Unity - Completed - Sex with Hitler: WW2 [Final] [Romantic Room]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Wow this was disappointing :(

    I was looking forward to playing this, it looked funny and looked to have some good sex scenes... But no, they were immensely disappointing.

    Not much really. The sex scenes look nice I guess, but I've seen better.

    • There is pretty much 1 scene in this game, but it's split up into separate scenes to make the gallery look bigger.
    • The gameplay is fine, some bugs here and there, but I wouldn't mind playing it if the scenes were good. However, they're not good, so you've got to play the most basic game to get bad scenes and it's not worth it.
    • There isn't even a scene where the characters finish, why? The scenes are just a 2 second loop and you can see them from 3 different angles.
    • 0 story, so it made the whole Hitler thing kind of pointless imo. If they made the story funny then I'd get it.

    I don't see how this is getting the 5 star reviews. I understand it's supposed to be humorous because it's Hitler, but the story isn't even funny or well thought out. If they made a funny story with more scenes and kept the gameplay, I could see this been a fun game to play for an hour. However, right now it's just boring with bad scenes, I can't recommend it.

    2 star because the scenes looked nice and the gameplay wasn't the worst thing I've ever played.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Gameplay: Fun, can be border chalenging but nothing frustrating, found out that shooting ppl can be terribly satisfying, explosions on cluster of enemies are always fun aswell, i think its much better than i expected from a porn game 5/5

    Scenes: I like the art and the models are really nice, i find the sex scenes lacking, its just a position from 3 diferent angle/speed, if u want more positions u have to clear the next level, the art was amazing, so if you could make it somewhat sandboxy, like the shooting, with more h-content and a more immersive story, it would be amazing 3/5

    Overall: As a mini flash game you find on those thousand games sites, its superb, it makes me wanna play more lvls, as an h-game, its seriously lacking, the art is good, the story needs more content and some more polishing in order to be more immersive, i played this game while i was waiting for the computer to calculate some work related stuff, and it was a nice suprise, alt tabbing pauses everything, shooting soldiers is really satisfying, i found it rll forgiving and oriented to just give you a good time
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Another stunning entry to the Sex with Hitler legacy. Now with improved gameplay, graphics, and sounds. The game itself isnt too long but then again these games were never meant to have 40 hour campaigns. You get needed dialogue to set things up, your mission and gameplay then the nicely done sex scenes. Its not a serious game, its meant to distract you with the hilarity of the premise of Hitler having sex with babes lmao. Dont expect anything philosophical here. You play this between the games you really like to pass time until they get updated and to experience something new and different from the formulaic stuff that plagues this site.

    Maybe the devs will move on to other notable figures like Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Franco, Hirohito. There are a lot of people they can run with.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I think this game is pretty fun tbh. The gameplay is smooth, the scenes are actually high quality, with sound + the maps look amazing, there isn't much story , like 10 dialogue lines between each mission. Can easily be played through in 40 min - 1 hours. Worth the play.