Yes, they could try and get some other random tactcian/diplomat/scout/whatever (damn looking from this angle Rowan is a freaking swiss knife huh), but as you said, it would take a lot of kidnapping and village burning for a lesser result, consuming more time and probably attracting more attention than what they could handle at that point. My bet would be on Andras getting impatient though hahaha.They need someone with Rowan's skillsets, but they don't really need Rowan, per se. Jezera could have kidnapped another effective tactician, a steward, a scout, and a representative, and kept going through candidates until one finally agreed. They wouldn't be as effective, and she'd need multiple people instead of having a convenient all-in-one, but she'd get someone to cover the holes eventually.
Or Andras would have got frustrated with the whole thing and insisted they start their plans regardless. One of the two.
(Andras gets himself injured on the infiltration route as well, actually. Or does he get more injured on the direct assault path? I don't think I've ever actually done it that way since, well, I share Jezera's love of unnecessary spycraft.)
Kinda unrelated, but I actually count the endings where you fail a deadline from the twins as a "normal end", where Rowan and Alexia die but the twins and their subjects soon follow after their plans are foiled by the kingdom army and possibly some of the other remaining heroes.
Good question, as I haven't played the infiltration route yet because I had other priorities while researching (Cubi and map to get a better army to clear as many capture events as soon as possible) so I couldn't compare. Has been a long while since I last played but IIRC he takes an arrow to the