- Oct 17, 2017
- 1,456
- 3,488
I had a laugh. You're good.Eh I was tired, plus I thought it was funny. So I rolled with it. XD
...I'll get to this one tomorow. XDI somewhat agree, somewhat disagree. & I say that because I do agree, ethics is the heart of the matter. I'm not sure if you skimmed over my post as it was rather lengthy, or read it through in full. If you skimmed, I do ask that if you have the time, please read through it in full as I think there is a lot to unpack from it. The main 2 points I was trying to emphasize is as follows though. 1, the nature of the bond between Rowan & Helyana specifically & 2, the cost of the choice. Now with the 1st, & this is why I was so verbose in fleshing out the specifics on this, there are a lot of components as to why that bond is important. In modern times. If you were to take say a Marine from say... Fargo North Dakota, & a Green Beret from Mobile Alabama Whom have never even met before, put them into a room together, they would have instant kinship over that shared bond of being military service men right? Now these are 2 otherwise complete strangers. Keep that in mind.
Now let's expand on that. Let's take an Army Ranger, let's say of Sargent rank, whom is reunited with their drill Sargent from when he went through basic training & AIT. & let's say that Sargent mentored the Ranger through his earlier days in the service. Anyone whom has served in the military will attest that bond between the 2 is very deep & akin to that of a father and son.
Now add to that the strong role that honor, duty, discipline & integrity play in their lives. How pride & dignity in their role as a soldier is a core facet of their very being.
Now add to that how in the era of history that this story is set in, how these elements were still not only there but arguably much stronger. This is why I emphasize how meaningful the pre-existing bond between Rowan & Helyana is. & I should have emphasized this before but it was late & I was very tired, but that bond is & should be a platonic bond, not a romantic one, much like the earlier mentioned Army Ranger & his former Drill Sargent. One more of kinship, family & brotherhood. This is important because it also would be further reason why Rowan would NOT want to fuck Helyana as that further feeds into stripping her of her dignity & integrity as a solder.
& that is why this one specific point in the game is the one where I personally think the narrative could use some fine tuning. I mean these are all things that Alexia would logically take into consideration as she is fully aware of them, & especially if, depending on how the game is played, if she already had to commit other acts of her own breaking their marital vows in the pursuit of doing what she thought she needed to, (i.e. to protect Rowan, to get Andreas to translate that one book, etc...).
So with this context in mind, we need to consider why Rowan really had no choice even though he "technically did have a choice". Again, I think we can all agree, leaving Helyana to the orc pile would have been a fate worse than death, as was her servitude under the twins. This is why, if you look at it from Rowan's perspective, There really is no choice. HE had already wounded her deeply through his act of betrayal in siding with the twins in the attack on the keep under her care so he is already carrying massive guilt & shame from not just turning against everything he fought for just years prior, but also how deeply his betrayal devastated someone whom was akin to a daughter to him. Add to that the fact that after all but destroying her emotionally & psychologically through his betrayal, because of the ring that Jezera or whatever her name was put on her finger, Rowan now is forced to choose between either taking her into his care & having to do some things that he finds distasteful due to the state Jezera put her in, or abandon her & leave her to a fate that, as I've already said, would be worse than death. Given the nature of whom Helyana is to him, if you were in his shoes, would leaving her be an option to you? OF course it wouldn't. So yes, there truly is no other option in this case. & it's clear throughout the scenes with Helyana that Rowan is not liking what he has to do. So I think these massive contextual areas that currently are just swept under the rug need to be better fleshed out. There needs to be an option to factor those in. Additionally, there needs to be an option for Alexia to react appropriately to Andreas as well. I'm sorry but her lack of outrage is a massive plot hole.
To put it simply, I'm not asking for options to be taken away from the NTR fanboys or anything like that, just options added in that account for these massive context holes for those of us whom care more about character & plot integrity than about fap material. Now maybe my perspective is different because I have multiple partners of my own so I don't really use these games as a sexual outlet. So the erotic content is more or less irellevant to me. However I do know there are others that care a lot about story & character integrity. So I think it's warranted to ask that these matters be reviewed and perhaps fine tuned if that is doable. Thanks.