
Active Member
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May 8, 2017
Balanacing the twins power and competence is... Difficult. Primarily because if Rowan is rebelling against the twins, it shouldn't always be a 100% sure thing.

If it's not a sure thing, then there is a chance of him being discovered.

If he's discovered, it would make sense for the twin to punish him.

BUT the game's main loop assumes Rowan goes into the field to follow the twins' orders, and the twins trust he'll further his agenda.

So if Rowan were to constantly rebel against the twins, why the hell would they keep trusting him with anything?

This is most jarring if Rowan gets caught with Helping Helayna escape. At the moment he gets a slap on the wrists and it's back to business afterwards. (I actually had an idea for this, to add some proper consequence, and as I write this, I got another idea how to implement it even better. So good thing we started this conversation.)

As far as Delane goes, it's painfully obvious Rowan had something to do with her escape if anyone is paying attention, as Tarish directly mentions the noblewoman to Andras, and later joins the twins. The twins let it slide once - once.

As for Andras... He has many hats to wear, depending on what the plot needs him to do at the moment. It might result in inconsistency over different events.


May 1, 2021
In regards to the twins keeping Rowan in check: It seems to me that it is mostly Jezera's job to keep an eye on Rowan and watch him for any shenanigans, and it is Andras's job to threaten horrible repercussions for betrayal. But the twins also fully expect Rowan to try to betray them. They know Rowan isn't REALLY on their side. And Jezera seems to enjoy the game of it, particularly when she sees her self as winning that battle of wits.

When Rowan is testing the Amulet and tries to talk one of the the maids over to his side Jezera catches him. But this is such a minor infraction she doesn't even see any need to levy any threats. Her response is more along the lines of "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed. Come on up your game Rowan."

If Rowan gets caught helping Helayna escape, it a bigger act of defiance and he successfully pulled it off. So this does warrant a bigger response. But Helayna isn't really important to the twins. She's more of a toy, and potentially an extra leash on Rowan. But losing her isn't a big deal. Perhaps the punishment should be more than a slap on the wrist to remind him who's in charge, but not too much more because this is still with in the realm of what they expect Rowan to do. Heck, some of Cla'Min's schemes could potentially rise to this level of undermining the twins when she puts her her own profits over benefits to Bloodmeen. I could see some other characters rising to around this level of insubordination as well. I imagine it is pretty par the course for an army of Chaos.

But if Rowan sides with Werden, now it is a big deal. Now he has successfully pulled off a betrayal that posses an actual threat to their plans. It's time to bring the hammer down. They need to dish out a punishment severe enough that will give Rowan pause should he ever consider doing something like this again. Honestly I'm surprised that didn't actually do something to Alexia in this case. After all that was the major threat they've been using to keep him in line this whole time. It would even have to be something too bad, just enough so show him they were serious. It would even work along side the Delane treatment, with them letting Rowan know that Alexia actually got off pretty easy....this time...


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021

Conversely, you bring the hammer down too hard and you reach Rowan's Snapping point. Whether that is good or bad for the twins is pretty much a wild card and honestly will probably be based on which player choice pathing you are on based on the rest of the story and likely concluded during the Epilogue: Slave, Overlord, vs. Sabotage.

Do they:
1) Break him like they want to?
2) Lose his willingness to assist them? Or to live completely.
3) Cause him to move forward by starting to rebel in earnest more expeditiously.

It is beyond a reasonable doubt that he is a key asset for the Twins at this point. Every one of their major triumphs was steeped in his involvement regardless of whether he sabotaged it a little bit or not. They have a lot to lose by truly antagonizing Rowan and if they don't realize it at this point post Rasteld they are stupider than I thought.

It would be far more sensible for them to hedge their bets instead of going all in on a poke the Rowan with a punishment stick stratagem. They have done that before in relation to staying their hand with more minor betrayals. Will they do that again on the Werden path? No probably not; I reckon the Twins are thinking like you are and they've already pushed too hard with Dealne / the city-wide rape. Somethings gotta give- and unless you are strictly following the Slave paths in most of narrative arcs- I don't see it ending up in clear a win for the twins.

Rein talking about Hel content is making me less and less excited about my Sub. I don't really see why its so Jarring that he is helping Hel escape- she is a small fish- its not like its a major sabotage of one of their major plans. Its just Rowan with his typical hero act trying to save his student from incredible suffering. Sure she could go tell everyone what was down there- but so could the other 100 or 1000s of characters that are loosely involved with castle Bloodmean.

I was so excited for new Hel content- but if a lot of it is going to be punishment stuff I guess I hope Winter keeps working on Liurial content for a good long time or that Winter disagrees with Rein about what would be valuable in regards to telling Hels story.
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Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
I was so excited for new Hel content- but if a lot of it is going to be punishment stuff I guess I hope Winter keeps working on Liurial content for a good long time or that Winter disagrees with Rein about what would be valuable in regards to telling Hels story.
Be at ease, I am not involved in Hel's rework. And what I was refering to was sexual content should the player help Helayna escape, or should Alexia's involvement in it remain hidden.

I think people will like it.
my orcs dont seem to want to recruit past 30, i have space for 320 ? even if some are used like in mines and it starts recruiting again it stops at 30
Yeah it's probably broken as heck. We were tinkering with the orc code during the skill rework, but it wasn't ready on time, so it got pushed. That and no tech update means we're swimming in money in the current release.

It will not last, don't worry about it.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2020
I'm expecting the twins to convert Rowan to the chaos side, enticing him that life at their side is better than life under what'shername, the goddess of the order. Maybe keep putting him in situation where he makes moral decisions between a bad choice and an even worse choice, and gradually warp his values. I'm sure Jezera would be up to the task, corrupting a hero seems right in her alley. But Rowan's value will not stay high as time goes on, IRC Andras tries to learn strategies from Rowan, eventually Andras will be proficient enough that Rowan won't be a key value in twins plan anymore.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
I'm expecting the twins to convert Rowan to the chaos side, enticing him that life at their side is better than life under what'shername, the goddess of the order. Maybe keep putting him in situation where he makes moral decisions between a bad choice and an even worse choice, and gradually warp his values. I'm sure Jezera would be up to the task, corrupting a hero seems right in her alley. But Rowan's value will not stay high as time goes on, IRC Andras tries to learn strategies from Rowan, eventually Andras will be proficient enough that Rowan won't be a key value in twins plan anymore.
The Goddesses' name is Solansia.

If that is their angle they are doing a really fucking bad job. They treat Rowan like garbage. Legitimately tempting things are denied, whilst the twins constantly shit on his life and try to take his wife from him. The one time I felt truly tempted in Seeds from the perspective of a hero is the Helenya Arc. Where there was a protective story beat in addition to the lust / love or friendship vibe conflicting with a morality decision.

I can only think of two events where Jezera is trying to use straight Honey instead of a mixture of Vinegar/ Honey or straight up Vinegar to keep Rowan on her side- the dinner she arranged for Rowan and Alexia if both have low corruption around week 30; and the dinner she had with Rowan after you take two Villages.

Maybe we will see more of that strategy in the NPC arcs the twins have with Rowan.

The idea of Andras ever being as good at strategy as Rowan is :KEK:. Might as well rename Andras Gary Stu at that point. I do see your the point a little; all characters should grow- but viewing Rowans power growth / utility as static while Andras' as dynamic to the point of making Rowan obsolete to the twins seems hyperbolic. Wouldn't be very good story-telling at any rate.


Active Member
Oct 6, 2020
The Goddesses' name is Solansia.

If that is their angle they are doing a really fucking bad job. They treat Rowan like garbage. Legitimately tempting things are denied, whilst the twins constantly shit on his life and try to take his wife from him. The one time I felt truly tempted in Seeds from the perspective of a hero is the Helenya Arc. Where there was a protective story beat in addition to the lust / love or friendship vibe conflicting with a morality decision.

I can only think of two events where Jezera is trying to use straight Honey instead of a mixture of Vinegar/ Honey or straight up Vinegar to keep Rowan on her side- the dinner she arranged for Rowan and Alexia if both have low corruption around week 30; and the dinner she had with Rowan after you take two Villages.

Maybe we will see more of that strategy in the NPC arcs the twins have with Rowan.
It's been a while since I've played the game, didn't Jezera also rewarded Rowan with her spymistress? But yes, from what I remember, the twins are pretty antagonizing to Rowan or at least try to enforce dominance on him. Maybe it's an additional reason to use Rowan, other than his tactician skills, the twins thought they are not really fit to build up their own army due to their personality (unwilling to be seen the inferior in power dynamic) and let Rowan handle the dirty work.

The idea of Andras ever being as good at strategy as Rowan is :KEK:
Wasn't Andras described as brilliant even though he is thuggish? If he's talented, then he likely learn it pretty quickly.

Might as well rename Andras Gary Stu at that point
Obvious weakness I think the twins have is that they are beings of chaos, and they may self sabotage due to their nature. Like Jezera killing the elf leader when she was trying to get an alliance.

all characters should grow- but viewing Rowans power growth / utility as static while Andras' as dynamic to the point of making Rowan obsolete to the twins seems hyperbolic
Rowan is described as normal person, though competent and ready to get dirty to win, I don't see him growing strong fighting prowess wise or become super tactician able to predict 10 moves in advance. IMO, he'll find value by making his own allies, that are more into him than being loyal to the twins (Cla Min with goblins, the sorceress, the old orc if you convince Delane ...). Though I don't think the twins will let him do that.
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Oct 17, 2017
Andras and Rowan can be argued have complimentary skillsets. In that Andras' value as a commander is battlefield presence and Rowan's virtue as a general is first and foremost in flexible strategic thinking. Rowan could never equal Andras in the art of leading a shock charge. But, Andras cannot measure up to Rowan in planning and running a full campaign.


Jun 14, 2018
This is most jarring if Rowan gets caught with Helping Helayna escape. At the moment he gets a slap on the wrists and it's back to business afterwards. (I actually had an idea for this, to add some proper consequence, and as I write this, I got another idea how to implement it even better. So good thing we started this conversation.)
If Rowan gets caught helping Helayna escape, it a bigger act of defiance and he successfully pulled it off. So this does warrant a bigger response. Perhaps the punishment should be more than a slap on the wrist to remind him who's in charge,
I fully support this. There is no events in Rowan helping Helayna escape and i think its also wrong if twins be absolutely passive about Rowan doing this and caught on the spot.

I was so excited for new Hel content- but if a lot of it is going to be punishment stuff I guess I hope Winter keeps working on Liurial
I strongly believe there should be content for different types of players. I specifically didnt suggest anything about Helayna knight route. Because it supposedly for people playing good paladins of justice/vanilla lovers..but there should be other ways to play it. Otherwise we will have game only for monks69...

or that Winter disagrees with Rein about what would be valuable in regards to telling Hels story.
We have to give writers room for creative freedom and try not to press them. This why i agree with Winter when he express different ideas about Helayan than what i suggested previously.


May 29, 2018
The Goddesses' name is Solansia.

If that is their angle they are doing a really fucking bad job. They treat Rowan like garbage. Legitimately tempting things are denied, whilst the twins constantly shit on his life and try to take his wife from him. The one time I felt truly tempted in Seeds from the perspective of a hero is the Helenya Arc. Where there was a protective story beat in addition to the lust / love or friendship vibe conflicting with a morality decision.

I can only think of two events where Jezera is trying to use straight Honey instead of a mixture of Vinegar/ Honey or straight up Vinegar to keep Rowan on her side- the dinner she arranged for Rowan and Alexia if both have low corruption around week 30; and the dinner she had with Rowan after you take two Villages.

Maybe we will see more of that strategy in the NPC arcs the twins have with Rowan.

The idea of Andras ever being as good at strategy as Rowan is :KEK:. Might as well rename Andras Gary Stu at that point. I do see your the point a little; all characters should grow- but viewing Rowans power growth / utility as static while Andras' as dynamic to the point of making Rowan obsolete to the twins seems hyperbolic. Wouldn't be very good story-telling at any rate.
At least to a point it makes sense, they are not inteligent masters of chaos, they are 2 kids playing with daddys toys, the games gives ample showings of that, they are on top cause they have the blood of demons giving Adras the regeneration to keep up with his bruthish ways and jezera seems to mostly use other peoples magic stuff, dont remember if she made the neclaces she gave Rowan, but helenya magic magufin she openly admits is our her league, and shows her character, using a aparently powerfull magic item she cant recreate or control on a whim to make Rowan have to decide.

Has previously said, they simply cant acept not beying the biggest fish in the pond, they need Rowan for their plans, but refuse to treat him has they would an alie cause that would be admiting that they need him, they would rather kill him and fall than acept they are nothing but 2 individualy powerfull halfbreeds with a great lack of usefull skill to win the war they want.
Now, the writers have shown high amount of talent, and will to rewrite prior stuff if needed, so I can only imagine said things are gona be refined has game progresses and arcs get more defined


Jul 25, 2020
Will there be more content involving both Alexia and Rowan and some of the Twins at the same time? When act will start production?


Jul 16, 2018
Will there be more content involving both Alexia and Rowan and some of the Twins at the same time? When act will start production?
Next next year prolly (2023). Blonde elf and Hel arc may be finished with the next update, and X within the following two patche, but then we have Jez and Andras rework, and then Nassim and ugly dwarf, so 2022 seems impossible.


Jan 29, 2019
I wonder if it will lead to this thing where the siblings are ultimately trying to outplay the other and one is gonna make their play to be the one ruling demon whilst depowering and casting down (not necessarily kill the other) and you can either aid one or eventually plot both their downfalls.


Dec 17, 2019
What do I avoid to keep Rowan and Alexia relationship at the top? I don't mind sharing her with other characters, escpecially Greyhide and X'Za, but Andras can go to hell. I want them to rule the world together as a happy couple with lots of sexslaves.

Also, I just got Helayne and Alexia went to her own room. How/when do I get her back?


Active Member
Apr 26, 2021
What do I avoid to keep Rowan and Alexia relationship at the top? I don't mind sharing her with other characters, escpecially Greyhide and X'Za, but Andras can go to hell. I want them to rule the world together as a happy couple with lots of sexslaves.

Also, I just got Helayne and Alexia went to her own room. How/when do I get her back?
1) Keeping their relationship at top:
a) Avoid getting hard locked onto either of the NTR paths. You can dabble- but don't get locked. There could be ways later to knock Alexia off the NTR pathings- but right now they don't exist and the Kink is definitionally 'steal your partner' so it'd be very surprising if it didn't lead to that.
b) Make choices that support your other MC while playing on the other side. X'zaratl pathing and the pregnancy Arc are good for building up Rowan x Alexia's relationship. Have Alexia go to Rowan instead of a twin for help when you can (sadly there isn't much of this type of content yet- but there is some). Be supportive of Alexia in the pregnancy arc and look for ways to solve her issues.
c) Final consideration. Having too many influence points with either twin prevents you from being able to get a Rowan x Alexia sex scene. The catacombs scene. I cannot remember exactly how much influence it was- it was like 5 or something (basically 2 events). There are very few opportunities to reduce the twins influence scores on Lexi (I can only remember 1 event in the scripts) so if you wanna hit this event you gotta be careful dabbling with either twins content prior to the NTR lock as well. The influence points also can also add some rather annoying narrative flavor blurb content to the scripts outside of CGs as well- even at very, very low influence scores; so tread through that according to your tastes.

2) Helanya + Alexia
This is currently a binary path where you cannot have both gals in your room and the gals cannot settle their differences. This plot is really old (2 years +) and is going to be re-worked by T51bwinterized after he completes working on the Liurial NPC arc. So if you want them both in the same room and happy(relatively speaking) with Rowan you need to cross your fingers / wait like me ;-).
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Mar 13, 2020
I was kinda hoping to read some paragraphs like the ones going on these past few days but anyways I'll just leave some of my thoughts
seeing in my files Seeds of Chaos [v0.2.65] was the last version i was playing on, it has been quite a long while and i was a lil annoyed that my saves were borked but man all the reworked art is amazing, very worth (i hate replaying/rewatching anything in general) been playing a bit every day

also the dialogue choice for rowan saying he is the reason the war was won is hilarious, one of the funniest dialogues I've heard in a porn game since Sengoku Rance, I am kind of inclined to agree with that take though

as an avid futa enjoyer I heckin' love X'Zaratl! but am just curious if she'll ever use anything besides her donger?
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Jun 14, 2018
Ahem i kind of forget about one small thing i wanted to discuss about Helayna plot line.

Helayna bad slave training.

I dont like the fact that Rowan playing a fool pretending he does not understand where it is going. His "I dont know what this collar is for? Is there any control magic on it?"
He basically wears on his neck the same collar with control magic! No one knows better than Rowan how Jazera baubles work!
So no i'm not buying it at all.
If Rowan is going with this path he IS fully aware that Jaserra is giving him another magic mind breaking tool.
Jasera see that Helayna managing to recover and establish some self control and making move to counter it by puting more pressure on her psychic another millstone around her neck.
Its obvious evil act and Rowan should be portrayed at least acknowledging he wants to do this with Helayna for his own pleasure and pervert desires.
The thing with "i do this for her own good" is really lame.

On the other hand Helayna behavior is unbelievable. She is way too okayish with suspiciously looking collar and thats After her experience with the ring, that almost drove her insane! She is like "okay let try this one next" !
She should be deathly afraid of any trinkets at this point.

So i would write this with Helayna being reasonably suspicious and afraid.
She objects and Rowan use manipulation, her love towards him and insecurity to convince her to put on the collar.
Appealing to her guilt. He risked so much for her, go against twins will took her under his wing and after all he have done for her she dont trust him?!
She told him she loves him and now she questions his intentions?!
He ruins relationship with his wife to help her!

This kind of dirty stuff will be delicious.
Also will be nice to fit at least one line with Helayna feeling subconsciously the effect of the collar.
Some premonition she walked in to another trap.


Mar 18, 2019
Is it possible to avoid any Andras X Alexia scenes while having NTR turned on? if so, is there any tips that i should or shouldn't do to avoid it?
because i'm curious how they do NTR in the story, but i hated andras lol
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Jun 13, 2018
Is it possible to avoid any Andras X Alexia scenes while having NTR turned on? if so, is there any tips that i should or shouldn't do to avoid it?
because i'm curious how they do NTR in the story, but i hated andras lol
Mostly you just cut short all interactions between Alexia and Andras whenever you get a chance to, the player takes control of Alexia during most of the scenes that can lead to NTR with Andras so just choose to avoid anything that leads Alexia anywhere close to him and nothing should happen between the two.

There are a couple of events where Rowan might have to challenge Andras (and consequently get his ass kicked) to keep Andras from pursuing Alexia, but those events are pretty rare and minor.
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