
Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
Literally the entire point of Rowan is that he is smart and cunning.
Perhaps we are from parallel universes, as he just saw Werden he surrendered to the idea of getting help too fast he went to Bloodmeen location without knowing what to expect, no less entered inside in complete ignorance without plan, attacked Da Sista when his intention is rescuing his wife (even if the player take the choice of not going after Da Twins). When he's put to work at the castle, his presence doesn't change too much the dynamic in there on how things must be done (except for the event in which Rowan can choose to comply with the mercenary over the Rights of an Orc over a conquered town). He isn't seen planning, supervising the trainings nor naming commanders under his orders to comply with formations necessary for the success of a former plan of his doing. That's the SoC version of Rowan i had to play.
Off the top of my head I can consider him to be; Brave, Humble, Intelligent, Skilled, Resilient in the face of torture, and emotionally stable enough to not crack under the weight of everything he's dealing with.
Honestly, that's nice. In the game is possible to choose for him very humble options, but there are dialogs that hint that he don't have much trust in the nobility and moreover that he expected a better treat for him. I think he's brave when he's necessary to be, otherwise he just give orders. Skilled, yes, after being under attack against orcs, goblins, elves and humans and in many occasions survived without sweat, definitely is his better trait as much of this happened without the influence of random dice. About his intelligence, you can read my passed paragraph. Resilient... Well, Da Twins could be soft with him because they had planned to capture him in the first place. Emotionally stable... I don't know what to say, as the Hero of Solansia lose the chance to refuse to work for them and he did it for the sake of his wife, a wife that may be corrupted while Rowan isn't there to protect her, a woman who can be molded as a fuck toy for the entire Bloodmeen, so, he doom Solansia for the sake of his wife, doesn't sound too much emotionally stable knowing what Da Twins wanted from him under their service.
First of all, Gary Stu........second He downplays them because he has humility, you know a heroic trait. Thats not saying he some all powerful hero, but that does not mean he doesnt have heroic qualities. Even a regular joe can be humble. A lot of actual war veterans are like that.
How he can be a Gary Stu? his actions rescuing his wife surpasses that test, in the end of this Act whatever his actions he just have half of Rastedel and he take allies with just one side, the commoners or the knights instead of having both togueter is (scripted) that decision that could may have worked better maintaining the safety of the city.
You realize that this all started with a conservative screeching about him wanting to be a manly man man, right?
A real conservative would have written the word sexes instead of gender, that would be more accurate. But the thing is that this isn't the thread for discussions about that, is cosidered offtopic, just make use of the reaction button and choose something accurate to disaprove his post or ignore to let it die there. Otherwise you are calling the unwanted attention of modders who will gladly nuke several pages if necessary.


Jul 16, 2018
Looks like it! Come back next year. I stopped playing this game 1 year ago. There's just too many fetishes.
I stopped playing with the Cla-Min focused updates, so that's like 2 years ago? Is it gonna be 3 soon? I adore this game and can't wait to play it, but as you say, it's only occasionally that I get something that I like in an update (we've been getting Andras & Gobbos for so long now).

But I'm optimistic. I can see Gobblin city and Fae arc being done by summer next year, and Hel's arc probably too. I mean, that's like 5 updates, that's a lot of events. After that there shouldn't be much left to finish arc 1 right? :HideThePain:

Also me last year:
Damn it, it's another Patch without any Jezz scenes, but well, at least the Fae storyline is moving forward.

And please, tell me the Goblin arc is finally getting wrapped up. It's not because of the content, it's just that I can't bring myself to find them attractive, and thus, I'm not invested in that plotline.
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
I stopped playing with the Cla-Min focused updates, so that's like 2 years ago? Is it gonna be 3 soon? I adore this game and can't wait to play it, but as you say, it's only occasionally that I get something that I like in an update (we've been getting Andras & Gobbos for so long now).

But I'm optimistic. I can see Gobblin city and Fae arc being done by summer next year, and Hel's arc probably too. I mean, that's like 5 updates, that's a lot of events. After that there shouldn't be much left to finish arc 1 right? :HideThePain:
You may have forgetting some redrawn events to suit the style in the entire game, some more gay scenes because there isn't enough of course, the introduction of a dragon girl (i can't recall correctly what the hell she was) who looks like a centaur that for now appears at random event (and may have be planned to make her appear after some conditions are set), the waited manly dominate's Rowan event over X'zaralt, and yes of course, the new mechanics, user interface and the fix, because Rein iirc said most major fixes will be done by the end because for now they don't want to break savefile compatibility for unknown reasons even after knowing that right now some events are suffering from some bugs that can't make them active anymore...
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Aug 24, 2022
Well yea Rowan does do stupid decision in beginning but that more of the story needing a way to put him in this servitude state under the siblings also they kidnaped his wife which is def going to affect his decisions. However he is seek out by Jerzara cuz of his resourcefulness and understanding of tactics to survive and manage an army in unfavorable conditions. We see this throughout the entire game what with learning about the dynamics of the castle staff relationship to to use as leverage, understanding ideologies, creating favor through dealings, winning allies under the noses of the twin, figuring out how the necklace operates , and even multiple scene of rowan having practical knowledge such as when he is talking about application of plants as medicine when learning about poison from Jerzara. Tho I haven't played the game in a good while so maybe things have change and maybe I'm forgetting thing but for what I do remember is that Rowan is doing what a rogue should be doing.


Jan 7, 2021
i had issues with my saves and decided to wait several updates and complety restart i want to restart now do we know if pre existing saves are planned to keep working when act 1 is done or should i just wait for act 1 to be fully complete before i restart

John Bon Clay

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
Looks like it! Come back next year. I stopped playing this game 1 year ago. There's just too many fetishes.
Yeah I agree with this, it would've been better if they could've made this game more for a specific group, made another game for another group and another for the last group. I think a dev of this quality could easily manage to dish out three great games!


Active Member
Sep 6, 2020
Well yea Rowan does do stupid decision in beginning but that more of the story...
He still does, when he was asked for giving his opinion about how Bloodmeen could be ruled, at least if you select Might Makes Right then he stated how he was used by the nobility as his aspiration for a better life cut from his birth as commoner; if full of shit Feudalism is chosen then he's accoladed and given a tittle that will mark him and his heirs from all generations as nothing more nor less, making him exactly what he was deprecating. Moreover his hope for Da Twins could do things for better with his intervention, something that end "good" with Rastedel...
Well yea Rowan does do stupid decision in beginning but that more of the story needing a way to put him in this servitude state under the siblings also they kidnaped his wife which is def going to affect his decisions. However he is seek out by Jerzara cuz of his resourcefulness and understanding of tactics to survive and manage an army in unfavorable conditions. We see this throughout the entire game what with learning about the dynamics of the castle staff relationship to to use as leverage, understanding ideologies, creating favor through dealings, winning allies under the noses of the twin, figuring out how the necklace operates , and even multiple scene of rowan having practical knowledge such as when he is talking about application of plants as medicine when learning about poison from Jerzara. Tho I haven't played the game in a good while so maybe things have change and maybe I'm forgetting thing but for what I do remember is that Rowan is doing what a rogue should be doing.
Well, yes, rogue... Nonetheless his search for how the necklaces works is stagnated, his "allies" works for him as there's convenience for both sides or if at least one side find satisfaction with him, so, there aren't many solid allies relations, as could be Alexia (who can be lose via NTR from her or Rowan's side), Cla-Min and the entire Goblin Race as seen in the Goblin Arc makes me think that they can't be trusted as allies because if someone or something gets in the way to fulfill a personal goal then they will do anything necessary to scheme, betray, push, make use, bribe and kill for that. Helayna could be in theory a powerful ally if she could be in control over her sexual needs (something that she could make her fall easy as Cubis could take Rowan's appearance to extract info from her), Torlene could be great thing always if his ppl are safe, Liurial is suspicious, as she came near from nothing just one day like somebody offering a free meal by the exchange of a favor, even after proved herself how capable she was managing alone until her meet with Rowan. The situation is very fucked for Act I, there's not so much clear who can be considered a good ally, is complicated as there's so much interests involved.


Jun 10, 2020
Well yea Rowan does do stupid decision in beginning but that more of the story needing a way to put him in this servitude state under the siblings also they kidnaped his wife which is def going to affect his decisions. However he is seek out by Jerzara cuz of his resourcefulness and understanding of tactics to survive and manage an army in unfavorable conditions. We see this throughout the entire game what with learning about the dynamics of the castle staff relationship to to use as leverage, understanding ideologies, creating favor through dealings, winning allies under the noses of the twin, figuring out how the necklace operates , and even multiple scene of rowan having practical knowledge such as when he is talking about application of plants as medicine when learning about poison from Jerzara. Tho I haven't played the game in a good while so maybe things have change and maybe I'm forgetting thing but for what I do remember is that Rowan is doing what a rogue should be doing.
some people just want to rp gods apparently, screw any realism kill the bad guy impregnate the women form a harem, its pretty laughable to see as a former dnd player myself


Aug 3, 2019
Just finished trying out the new mechanics. I think that especially the map change is a big improvement (also, the hints about which region has mines, abbeys, villages left to discover). Also, I liked how the chaos excursion system has been included. It's must easier to get these events right now, but still it invites player to explore the map more.

However, I have several problems/bugs to report:
- the weekly report screen now works much slower;
- some of the village events which give the possibility of conquest don't end with anything (no bonus to gold after conquest and no triggering of the "occupy... 1/2/3" etc. events) - I had this particularly with the events 'swamp coven' and 'friendly dinner';
- the 'grey screen' (blank screen which looks like a chessboard) now happens much more often in various points of the game (between CGs, when switching between castle and exploration, etc.).

Additionally, I think there is somewhat of an unbalance when it comes to Alexia/Rowan relationship points. I let those points drop significantly by being a dick to Alexia in the potion stealing event chain, so after reaching mid corruption the Andras NTR path started. But this path didn't block in any way the fertility treatment events. Playing these events made my relationship points with Alexia increase big time. This made the whole playthrough weird, because Alexia was consistently cheating on Rowan with Andras and falling completely in his hands, while at the same time being all lovey dovey with her husband during the fertility treatment. If fertility events were reserved for loyal Alexia paths (both corrupted and not corrupted), it would be much more realistic, I think.
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