I have a pet theory that the whole thing about needing Rowan to work for them may not be the whole truth.
I think more than that want to punish the heroes that killed their father. Sure, they said they don't care...but can you really trust what a demon says? And if nothing else it would be a way of surpassing their father. It just so happens that Rowan was the only hero they could get access to, due the the way his nation tossed him aside after the war. Also since, in raw power at least, he is the weakest of the heroes they feel like they exert control over him to squeeze some extra benefit out of it as well.
For supposedly needing Rowan so badly, they don't put a lot of work into winning him over, and they are pretty quick to do away with him when he refuses to play ball or misses a deadline. It's almost like they are trying to see how far they can push him rather than trying to actively retain him.
If that is the case, cucking him would make perfect sense as about the most painful thing they could do outside of killing him. If he freaks out on them, they can just kill him, with the knowledge that they inflicted the deepest pain as they could before killing him. If he does nothing then they know he's a little bitch and they can inflict any humiliation they want on him and he'll just take it.
Well, i think we are just jumping a whole problem here, i can perfectly match with you with the "Pet Theory" as you remark, nonetheless i can't stand with the assumption that Rowan is in fact a "Hero" or some of the like, he seems too normie and too much overconfident in his storytelling and the sayings of his worth acknowledge during The Last War, but his actions before and during in Bloodmeen plus in every conquest reveals the lack of strategy.
May Da Twins want to make him suffer, after all he's responsible for their Father's Downfall but, there's a component in this game that unveil something beyond that, the problem of the mind between species... I mean, humans think in the same way as elves or orks?, all of the species in Solansia seems to have a complete different way of thinking things, Ethics, Morals, Jurisprudence... As their species are different, think different, act different and those differences could may be the whole central point of all the conflict. As we may do good to remember when it is revealed the origin of the Fae as species, Rowan mentioned that demons as well are foreigners too. So, perhaps all the species in Solansia came from other dimensions as
venezuelans *i mean
refugees* escaping from some sort of disaster.
Then, if they are too different it may be perfectly and normal that all of them think in different ways, as example the Cubi X'zaralt seems to be pretty interested in love but, what kind of love and moreover what X'zaralt understand as love to begin with?, as X'zaralt was preparing Alexia for Rowan, if you choose for Alexia that she wants Rowan make love to her, X'zaralt seems to make a pause, like she was thinking that there's no difference. Things can get worse if we analyze the Goblins, as one of the most acknowledge intelligent species out there, they still gather in tribes it seems, they aren't too much unified as species, and even if we think how much they can do strategically into a war or how excel they can be making business, they still betray and try to do scam and fraud when be cooperative would be a better option.
So yes, they are people but as they are too much different each other as species it may collide the way they understand in law philosophy (if i'm making myself understandable) their Natural Right. The same example as the vampire and the human in every setting, human are the cattle, so, both species are confronted in their way of thinking by nature. Then, for X'zaralt it may be possible for her that making sex is the same as love and being breed is like the major expression of that love. Think in Da Twins, they alleged that they want the better for Solansia and all of it's ppl, but think in the way of how Bloodmeen is as a place, then, ask yourself wth they understand as "good" or "the better" for Solansia?, and do it seriously, because Arzyl was literally saying that the world life was consumed by them and to balance that they can perform a ritual by offering hundreds if not thousands of lives to replenish the abuse of magic (of course, they will gonna possibly reuse the bodies for the Fae's Heretics that denies to pass for the reborn process), and Jezera was like "good, problem resolved" and i was like
Gathering all what i remark before, Da Twins may not necessary think that the NTR will make you suffer, they are playing and doing normal shit to them, moreover, they could just doing it as they want others to enjoy and participate in what they do. Taking note of this critic joking comment from this pal:
What do you call it then, when orcs capture and breed women? Spreading love?
If the orks have that word in their vocabulary, the answer could be "