Unity - Completed - Sex with Hitler: 2069 [Final] [Romantic Room]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I was pleasantly surprised by the gameplay being challenging and actually not bad for a Hilter-based shitpost of a game.
    It's nothing crazy good, but is functional and I even caught myself grooving to the music once.

    Lewdity is meh, Adolf or no. Bland models with stiff poses.

    It's a Hitler game. I wasn't expecting the world, but it did give me a 45 minutes of a challenge and unexpectedly tense shooting action.
    Or should I say grenade action. Grenades are, but far, the best option you have most of the time.

    I give it a moderate 3 out of 5.
    -It's pretty all-reich for shovelware Hitler.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is the equivalent of clickbait.

    We've seen something like 200+ hitler based porn games in the last few years and none of them have been good.

    If you're relying on the shock value of "oh wow look it's hitler" then it's pretty safe to say you're not actually confident in the game itself and this game has nothing worth downloading.

    Empty scenes, broken dialogue, bugs galore.