Let me first congratulate you on the new release (getting leaked and all

So, on to the new content. I'll leave the technical parts to others seeing as how I'm not really interested in them although I'll add that the new UI looks sleek.
The biggest change that caught my eye with this release is the Alexia/Andras scene. Compared to the previous version I have to say it is a huge improvement and yet I feel as if it has been somewhat streamlined with the removal of Rowans part (sneak out or not).
It's understandable seeing how adding more choices would branch the story making it more complex which would cause more problems for the whole development team. But if the time permits, it would be nice to see that variation added in the future. (just flavor text nothing too complex which would basically lead to the same outcome with no concern to the branching of the story)
The biggest problem with the new scene despite it being the best one in the whole Alexia/Andras plotline is that it clashes with the rest of the story now. It goes from (if you choose to do it that way) angry sex where Alexia is fighting against her attraction to Andras and her uncertainty as to what would that lead to, to the old storyline where the first actual (story wise) romantic/sexual interaction with Andras is the Orc/Throne Room Blow job scene.
What I'm trying to say is that it feels as if something is missing between those two interactions, not counting the smaller events seeing as how they are divorced from the main Alexia/Andras plotline. (not counting the Helayna scene If Rowan decides to keep her. I'll add that this is the best scene we have for filling the gap and yet it depends on a player choosing to keep Helayna)
(Seeing as how I'm rather busy now I didn't have the time to fully explore the update, so feel free to correct me if I'm mistaken or if I missed anything)
As to the future updates, I would like to see more of Jezera/Rowan scenes where Rowan is in charge.
All the best and all that.