Unity - Completed - Sex & Blood: Vampires [Final] [Taboo Tales]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    theres no "finish" in the animations, and the flow from animation to static VN character portrait is jarring. It could be great, but it feels lacking as is and the devs have kinda been shady in their responses on steam
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I like 80% of the game, but the 20% that I don't like is just horrible. I mean we all come here for a reason, and the game offers you sex scenes with a single position viewed from different angles. There is not dialogue, no progression in the scene, it's just an animation loop.
    It doesn't matter if the animation and the model look great. This game is just a bunch of animation loops interrupted by a silly combat mechanic and a navigation system which gives the illusion of choice.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Visually it's fine.

    Gameplay wise - it's repetitive, no progression, no tactics really, I don't even get the plot because I don't care about any of the characters. They just all seem to be undying vampires. There are no consequences.

    So in conclusion. Kind of hollow.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I have generally disliked most of the games that have come out on Steam that you never heard about them and suddenly they are "version 1.0".

    This actually has a lot of content, though. There are dozens of scenes with several camera angles each.

    The gameplay is even fairly interesting even if it is a little bit on the easy side (works for me; I prefer a lack of frustration in my H-games).

    The only small downside is that there are no "finishes".
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    the game is good characters are amazing the animations are amazing the combat is interesting but there are some down side in the game:

    1: the animations don't have endings
    2: your choices dose not affect the story
    3: there is no choice to spare or kill the characters even if u be friendly with them she will kill them
    4: you always proceed the game story as normal even if you defeated in combat, the game acknowledge u as you win the battle or lose it depend on the story
    5: there is no use of upgrading and buying new weapons or implant u just win the battle just spamming the attack and the only use of update if for last battle which u still get the same ending even if u win

    so if you just spam a button and keep losing without reading or care about story the story is gonna be the same at all time and so winning is only helping if u want to speed things up and finish the game faster

    honestly its a shame cuz i really like the game and its style
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Before this, I'd never played a Taboo Tales game. I generally only play futa-protag games so this was my first foray into this developer's content, but my initial impression was that it was a cashgrab goblin factory. Unfortunately, this game failed to prove me wrong.

    Without any second thought, the story is shit, contrived and completely uncompelling. The dialogue is clunky, ESL and much of it comes off as unpolished. There are no choices, no diverging paths and nothing really there in terms of story. This isn't a VN, this is a porn gallery the occasional "Yes/Yes(sarcastic)" choice box. There is a story, it's just really weak. Not many people care about the writing in a porn game, but I'm one of those people.

    The art looks plasticy and there's something uncanny about the character designs. At the very least, there's good number of the scenes look good/are pretty hot as well as a variety of positions. But while there's a lot of variety in the scenes, there is no creampies or climax; Players progress through scenes via left clicking, switching through many angles of the same scene until it finally ends (no POV) and you're forced back into the awful storyline.

    The game's main mechanic is turn based combat with an action point system. If I had to grade the combat I'd say it was "Fine". It was definitely playable but there's no really interesting level of customization and the game makes you fight every character about 8 different times. You can purchase upgrades in a psuedo-cyberpunk 2077 upgrade system but the game throws so much money at you that buying upgrades is essentially trivial.

    I appreciate the uploaders of this game more than I can express. If I had paid for this game I would feel unbelievably cheated.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Its a very simple and short Roguelite with visually pleasing characters, Futa and some very enjoyable "scenes". Sadly no cumshots. But it is a really nice addition to the pile of futa games out there, wish there was more like it but a bit better even. Still 5/5, i enjoyed it much.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Don't bother with that game. Models are good and animations are smooth, but there are a few downsides:
    - Sex animations don't have any endings so they would abruptly end
    - Combat system is barebones at the least. It would seem that it would have different types of damage and dice with effects but I didn't notice any of those (even though they are clearly stated in descriptions - they would do nothing). What is the point of dice rolls if it either lands or get blocked? Low rolls are blocked and high rolls are crits, but everything in between is just lands or gets blocked. Just spam your highest dmg skill with crits+dmg boost and you'd defeat any enemy in 3 turns. Maybe there are some weakness/resistance system but it wouldn't tell you.
    - Upgrade system is unbalanced - I barely got any defensive upgrades and enemies would do around 7-10 dmg a turn. Why is that - I don't know.

    The game feels like a slog and without a clear style - you have cyberpunk, vampires, dice rolls, damage effects, futa, RPG system, QTE events and all of those are just... there. No cohesion whatsoever.
    I would call it your run-of-the-mill shovelware but animations are quite good so its a shame that everything else is just bad.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    It was a good Futa Protagonist game. Story felt bit odd but not a big deal. Sex scenes were good but lacked climax scenes. Fight system was easy to grasp and manageable, though last boss fight seems to be bugged. Overall a solid game with smooth performance on my system, but it would be even better if the size bloat is reduced.