Dude...look back like two posts...Any hope for android update?
Or it is there easy way to play win version on adroid?
Software versions don't use decimals in the traditional sense. Instead they are counting types of changes and updates. Using 0.3.02 as an example. The first number (0) is the completed build. It will become 1 when the game is finished, some software may go through multiple complete builds and this number can go higher than 1. The second number (3) is the number of major updates the software has received since the last complete build. This is how many times the code has had a major change in how it functions. In this latest version there was a complete overhaul of the game's skill system. The third number (02) are how many minor updates the software has received since the last major update. This is stuff that doesn't change how the code functions. For this game mostly additional scenes and artwork.Hello. ^^ Just a quick question. Does 0.3 (game update) means that, despite all you've done already, there is still 70percent of the game yet to make ?If so, that's quite impressive. How big will it be upon completion ? x)
Wait what?....Am I the only one who realizes Alexia is trans? She needs fertility treatments, Rowan knew she wasn't fertile before he married her (something he could only have known if she was trans), she's clearly used to having a penis, she's much bigger than Rowan in the childhood flashbacks, various characters allude to her previous gender (too many to mention really). How come I'm the only one who picked up on this?
Do I need to pull this one out...Am I the only one who realizes Alexia is trans? She needs fertility treatments, Rowan knew she wasn't fertile before he married her (something he could only have known if she was trans), she's clearly used to having a penis, she's much bigger than Rowan in the childhood flashbacks, various characters allude to her previous gender (too many to mention really). How come I'm the only one who picked up on this?
While I enjoy theory crafting and I'm open to hear your further arguments I'm not seeing it myself. For one, according to Nasim our resident transmutation expert, it would take a powerful magic user a great deal of time and magical expenditure to permanently change someone's gender. It is unlikely that a peasant family could have anything to offer a magic user powerful enough enough to invest the effort. Not to mention something like that would surely go against Solansia's teachings and result in a fair amount of corruption in the target.Am I the only one who realizes Alexia is trans? She needs fertility treatments, Rowan knew she wasn't fertile before he married her (something he could only have known if she was trans), she's clearly used to having a penis, she's much bigger than Rowan in the childhood flashbacks, various characters allude to her previous gender (too many to mention really). How come I'm the only one who picked up on this?
There is a character named Ryleah which is an Incubus who kill a comrade in Dark Sanctum. By choice of Rowan you can protect him and he in return will become in your eyes and ears in there in secret; you can select from protecting making him being still Incubus or change his gender, if you select to protect him changing his gender he becomes into a Succubus. The last option is to reveal his mess to X'Zaratl which makes you loose a potential ally in the Dark Sanctum. That's trans-something... Need more?.While I enjoy theory crafting and I'm open to hear your further arguments I'm not seeing it myself. For one, according to Nasim our resident transmutation expert, it would take a powerful magic user a great deal of time and magical expenditure to permanently change someone's gender. It is unlikely that a peasant family could have anything to offer a magic user powerful enough enough to invest the effort. Not to mention something like that would surely go against Solansia's teachings and result in a fair amount of corruption in the target.
As for knowing that she is infertile because she is trans, if Alexia and Rowan were aware of that then why would they have been actively trying for the past 8 years? You'll need to point out the scene where Rowan says he knew before they got married that she was infertile as I don't remember coming across a scene like that. Personally, I've long held that is is just as likely that Rowan is the one that is infertile. In medieval times it was pretty common the lay the blame for conception problems at the woman's feet. ("Woe is me, I've had seven wives and each of them was barren, what are the odds.") However if we do assume that Rowan knew before hand I would imagine that something akin to medical diagnostic magic would be something much more accessible than permanent gender reassignment magic.
I would also argue that she clearly isn't used to having a penis as she during her futa scenes she marvels at it and expresses surprise as to what it is like.
As for the size differences in flash back scenes, I would first point out that as much as I love the art in this game the proportions of the character are not exactly super consistent. But assuming you are referring to this scene View attachment 1444608 then Rowan is certainly taller. I can see how you would make the mistake however as the differing head to body ratios would imply that Rowan is shorter. But if you measure each character out Rowan is taller.
As for references to her previous gender I can't think of any, so if you can find a few of them I'd be interesting in having them pointed out.
I'm all for having a trans character (male or female) in the game, but I'm just not seeing it here. Maybe they will add someone in the next arc.
I find it ironic that jack is in that guys username "fromsimplejacktosophia"
Ah yes the "no homo" option. Yeah I did briefly consider that scene, but I wouldn't consider Ryleah to be trans, I would argue that cubi in general are at most gender fluid. Cubi don't have to feel like one gender trapped in the other's body because they can just change when ever they feel like. Of course whether it they can change indefinitely or if it is a temporary change we don't know. Regardless I doubt Ryleah identified as a girl much more that they had before they transformed. I wouldn't be surprised if Ryleah changed back shortly after Rowan left.There is a character named Ryleah which is an Incubus who kill a comrade in Dark Sanctum. By choice of Rowan you can protect him and he in return will become in your eyes and ears in there in secret; you can select from protecting making him being still Incubus or change his gender, if you select to protect him changing his gender he becomes into a Succubus. The last option is to reveal his mess to X'Zaratl which makes you loose a potential ally in the Dark Sanctum. That's trans-something... Need more?.
conquer the town directly north of the portal. You must be exploring elsewhere causing you to miss it thus failing the questThe game is just ending on week 3, what to do?
Each sex scene is optional, and the game does a pretty good job at telegraphing them. It would be pretty simple then to pass over any marital relations and only accept extra marital affairs for either or both Rowan and Alexia.Is it possible to do a NTR-only run of this game
...Uhhh... what? Being infertile does not mean she used to be a man, there are literally scenes where she's all "Holy shit I've got a dick due to magic... I wonder what it's like?" and then goes absolutely berserk about it, kids mature at different rates, and no one implies she used to be a man. Y'all are either trolling or have a very active imagination.Am I the only one who realizes Alexia is trans? She needs fertility treatments, Rowan knew she wasn't fertile before he married her (something he could only have known if she was trans), she's clearly used to having a penis, she's much bigger than Rowan in the childhood flashbacks, various characters allude to her previous gender (too many to mention really). How come I'm the only one who picked up on this?