Unity - Completed - Sex Room 2 [Final] [Pirates Of The Digital Sea]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I debated rating this 1/5, but it gets a point for looking nice.

    The good:
    - The girls are cute. I might enjoy some big anime tiddies, but it's nice to see some that aren't the size of their head for once. Nerdy main girl is cute.
    - Animations are pretty well done.

    The bad:
    everything else
    Look I know we're not really here for the gameplay, but I would rather just mash through shitty dialogue in a generic RPGM game then this. It sells itself as an incremental game, complete with a gag with a dildo attached to it costing 50 billion dollars. But it fails at that and you never get the warm fuzzies of seeing your exponential growth coming into play.

    The animations themselves are nice, but there's barely any of them, you get 7 different toys each with 3 angles to watch and 10 still images for achievements. What are the achievements? Who knows. You'll get them all when you have everything purchased though, so probably something tied to that.

    Just go install an autoclicker and cheat that way if you really must play it.