I totally agree with you both on the characterization, it certainly is realistic.
On the same hand though, I genuinely dislike her at that single moment, about as much as I dislike hypocritical people in general. I don't really like Hypocrites, doubly so because I used to be one myself back in the day... so I do understand this 'mindset'. I used to be homophobic in Highschool, which is funny to me now, in hindsight, because I'm Bisexual.
I'm sure that later on, depending on how things go, some part in Alexia's brain might 'click' and go "Okay... I think I was wrong on this point, it is wrong that Rowan fucked this woman et cetera et cetera, although the reason for it is a good one." Because that sudden realization happened to me around ~sixteen-seventeen... of course it involved a rather different scenario.
On the otherhand, Alexia might double-down, as some people do that rather than think things through rationally (Which I did), so who knows how the writing will go, perhaps Andras will stick his claws in her, but I really hope that Alexia will at least try to see things through from Rowan's viewpoint at a later point in time and try to see a step in his 'shoes', so to speak. It would also be good to see a heart-to-heart, down-to-earth conversation between the two after said controversy... and even if said event causes a divorce et cetera, It would be a good development in my opinion. Relationships are fucking complicated.
That said, it is especially infuriating when Alexia goes over to Andras, who then goes "Blah blah blah, Rowan is a terrible husband!" et cetera et cetera. Like, It brings out my teenage-angst and rage... and I'm 22! I shouldn't be feeling this way... It brings up memories of terrible times. :coldsweat:
Man, my highschool was fucked up, now that I think about it. I remember at one point I was standing watch outside the toilets whilst my friend railed his girlfriend, that was pretty damn weird... but never let it be said that I am a terrible friend.
I also remember being challenged to eat twenty dollars worth of icecream... that was a totally different, albeit still fucked up thing that I remember. Vomiting up twenty dollars of icecream is not fun, my vomit looked like cum. I got twenty dollars though.
And one of my good friends got slutshamed... which fucking totally sucked. I had to stay after school looking after her, because she was really crying. People claimed I was trying to get 'pity sex' the day afterwards... which followed around for weeks afterwards as people talked behind my back.
Yeah, Highschool...
It was all good though. I fapped off to corruption of champions and everything was all good. Thus, COC is what eventually lead me to Seeds of Chaos, which is up over on Fenoxo Forums. It also introduced me to a shit-ton of weird kinks, and got me interested in porn games. It also got me writing.
Life revolves around porn, apparently.