VN - Unity - Completed - Sex Magic [Final] [Lust Desires]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Sex is magic once you pull your wand out.

    Pull out your wand. Focus on the sensations. Riding a broomstick is a lot harder. Storywise, the game has it’s sexual innuendos going for it. The graphics are beautiful, rich animated backgrounds. All scenes play out with static images of the characters, but it looks nice. The intimate scenes are animated and articulated, which is a really nice bonus. Although, furthering the story shows you the scenes get less and less love towards the end.

    This isn’t really a game until the final moments where the game tests you if you’ve actually been paying attention. That did a lot for me, because this game consists of a LOT of reading as nothing but the sexual motions are animated. The fact they have voiceovers and sound effects does a lot for this game and it feels premium, if not a bit formulaic.

    The story premise is average, but the way it’s played out is too formulaic and no fun. It isn’t until the end of the story that you get a ‘little’ invested and before you know it, it’s done. This was an excuse to fix up some hot lewd fantasy sex scenes and it’s showing. The scenes could have been more creative, using the powers Adam Blade had learned. Characters have names and designs are beautiful. Naked they mostly look alike and that’s a shame because there are so much assets to use. Also, what’s with the appearance of the MC changing?

    3 / 5 for graphics and story effort, but basically it’s a motion book with sound effects. Pretty straightforward, just make sure you’re paying attention near the end. If the dev teams up with someone who can branch stories and create meaningful interaction, this could be a powerhouse.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This is a game that's just... Sorta.

    It's Sorta fun. It's Sorta hot. It's Sorta a game. It's Sorta voiced.

    Okay, jokes aside, this is a very mercenary game. It's got a super thin story that's barely an excuse for sex scenes. The scenes themselves look good at a glance, but the dude changes appearance in basically every scene and I get the impression the animations and modeling were done by different people (or AI generators, I can't rule that out) who didn't communicate. It spends its very short playtime with "do this or don't" basic choices and one sorta puzzle at the end if you decided to pay attention to its utter excuse for a story.

    That said, it is a complete experience. It has a beginning, a middle, and an end. There's plenty to see, and every girl in the cast is bangable. It's not a half finished mess. What's there is very thin, but I have to give credit where it's due.

    Yeah, I dunno. It only takes about a half an hour to play, and the scenes certainly aren't BAD. But there isn't much here to recommend either, and if you wanted to skip this one, you're not missing much.