That's an interesting comment because, for being so straight-oriented, SoC has rather interesting gay content, which is all the more impressive as they don't have (or didn't have and have now? I'm not sure) a gay-centred writer. As I mentioned in a post several months ago, you can do a full gay run that is consistent and makes sense (unless you mind the occasional boobs or vagina). The "closeted gay who let himself go progressively with the game" storyline works very well with very few awkward moments.For a long time SoC did not have a dedicated Gay writer, so we tended to struggle a bit with that content. People are also more interested in F/M and F/F content, so it tends to get less attention when we check each release for planned sex scenes. We try to always have at least one each release, but it varies.
That doesn't mean that I don't always hope for more gay content*, of course
*scenes-wise and also plot-wise