I don't see this as milking. They supposedly are going to have 3 acts and are in act 1. They could move at a decent pace and still keep Patreon up for a decade.The issue here isn't scope. You can have all the scope you want, Sierra be my witness. The real issue either a lack of will to actually live up to that scope and stop the steady Patreon cash cow income, or incompetence on a level matched only by the most mismanaged Hoi4 mods (which for those unaware is saying a lot). If it's the former, the scope is actually just a nonexistent smokescreen to squeeze money out of fans and meaningless as a concept to be discussed. If it's the latter, then no amount of scope reduction would help without essentially killing the concept. I don't know which idea is sadder given that I've seen much, much smaller teams get infinitely more done in far less time for far less money than this. It's barely changed in the 5 years since I last tried it.
I adore the concept. I've wanted this to succeed for the longest time. I made this account to keep a better eye on this. But the team, to quote a friend of mine, "lacks the stuff" to actually carry it to its conclusion.
Personally I think it is burn out and mismanagement.