Hello developers!
I have a few thoughts that I would like to share with you.
The first is about the Corruption system. Are there any plans to rework/update this system in future updates? In my opinion, at the moment "Corruption" is a rather controversial attribute. I'll explain why now. Rowan gets Corruption points by committing immoral, evil, or lustful acts. For example, participating in a threesome with X'zaratl increases this attribute for some reason.
But in my opinion, this is not quite correct. Since in the current state of things, you can in theory just do lustful things (of the sexual sphere) and eventually become a complete bastard. For example, I noticed that with a high level of Corruption, Rowan becomes quite rude and angry in dialogue with a hermit monk.
It seems to me that it would be much better to divide this parameter into two different parameters: Lust and Immorality. Immorality would be responsible for morality, that is, such actions as helping people, refusing to steal, and so on - it would reduce the level of Immorality. And murder, theft, abandoning a person in trouble or other evil words and actions would increase the indicator of Immorality.
And the indicator of Lust would be responsible for the sexual qualities of Rowan. That is, for example, refusal to participate in sex with a centaur, refusal to offer X'zaratl, resistance to various exciting factors such as the drink of Jezerra or the magic of Clionna - reduce the level of Lust. Opposite actions, on the contrary, respectively increase this indicator.
And the second thing I want to draw attention to is that it would be nice to diversify the music in different moments of the game. Since, according to my observations, 90% of the entire game time is played either by the main theme of the game from the menu, or the theme of the village. Although the game already has enough good tracks for different situations.