Unity - Completed - Sex, Stocks & Cocks [Final] [Lust Desires]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Normally I'd like to write a full review to properly discuss the positives and shortcomings of a given project, but... this developer is an exception. Where to begin?

    First off, there is no plot worth mentioning, nor are there any significant choices aside from which "love interests" you pursue. You can breeze through the entire "game" in less than an hour.

    Secondly, the performance is beyond atrocious. When a "visual novel" point & click adventure game runs worse than UE5 asset flips then perhaps it's time to reconsider switching to an entirely different profession. Seriously though, the preview animations feel as though they were pre-rendered as you won't experience any smooth quality during actual "gameplay"

    To put it bluntly this developer produces nothing more than shovelware that plagued Steam for nearly a decade during it's greenlight program. Moving forward I'd highly advise all users to avoid any project released by Lust Desires.

    Seriously though, what is the point in releasing such low effort garbage? It's hard to imagine there would be enough sales/subscribers to justify the weekend invested...
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I started playing this game as soon as it got posted in the Latest Updates section so I had no expectations going into it. No reviews had been written yet.

    The visuals and animations are OK but literally everything else is below average. The author clearly isn't a native English speaker and it shows. The English is poor to the point of causing issues with enjoyment and immersion.

    Sex scenes aren't earned and are just thrown at the player since it's a porn game. 90% or more of the sex scenes felt mindless. When you don't earn sex scenes it feels cheep and that's exactly what this is. The writing is poor with an average story that's poorly executed.

    The game is almost completely linear aside from one key choice at the beginning of the game which directs your path (who you end up siding with and which of the two girls become your love interest).

    Playtime is roughly one hour.

    There's free roam elements in the game but it's all 100% linear so I'm not sure what the point is aside from extra clicks.

    The latest trend that developers have been taking since early 2024 is fast spamming short playthrough games on Steam. Since the games are short they can release several a year. It's all about maximizing profits instead of player experience. Before 2024 the trend was to develop two games at the same time which increased their subscribers and ultimately total profits (but upset players due to the slow release schedules from developing two games at once).

    Dialog choices are just fluff. 95% of the time, the love dialog option (green) is the best choice. There's literally no point in choosing any of the other five dialog options.

    Bottom line - the game feels childish. It's like having a bunch of Middle School aged kids running a Stocks and Securities firm. No one acts over the age of 12.

    The visuals are OK and the animations are smooth and above average. The interface is serviceable but basic. Some of the love interests are attractive with decent character models (lacking skin and facial detail however). The sex scenes are average and basic (but never earned). Beyond that the game is below average in nearly every aspect.

    I did finish the game and played it till the end but nearly quit early on several occasions. I consider this to be a shovelware game.

    If you want to take a trip back to Middle School and have some childish fun for an hour then the game may be worth a playthrough.
  3. 2.00 star(s)



    Sex, Stocks and cocks is an exciting.....no stop. it was not exciting, not even slightly. game runs poorly like it is decades old (my system can run any and everything steam has on offer) and the art is not even that appealing to look at.
    i admit i only made it past the first sex scene, but this was enough.

    art as i mention is pretty bland and the chosen angles for sex are a bit crap to be honest. looks very low effort.

    then we have the worst of it, the writing. you start mid game. there was a proper intro but that got forgotten during the rendering/coding production.
    the writing is childish and certainly not written by a native. for minor example, you have a bride instead of a wife. sense is not a focus of the story, with some dialogue making little. reads like a fairly good machine translate, and the bar for those is already low.

    considering it has been described as a visual novel tells me how little the writer understands about this point and click roaming game. they created it but have no clue what it is? hilarious how often this happens here.

    just looks and seems very much like yet another quick throw-together.
    very unexciting. maybe we can sue for false advertising...... ;)