Ren'Py - Sexbot Restoration 2124 [v0.8.0] [squirrel24]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    TG Jad

    I really liked DSCS! This one is just as good! Loved some of the mods for DSCS, but others made it very difficult and, to me, lessened the enjoyment of playing the game. This one, so far, seems to have few mods, but with the extras added to the basic game, it's really fun to play. Looking forward to any additional quests and extras added in the future! Thanks for a great game!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    So far, this is a serviceable management game. Making money, paying off your debt, building your team selling off your sluts... It works pretty well.
    There are places for some pretty neat scenes to go.
    They aren't there yet.
    But you know... Shows promise.
  3. 3.00 star(s)



    liking this so far. pretty much same as the game it copies and a long way from competing with megabrothel ( not the real name but rules is rules. you know which one i mean) or jacks (pre-mod fiddling and ultimately ruining the original game by making a convoluted mess) which are pretty much all the competition with brothel royalty being an age between updates. a fairly popular one here has lost the plot with it's post first versions so.....
    there may be more but none standout as well for me.

    mechanics seem fine but visuals could be much better. some decent scenes to set it apart from jack's terrible stock and something better than the static training scenes that megabrothel has will raise it up for sure.
    at the moment it is like an early version of rodent labs 2 before that got too anal retentive for me.

    one thing this game does well is it does not waste the play loop. plenty of diversity from the start and it is easy to settle into some kind of rhythm.
    workout then work morning, tinker until last 3 AP then rest afternoon, tinker/stabilise evening and plunder the dump at night, unless i have full bots and plenty to tinker then i will do that instead.
    working well for me so far. not the fastest way but mood and profits are up.

    even with more AP and bots doing the work there is no wasted loop as even resting has benefit. not sure i seen a play loop of this size and growing that has zero wasted time. it's a thing of beauty ;) :giggle:

    one day we will finally have a brothel type game with a good play loop, decent enough art you want to lick your screen hoping it magically turns scratch n sniff, and a plot/storyline you will enjoy reading and will have you occupying that other hand NOT currently masturbating your mouse.

    so far one game is getting close for me but many have started and completed is very rare. like rocking horse poo rare.
    likeable completed are ...well i'm off to hunt a unicorn....
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Playing 0.7.2

    This is a management game. If you don't have a passion for slow & steady increases and watching your business improve through your effort... this isn't the game for you.

    If you like that, then this is awesome! Taking over a dead project, Squirrel (the dev) has polished a lot of the rough edges and smoothed a lot of the problems out of the original game. There is a solid foundation to build on here, with variable art, unique quirks and skills for girls, roles for all your androids to fill, business management, and even some developing storyline and plot. And yes, there is sex... a fair bit of it actually.

    What is it missing? Just more. More story, more girls, more art, more parts and pieces, more ways that those parts and pieces fit together. More changes to develop your business and make your MC triumph over adversity. And the only way we're going to get more is for the Dev to keep working, and for the player to keep engaging.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Squirrel building upon an already fun game. It's probably not for everyone, but I still think it's worth a play if you are on the fence. There are many bot's that can be added along with the decent amount of starting ones. Appreciate the work and looking forward to more!