold to begin with didn't change the game at all. Maybe you can buy materials from her, or eventually, quest items? Just a thought.

Fourth: This is probably the most personal out of the cons, honestly. Rowan was designed to be the main character. Alexia has become the main character. There's a recent comment on Patreon saying "If the scene has Alexia in it, you might as well just order the art." That sentiment isn't wrong. I would love to agree with the Greyhide fandom, but it's not Greyhide that's winning the polls, it's Alexia. Alexia and Tarek would win over Rowan and [Enter some side character here]. It's a bit late in the game to switch ideals and go for a more "Choose who you'd like to control" playstyle but if Act II is it's own separate game, it might be worth noting. Again, this is just my personal reflection and viewing from a very outside looking in perspective.

Fifth: The last con I have has to do with either random chance OR the structure of the writing. My most recent playthrough, I completed all the main quests needed, was working on upgrading every building, etc. Alexia was at high corruption and I chose to have her go the Andras route. After the scene after the actual sex scene, all side character scenes (for jobs and stuff, the ones that are repeatable) stopped. This is a criticism I had with another game I supported on and off over the years (Fleeting Iris) where it locks you in a path. This could have been bad RNG, and I hope it is, because locking players in a path is bad news. There's a difference with living with your choices and locking them into a path. A way around this would be 1) If you decide to lock the player to a certain path, put repeatable scenes for that path they are locked in, or 2) Don't lock the player in a path.

All in all: Great game. Looking forward to more updates. Keep up the good work.

Edit: Don't know how I missed the word "is" at the very beginning. Added it in, lest you all think I'm an illiterate twit.


Active Member
Feb 25, 2019
Why limit it to smut games? In terms of quality and quantity of content rendered (and to a lesser extent, the price asked, which for various reasons can be forgiven for being terrible value compared to mainstream indies but that only goes so far), how does this project compare to the likes of Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress, Stardew Valley, Terraria, Pre-Microsoft Minecraft, etc etc etc?

(And that's mostly not a rhetorical question btw. I have my suspicions, but it's been a long time since i played this and i honestly can't give a comprehensive answer.)

I often wonder why should (full time) smut devs not be held to the same standards. Whatever the type of game being made, these are all solo projects or very small teams of 'amatures' here.
Mostly because adult games don’t have the same recourse to obtaining resources as non-adult ones. There’s a pretty big stigma surrounding porn, so access to money, talent, and advertising tend to be more limited.

For the record, I don’t mean those resources are non-existent for adult games, just that the options to obtain them are fewer. Until the fundamental mores of society change significantly, you will never find a porn game that can raise the kind of hype that Minecraft was able to, to use one of your examples.

Deleted member 563623

Active Member
Apr 19, 2018
Mostly because adult games don’t have the same recourse to obtaining resources as non-adult ones. There’s a pretty big stigma surrounding porn, so access to money, talent, and advertising tend to be more limited.

For the record, I don’t mean those resources are non-existent for adult games, just that the options to obtain them are fewer. Until the fundamental mores of society change significantly, you will never find a porn game that can raise the kind of hype that Minecraft was able to, to use one of your examples.

What resources tho? They have access to the same engines and tech, can land on steam, etc. As far as i know the main thing is reliable earning potential, which is why i granted that the terrible value you commonly see in lewd games is, depending on the specifics of the case of course, more understandable. But I mean, for example, games like Stardew Valley (pertaining to the original base game at least), Dwarf Fortress, and Rimworld are famous for being the product of one person and their home PC. We're not talking about projects with a wealth of resources and connections here. And yet their output tends to be much more impressive (when it comes to the high end, anyway).

There are only so many explanations for why this could be.
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