Unity - Sex Gods [v0.40] [GuapoMan]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Kinda ass gameplay and completely directionless development.
    It really does not get better with time it's just the game become more and more extreme as you trudge along.
    Right up my alley tbh so if you're a degenerate i think it's worth checking it out.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Too many extreme fetishes not enough optional filters, also nothing to write home about in NSFW scenes, art or general writing.

    Even within said content it tries to juggle so many things it's lackuster at best, at worst it doesn't appeal to any specific "fetish group", its directionless like Happy Heart Panic, just tries to be as "degenerate as possible".
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Images look horrible, but I can feel that this is a passion project from someone who cares. AND it caters to me, specifically, as it has all the gross stuff that makes my willy hard.
    But seriously, dude, find someone if not to redraw then at least "fix" some shit that ruins the erotism in images.
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    The UnHolyOne

    tedious, horrendously slow and dull.. most of the interactions are a tedious repeated process, and you as the MC are mostly just choosing your monsters to do the work, and you cant even have fun with them.. its just a basic game that plays like them old flash titles, with little content, and minimal to offer in terms of actual enjoyable content.. its just extremely slow and tedious.. its boring tbh.. thought oh ok, ive sat on this one for a while, lets give it a go.. and mannnnnnn, dont. not worth it.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Recently gave this game a try again, the content isn't obviously for everybody, the game is unique with custom art so it's probably harder to produce alot of content, still it's been around since 2017 with very slow progress. Maybe suitable for newbie new players, otherwise there isn't enough in it to keep it interesting so far. Also pointless having NTR optional, I can't image anyone hating NTR playing this game considering all the NTRish monster content, probably just pisses off those really disliking NTR..

    + Unique art
    + Rare fetish content
    +Worth a try for newbies who can cope with sandbox.
    - Slow development progress
    - Meaningless XP progress
    - Boring puzzles used for filler grind, can't imagine anyone into puzzles or challenges liking those.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Love it. I hope you keep exploring diferent kinks. I love that ntr is an option but I hope that it could have more depth. There should be an option for Rin to tell Rex about all the experiences that she has and had.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Literal tripe. Decent yet wonky art, horribly amateurish plot.

    Be a sex god who mainly just watches other people fuck, gets NTRed, and makes monsters fuck each-other.

    Game's loop is okay I guess if you're into the notion- but even with the NTR toggle off the game's focus is not on the protagonist and you need to do some male swinging stuff to even enter the game loop.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not a bad game, the art is at least unique, but given how long it's been in development it doesn't really impress me either. Just isn't the most fun to play. Parts did feel like I needed the offline walkthrough, the game had some grindy elements, not the worst game for those but not one of the better games in those regards either. It's 2.5'ish but I'll round up to a 3 since unique art is uncommon in adult games and it does attempt to hit more than a few fets.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, everywhere I go, I can even play it on my phone. Except, I don't like the disgusting part of the game, and I'm glad to turn them off. I was thinking if you could extended more part of male Rin. Also can you more spell that Rin or other girls turn into different girls, and maybe age progression and regression spell if that's okay with you.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    ENG: WOW tha best game of my life. BRAVO! The mechanics and art is so great, i really hope to see more spells. Thank you for make me new kinks.
    ESP: WOW, el mejor juego de mi vida. ¡BRAVO! La mecánica y el arte son geniales, realmente espero ver más hechizos. Gracias por hacerme nuevos fetiches.

    La customización es fabulosa, espero que logres tus metas, Guapo.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    3/5 - Decent waste of time.
    ~ 2 Hours long (as of v 0.27)

    Although gameplay is presented as a sandbox game, you really only have one thing to do at a time. Your goals aren't explained so you'll have to use the online walkthrough. There was a bit of grind, but only at the beginning. There are a few simple minigames you have to play. Not great, but not too annoying.
    The story takes a backseat to the porn. You become a sex god and you have to capture monsters and make them fuck random girls to create sex essence. No rape. You only have 1 choice, which is whether or not you want ntr. The ntr in this game is you pimping your girl, not her cheating on you.
    The porn is very good. The art is unique and the animations are well done. There is a steady supply of porn, you should be getting a new scene every 5-10 minutes max. Scenes consist of ~2 animations and ~30 clicks of text. Each scene has a skip button, in addition to a menu on/off toggle for the more extreme fetishes.

    + You can customize the appearance of your character and of the monsters you capture

    - Very light on content. This game has been in development for 4 years and it's only 2 hours long with 26 scenes. Shame, because otherwise it could really be a 4 or 5 star game
    - There is a heavy focus on hyper dicks, so if tentacle dicks going in the anus out the mouth aren't your thing, then you shouldn't play. You can skip the scenes, but they make up nearly half the content
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Edit: Before you read all this. I recommend downloading and playing the game. The animations and art makes it worth it. But beware, the writing during the sex scenes is fucking awful. There's also a stupid mini game that you have to do that's annoying. If you can forgive the horrible writing during the sex scene, then the game is worth supporting on subscribestar.

    Nearly everything about this game is great, except the writing. The writing is a huge turn off. In the start of the game, it presents the MC's girlfriend as a desperate slut who begs for sex, as if she's some ugly whore incapable of attracting men. It's a huge turn off. It's okay to be a SLUT, but not a DESPERATE SLUT who initiates sex. She's still a woman and should act like one. Instead of her taking control over pepito, she should make sexual gestures and poses to let Pepito know she's interested in him sexually. For example: Cloy casts the spell on Rin. Rin gets horny. Rin starts making sexy poses on the couch, not desperate, but just enough to tease Pepito. Pepito then takes charge and hits on her, because he can see her acting a little slutty, but not desperate. Pepito eventually makes the first sexual move. That's what guys want to see, the man being in charge over the woman, unless you're making a femdom game. It's okay for the woman to be a little more suggestive, it's a fantasy game after all, but she cannot cross the line into acting like a desperate slut, that's a huge turn off.

    Later in the game, there's a scene with Cloy and some girl in the park. But the girl in the park is down on her knees, and she tells Cloy what to do, even though Cloy is in the position of power. So the submissive is actually in charge, and Cloy does her bidding. THIS MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE.

    This game's writing is atrocious. It's bad, REALLY bad.

    The developer needs to learn the basic aspect of male/female human seduction. How a man hits on a woman. How the woman gives clues and signals to let the man know she wants him to fuck her,but without acting like a desperate slut; which is a huge turn off.

    Then the developer needs to learn BASIC BDSM, of how the slave girl on her knees OBEYS, while the Sadistic dom tells the girl on her knees what to do. CLOY IS THE DOM, SHE IS IN CHARGE, SHe tells the submissive girl on her knees in the park what to do, not the other way around.

    Breaking basic and simple aspects of seduction & BDSM completely ruin the sex scenes.

    Animations 5/5
    Art 5/5
    Music 4/5 -The song is good, but it keeps repeating over & over again. Only play the song sometimes, not constantly.
    Programming 10/5 - This guy knows how to program. He's good at it. Respect.
    Writing -10 / 5 - This writing is shit tier. Developer needs to study basic man woman seduction 101. Then he needs to study basic BDSM 101. My guess is that he's doing so many things at once, that the writing suffered, because he has to do the art, and the programming, and the writing probably.
    Story 4/5 - The story premise is actually pretty good. The goal of the MC is now to become a sex god with the help of mystical sex beings. Like there is a separate world that exists with various sex creatures and stuff. that is cool. That part of the writing is well done. The premise is good, but the dialogue during the sex scenes is not.
    Mini games -10 /5 ... There's these annoying mini games that have nothing to do with porn. It makes no sense to have this in the game.Uggh. They were terrible.

    BASIC RULES: Don't make the women act like desperate sluts. They can beg, but only if the man or woman in charge asks them to beg. Women tend to bend over to show their ass, and then wait to see what the man does. The man sees her bending over showing him her ass, because her skirt is hiked up. Then the MANmakes the first move. That's how it works with human male / female relationship, lol.

    This game could easily be 5 stars if the writing wasn't so unbelievably bad.

    The reason I'm being so harsh about the writing is because the game is very close to being high quality. The writing just needs to be fixed asap.

    I mean seriously, do you guys find desperate women begging for sex to be a turn on? It's not. Imagine you're at Walmart and a hot woman came up to you begging for sex. It would raise a red flag. Your instincts of a man would reject her. I kid you not, I bet you would reject her. Nothing is more pathetic and disliked by men than a girl who acts like a desperate slut. IMPORTANT: There's a difference between a slut and a desperate slut. A slut can still act like a woman who knows how to attract a man, letting him take charge, while a desperate slut constantly makes the first moves out of desperation; acting like a man, but only causing the man to ignore her and leave.

    Women put up resistance, men try to seduce and break that resistance, eventually winning her over. Women play hard to get.

    Realize that a dominate women in a position of power (CLOY) does not take orders from the girl on he knees; of whom she is dominating.
  13. 5.00 star(s)



    Artwork is an acquired taste.

    Furry character design can take some getting used to if it's not your thing.

    A few grammar issues.

    Clunky UI.

    A lot of locations still under construction. (Slow development time)


    Fantastic kinks.

    Pretty good dialogue between characters.

    Interesting plot developments.

    Solid characters.

    Once you adjust to the art style the scenes are very hot.

    Creative mechanics.


    Overall if this game checks your kink boxes I'd say give it a try and maybe support the developer if you like it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game.Can't wait for more.Alot of rare fetishes to chose,art is pretty cool.Story is enjoyable,nothing fancy works just fine,but interesting none the less.Sound is ok.Hope to see more scenes between our monsters.
    Don't encounter any bugs or crashes whichis big+.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    If the fetishes present in the game are your kink, then you will find few games that have such a level of awesomeness that catering to them. That is to say that I am indeed a fan of this, and wish the reviews of it were more specific about the game, and less about hating on the themes in it.

    I would say that this game offers similar niche fetishes to that seen in Cursed Armor (as an example), but from the direction that the game has taken the author appears to be keeping up what people (including myself) like about it.

    The downside atm is.... the amount of content. The author is active and appears diligent in updating the game, but the updates tend to be very minor updates from version to version. While there is a fair amount of content in the game at the time of writing this (when compared to it a year ago), the increments of content between patches can mean that sometimes skipping a patch or two is needed just to have something to do.

    Keep up the amazing work, and I hope to see the completion of this game sometime in the future. I hope for more Cow/Bull/Bear content <3
  16. 1.00 star(s)


    Well, the art style is unique... i do not like it one bit but maybe that's just me.

    The game part is bad. From controls, quests, navigation, interface to how objectives are explained to you. I've seen worse but not by much.

    I know that the kinks present in this game are not very popular and thus not a lot of games have them. So if this is your cup of tea i can see how one can get over the gameplay issues.

    Overall if you are not into the ntr, furry, bimbo, smecta combination i recommend you stay away from this one.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    I cannot see what all the hype is about .....
    At this point in time for v0.15... it's just; Meh!
    I've seen so many people recommend this game in this site for its extremities, but because it has no gay content (unless you become a paying patreon and ask for it - honestly the artist should add it automatically instead of bribing current players into the decision) I kept going passed this game until I saw the dozenth recommendation... so, ugh, I thought to finally give it a try.... oh boy, in its current stage, and state, with its amature artwork, dialog, options, REPETITION GALORE, and quite a few options saying 'under development', it's best to say: "Give this a miss until a years time or more".
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    *Edit start*
    Check the date for my review, its likely outdated.
    *Edit end*
    A few things rub me the wrong way about this game, at first I was pretty hesitant to play it since it looked wonky as fuck, but after playing it, I gotta say, its pretty damn well put together.

    However! The dev putting himself as the "all mighty sex god"? Not only does it seem like hes stroking more than just his ego in our faces, it also ruins any immersion the game might have created. Like watching a good movie and then suddenly your fat relative does a naked split right on your coffee table, leaving you pulled out of the experience and kinda annoyed that you have to deal with the the shit stains.

    Not only that, the entire story reeks of "Oh, I want the player to feel like the bestest and most awesomest person in the worldz." The way people react (in the context of the story that is) around him is basically "amg, I am just a puny hoomanzee, I cannot stand up to your awesomeness, please, bless this puny creature!" People just kinda go "Oh, okay, guess that happened, moving on.".

    Other than this, I only have one last complaint, dont give us the option to turn certain kinds of fetishes off if you'll ignore our choices.. At the very start you give me the chance to remove NTR, I removed it since I dont play video games to get annoyed, what happened next? Oh right, the Frankensteins Fox thing hypnotises your girlfriend and haves her fuck another dude. I was like "Fair enough, you likely added the option to remove certain fetishes AFTER writing the story" (though in that case, dont offer us the chance to disable it if you arent really gonna disable it..), however then later in the story, the girlfriend goes "Oh, Im just gonna go to the park and find some fuck buddies, come watch me later?", this happens right after shes about to happily fuck another dude.. Again. I mean, really? At this point I cant really classify it as NTR/swinger (in my head I mean, strictly speaking, that is still NTR), because the girlfriend is such an empty plate that I dont really give a toss about her.At the start of the story, I had wondered where she were because I chose to skip the parts where she was fucking and blowing some other dude, but as they say "It starts as it began, with a bang", second time I see her, shes about to fuck another dude.. Again, because fuck my preferences right?

    Anyway, these are issues with the STORY not the gameplay, the gameplay is quite good, a little grindy and lacking, but frankly what is there is robust and does not feel like a chore to play.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game! while it yet lacks in content it has alot of potential. I have always liked games with management aspects where you play as a man, collecting your own harem of sorts, especially with randomly generated aestetics such as hair or skin colour. Im not usually a fan of furry stuff either but this game somehow works for me. I do hope it gets more management functions though.. such as a brothel for your creatures or whatnot.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I basically disliked everything about this game.

    --the art was not my cup of tea
    --the interface was confusing. Took me 15 minutes just to figure out how to move around
    --So far, I got nothing but NTR and cuck content. I didn't have sex with anyone. It was all my minions. I wasn't caring about the NTR content, but throw me a bone here.
    --Mini-games were also really hard to figure out.

    Downloaded it for the variety of content, including M/M; didn't realize you were turning everything into furries. My mistake.