
Sep 24, 2022
What is your game/head canon ?What choices did your Rowan/Alexia have made?
In my story Rowan is a virtuous hero with a set of morals that he never forgets.He is loyal to Alexia(except for Helayna because he needed to save her).He is even ready to use Chaos Magic just to make her happy.Alexia on the hand is someone who lost her way in bloodmeen she basically became a toy for Andras.
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Sep 11, 2022
My Rowan is basically the same as yours but my Alexia is loyal and hates Andras (you didn't ask but the reason for my choice is that I would really like to see at the end of the third game the couple facing and beating the twins IT WILL BE EPIC)


Sep 12, 2020
Hello, I know that the answer I will receive is very possibly no, but one day maybe they will make a Rowan x Nazim content?


I Want to Rock your Body (To the Break of Dawn)
Jun 5, 2017
Iirc one of the devs said Jezera had like 2 or 3 events left? Same with Andras NTR
Theres no way thats true... right? Feels like we just started getting Jezera content finally after so long, while the others been drip fed slowly forever. They cant both have the same amount of content left for Act 1
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jackson bo

Dec 15, 2021
since this gaming is calls as seeds of chaos . then is that possible to having the real seeds fo the corruption and transformation ?
i personal believe that alexia is the good female main character for this experiment. By swallowing up the seed of demon and transformation into one of it , it will be excellence to see the procession just like the anime of overlord the princess of renner open the box and swallow the seed then transform into a low succubus, if alexia could doing that it will be very great for this game.
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Jan 25, 2020
since this gaming is calls as seeds of chaos . then is that possible to having the real seeds fo the corruption and transformation ?
i personal believe that alexia is the good female main character for this experiment. By swallowing up the seed of demon and transformation into one of it , it will be excellence to see the procession just like the anime of overlord the princess of renner open the box and swallow the seed then transform into a low succubus, if alexia could doing that it will be very great for this game.
WTF are you talking about brother?


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
So, regarding Jezera Content that is yet to come. There are 4 events remaining, and long story short, it’s not about the quantity of events, it’s about what the events need to contain in them.

When I sat with Winter to discuss what exactly we need for Jezera content, he requested that it contains a degree of rivalry, hostility. Jezera is one of the two main antagonists, and since I’m a femdom fan, he expressed concern that I would turn Rowan into a bitch boi. I on the other hand highlighted how a majority of Jezera fans want to be a bitch boi for her. Like, Jezera’s plot is not for people who want Maledom, it’s for people who want to be dominated by a sexy, toxic, whimsical demon mistress. But Winter did have a point, for SoC plot to make sense Rowan cannot be a complete bitch boi to Jezera all the time, and has to be able to push back. Which in itself is a challenge, because Jezera as a characters doesn’t accept being talked back to. So it would have to be a careful balancing act of Rowan being snarky and resisting her, but not to the point where Jezera, for her to stay true to her character, just slaps him silly for it.

So this was basically the premise – a plot where Rowan can be both a bitch boi and a proud hero standing true against the darkness. Doable. But since we basically had two different Rowans in that plot, we almost have two plots running simultaneously at the same time. Which means that Jezera events tend to be slightly on the larger side of things.

For how this reflects on the content being written, compare this:
Jezera is stressed, a SoC early event, has 1 416 words, takes about 6 pages, and flows like this:


Now Breaking Ylszaras, which is the first among Jezera’s Favour events, has 9 703 words, 38 pages, and flows like this:


Obviously, more words doesn’t necessarily mean an event is better, but newer events are better prepared to handle people playing Rowan as either Submissive or Dominant.

Now, as I said before, there are 4 more events planned in what I roughly consider to be “Jezera/Rowan Relationship path”.


With the initial 4 favor events setting up events for the Favour Finale, and revolve primarily around how Rowan acted around Jezera in the 4 events that set it up. Now, the Jezera Finale Finale, which is set to trigger around week ~60, at some point before Rastedel finale kicks off, is set to take into account a variety of things: What plots Rowan completed, how he handled different plotlines, how corrupt he is, how well Astarte went, etc. etc., which will determine how happy Jezera is with his overall performance in act 1, and what his ultimate reward for all of this is. We could not have a Jezera storyline without taking into account Rowan’s overall actions during the entire game, which, as you can imagine, would be a headache if not done correctly.

So yes, it’s only 4 more events until the end of act 1 Jezera content. But I think people will be happy with them, because they have been set to appeal to the player regardless of what Rowan they play.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
When I sat with Winter to discuss what exactly we need for Jezera content, he requested that it contains a degree of rivalry, hostility. Jezera is one of the two main antagonists, and since I’m a femdom fan, he expressed concern that I would turn Rowan into a bitch boi. I on the other hand highlighted how a majority of Jezera fans want to be a bitch boi for her. Like, Jezera’s plot is not for people who want Maledom, it’s for people who want to be dominated by a sexy, toxic, whimsical demon mistress. But Winter did have a point, for SoC plot to make sense Rowan cannot be a complete bitch boi to Jezera all the time, and has to be able to push back.
I'd have to side with Winter on this one. I don't know if the majority really wants to be utterly dominated doormats, but for me the most enjoyable interactions with Jezera was the ability to resist in both her early events -- the one where she demands a massage and offers Rowan to make him cum, and the other one where he can declare he won't betray Alexia to which Jezera concludes not too worry, she'll just break/seduce both of them. These made the most narrative sense long term, when followed by Jezera corrupting Alexia over the course of the game, and Rowan slowly turning into someone who starts to entertain the thought of participating in the events Jezera arranges for him and possibly fucking as somewhat equal partners* (the dinner for Rowan to relax, etc)

This isn't to say Jezera eventually wrapping Rowan around her finger can't ever happen in such scenario, but having it as (optionally) a long process would definitely be up some people's alley, too.

*) this aspect (the 'somewhat equal partners' thing) also makes me think it might be a mistake to think of Rowan's paths as either Sub or Dom. Because as you note, Jezera doesn't strike me as someone who'd tolerate attempts to be pushed into sub role herself. So i'd rather approach this as Sub or Resisting paths, with the latter having Jezera acknowledge that Rowan has *some* agency in their relationship and when told to jump can give some input instead of merely asking, how high.
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Active Member
Dec 15, 2018
What is your game/head canon ?What choices did your Rowan/Alexia have made?
In my story Rowan is a virtuous hero with a set of morals that he never forgets.He is loyal to Alexia(except for Helayna because he needed to save her).He is even ready to use Chaos Magic just to make her happy.Alexia on the hand is someone who lost her way in bloodmeen she basically became a toy for Andras.
If Rowan is a virtuous hero, then he kills himself (because they may have magic to actually compel him instead of just blackmail him) or just refuses to cooperate whatever may happen to Alexia. This is not really a complex ethical conundrum. You don't even need to get to Rastedel; you will have helped demons and orcs sack villages and sell people to slavery weeks before Helayna's castle falls, let alone destroy a large city. There is no coherent ethical argument, be it deontological or teleological for Rowan to continue helping the twins; you'd need to fully embrace some form of Randian Egoism of "Screw you I got Mine" to suggest otherwise. At most I can see him dying trying to get Helayna or Werden the message that Kharnas' children are alive and have sacked Bloodmeen.

You are not "good" Rowan. You are asshole Rowan who places his and his wife's lives above hundreds if not thousands of others but has some arbitrary limits on how much evil he will allow under his command. It's just hypocrisy.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
If Rowan is a virtuous hero, then he kills himself (because they may have magic to actually compel him instead of just blackmail him) or just refuses to cooperate whatever may happen to Alexia. This is not really a complex ethical conundrum.
Oh, it's actually not so simple.

There's nothing virtuous about causing Alexia to suffer, and it requires one to subscribe to "the lives/needs of many are worthy more than lives/needs of a few" which is arguable in terms of morals.

Killing self also doesn't in any way ensure Alexia's well-being and doesn't address the actual problem of demons seeking to conquer the world with the world being completely unaware. Dead Rowan can't influence demons' actions, can't help anyone they'll target, and can't ultimately defeat them. It's essentially cowardice and inaction, neither being virtues.
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Active Member
Sep 1, 2017
The true answer is that Rowan was meant to live. How else would he have entered the path to Greyhide?

Greyhide is the true protagonist of the game. Without his light, without the sheer power of his Bromanship... the game would be but bleak and dull and full of darkness...

Oh Greyhide please shine your brightness upon us and deliver us from Evil... may the multitudes of players follow forth on your illustrious path to attaining happiness! Amen!


Active Member
Game Developer
May 8, 2017
So i'd rather approach this as Sub or Resisting paths, with the latter having Jezera acknowledge that Rowan has *some* agency in their relationship and when told to jump can give some input instead of merely asking, how high.
That is more or less what I'm going for, I just used Dom/Sub because it's simpler to explain.
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Active Member
Dec 15, 2018
Oh, it's actually not so simple.

There's nothing virtuous about causing Alexia to suffer, and it requires one to subscribe to "the lives/needs of many are worthy more than lives/needs of a few" which is arguable in terms of morals.

Killing self also doesn't in any way ensure Alexia's well-being and doesn't address the actual problem of demons seeking to conquer the world with the world being completely unaware. Dead Rowan can't influence demons' actions, can't help anyone they'll target, and can't ultimately defeat them. It's essentially cowardice and inaction, neither being virtues.
The life of ONE, who also happens to be your loved one vs the lives of many is not at all arguable, sorry. You can choose to actively help the twins torture and murder hundreds if not thousands of people or you know, don't.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2018
The life of ONE, who also happens to be your loved one vs the lives of many is not at all arguable, sorry. You can choose to actively help the twins torture and murder hundreds if not thousands of people or you know, don't.
Yeah, I think the only argument that holds for Rowan's actions from a selfless perspective would be that by being in service of the Twins he is reducing the overall casualties, in the sense that his good management reduces the overall suffering on both sides in conflicts that were ultimately unavoidable.

Of course that is a very narrow line between Rowan improving things by containing the damage and he actually just being complicit and enabling of the Twins' ambitions. I haven't played the game with the intro rewrites, but my understanding is that now the writing makes it clearer the Twins have a fully functional operation even without Rowan's involvement, which to me means that everything up to Rastedel's conquest would have still been attainable by the Twins even if Rowan had refused to help them, just significantly more bloody and messy, which makes it hard to gauge if Rowan's contributions were a "good" thing or not and remains to be seen based on its effects in the future.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
The life of ONE, who also happens to be your loved one vs the lives of many is not at all arguable, sorry.
Oh, but it is.

Let's run a quick theoretical scenario, shall we?

You're given a choice between one person losing their dominant hand, vs couple people losing theirs. Seems like a no-brainer, right? Bigger number clearly wins if we go with your logic.

Now, what if i tell you that one person is a world-famous painter whose works bring joy to millions, while these others never used their hands for anything but feeding themselves and maybe wanking? Is it still purely a numbers game, or does personal merit suddenly begin to play a part? And if so, at what point numbers outweigh merit?

Of course, this can be easily complicated further. What if these who don't contribute to society are, at best, teenagers while the artist is an adult? What if the adult is a woman but teenagers are boys? What if one of the boys is your own son? What if the woman is your wife? Simply looking at numbers is never going to paint even a sketch of the situation, much less a full picture.

But, perhaps most importantly... why are you even entertaining the idea you're entitled to decide which of these people is more deserving than others? Because that's nothing but hubris. And that's, if anything, an opposite of virtue and something "virtuous hero" should never display.

So, the bottom line would be, by accepting demons' deal Rowan has a chance to save some people. Refusing, he effectively condemns them all to unrestrained demons' whims. Yet you're arguing the latter is what a virtuous hero would do.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
That is more or less what I'm going for, I just used Dom/Sub because it's simpler to explain.
That's a relief; seems to be enough people who hold position that Rowan should be eventually ordering the demon twins around, dominating them for real, so one could never be sure :v


Jul 16, 2018
When I sat with Winter to discuss what exactly we need for Jezera content, he requested that it contains a degree of rivalry, hostility. Jezera is one of the two main antagonists, and since I’m a femdom fan, he expressed concern that I would turn Rowan into a bitch boi. I on the other hand highlighted how a majority of Jezera fans want to be a bitch boi for her. Like, Jezera’s plot is not for people who want Maledom, it’s for people who want to be dominated by a sexy, toxic, whimsical demon mistress. But Winter did have a point, for SoC plot to make sense Rowan cannot be a complete bitch boi to Jezera all the time, and has to be able to push back. Which in itself is a challenge, because Jezera as a characters doesn’t accept being talked back to. So it would have to be a careful balancing act of Rowan being snarky and resisting her, but not to the point where Jezera, for her to stay true to her character, just slaps him silly for it.
I want nothing more than to be Jezera's bitch boi, so you're 100% right.
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