Software versions don't use decimals in the traditional sense. Instead they are counting types of changes and updates. Using 0.3.02 as an example. The first number (0) is the completed build. It will become 1 when the game is finished, some software may go through multiple complete builds and this number can go higher than 1. The second number (3) is the number of major updates the software has received since the last complete build. This is how many times the code has had a major change in how it functions. In this latest version there was a complete overhaul of the game's skill system. The third number (02) are how many minor updates the software has received since the last major update. This is stuff that doesn't change how the code functions. For this game mostly additional scenes and artwork.
Lets pretend our number has received a ton of minor updates and is sitting at 0.3.99. Then we give it another minor update. It doesn't become 0.4.0, because we still haven't put out a major update. Instead it becomes 0.3.100 because we have given it 100 minor updates since the last time we gave it a major update.
This games main story is 90-95% complete (thought the story is going to have 3 acts released as separate games, so technically if each act is about the same length then you are correct that the story is about 30% finished but not for the reasons you thought), however the creators want to finish fleshing out the cast's individual arcs before completing the main story for this Act. The latest roadmap progress can be found
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. Crossed out items are completed, highlighted items are what they are currently focusing on.
They put out a new update for patrons at the end of the month. They've said there are probably 2 more major updates before completion and and unknown number of minor updates.