
Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Oct 17, 2017
We have a firm "No staff walkthrough policy". It's just part of Arioch's development philosophy. If someone else wants to make a walkthrough, they are free to do so.
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New Member
Sep 27, 2017
Going to post a few bugs and possible bugs that probably should be looked into of course most are probably known already but figured might as well post them just in case no one else bothered with a report.
Some items like iron rapier when rightclicked to check stats will cause exception has occurred error but they will still function normally you just can't look at their stats.
In the first scene with Greyhide if you choose for Rowan to come back and avoid the scene of alexiaxgreyhide it appears to still trigger the flag of the scene still having happened normally resulting in the next scene in the future with the drugged tea where they discuss that something was wrong with Greyhides drinks more errors will follow if you choose to run from Greyhide in that scene they occur once Jezera confronts you about running from Greyhide, haven't tested if the errors happen if you let the first scene happen normally as the glitch from first scene might be triggering multiple flags for that path.
Orciade doesn't appear at all in any of my current tests even the ones where I have used up all random map events meaning no matter how much I travel I don't encounter any random events and visiting the camps won't trigger it ether tried every combination I can think of and even have reloaded saves over and over at different parts of the game to trigger orc rumor to see if that had any effect even tested building and research combinations and nothing would appear.
On a different note most or all stat penalties such as from the being poisoned ruler event never seem to wear off on their own or they just last for an absurdly long time so long that once stats are more important they could become a major problem.

Well that is all I can remember from my recent play throughs and tests hope at least one was helpful.
I do enjoy the game just wish progress was a little faster on the game itself (mechanics, events, story) as I know how expensive CGs can be so I understand that part of development won't speed up significantly for a while but I think larger story updates even if they lacked a large number of new sex CGs and were just the text for the moment would probably bring in more funding making all aspects of the game easier to develop, just a thought from experience on seeing which games that have failed and succeeded on patron. Of course I also understand that writing and coding itsn't always easy or fast as well so if the team is at the limits of what it can produce then it will just have to progress at the current speed until more funding and/or team members.

Demon Jhim

Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2017
It previously was the orc encampment in the NW most part of map, just past the river. However that camp doesn't trigger for me anymore in 2.33, nothing happens when I go there :\
Thats why I'm asking cause its also not triggering for me as well.
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