VN - Ren'Py - Sexbot [v1.5 Beta] [LlamaMann Games]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    downloaded this thinking it would be meh and good for a wank but that's how I got into VNs in the first place, fucking amazing story, obviously completely ridiculous but it doesn't feel contrived and the characters are all super interesting and fuck this is fun to play
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Benign Sin

    Outstanding game.
    Sexbot manages to be genuinely funny (most game humor misses me completely) while still being sexy. It has super hot characters doing absolutely filthy things to each other. Brilliantly creative setups for lewd scenes with serious payoffs.

    Props to LlamaDudde for creating something so unique, fun and boner-inducing.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    It has a lot of potential.

    The story doesn´t take it self serious, but it itsn´ only jokes whick makes it work pretty weel, the time traveö is a very nice concept.

    The sex scenes have a lot of fetishes and very good animations.

    The music is very fitting and I always like this kind of techno music.

    The characters are okay most are juat sluts but I didn´t really mind, there is also a antagonist Melvin who has a lot of NTR scenes but I didn´t think it was too bad.

    The big problem is the gamplay, because getting to some scenes is very annoying and can get boring.

    I would still recommend this game and hope to see more of this developer.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is extraordinary. The single negatve I can find is that the girls aren't exactly to my taste. I'm not sure they're to most people's taste, really, with the extreme cheekbones they all have. But if anyone can ignore the front-view alien stare, then everything else is golden.

    I'm sure the alien face is exactly what the creator wants, and I can't find too much to complain about that. Luckily, most of the girls he focuses on aren't the ones with ET faces, so it's not a huge problem.

    I hope this game goes on for a while, and that the creator stops making all the girls look like aliens, but even if so, the action makes up for it. 9.5/10.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    A high octane, high tech adventure replete with comedy, and 80s style action, with characters that have great themes, that despite having the same instrumental tenor as a porno flick starring Michael J. Fox and a pyrotechnics machine, nevertheless offers a bundle of short stories, that fold into a larger story overtime.

    A basic drawback that I will point out, is that the MC does have limitations to his own morality. You aren't ever really joining the comic book styled villains in this, but you can bend certain things to your own decision when the decision pops up.

    By the time I reached the point of guns blazing I pretty much grew to acknowledge that LlamaMann Games' taste in action sequences are rather smooth, and clever. Like a stick of butter brought to an almost-boil before dipping between those fish-sticks you call toes, by the time you get to the point of meeting more and more characters including a familiar duo by the endgame, you kinda get the urge to start all over again and play without naming every character some variant of the teletubbies or the ninja turtles.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game. I don't normally rate 5 stars, but I guess no game is perfect, so I guess I should give it out sometimes ;)..

    Played through multiple versions, but latest 1.0 now. Game has good quality renders and excellent animations. Conversation during animations means you can reuse and run them a bit without them getting old so fast.

    Fairly easy to get to the sexy content by just playing yourself and all the girls look good.

    The game revolves around a time-loop, playing the same week, ending up in prom night, over and over again. There are temporary stats that resets when the time loop resets, and some stats (Zeta) that you basically earn by taking someone to prom, which stays on and allows new options for later weeks.

    The concept means you'll end up replaying content you've seen quite a bit to see if you have possibly opened up a new option somewhere. To bring someone else than your Sexbot to prom, and open up new options, you need to get 3+ affection with them, so you need to learn a bit about what action gives affection changes to who, so you can build enough affection during the week.

    While initially I was a bit frustrated with the replaying and not unlocking more content, once I understood the concept, how Zeta worked and that I needed 3+ affection with a single char and learned a bit what made who like me, I think this works pretty well. Seeing some of the sexy content again is just fine, and if you want to skip, you can skip fast by holding down CTRL.

    The story is a bit silly, but doesn't take itself too seriously and is enjoyable.

    Potential improvements:
    - There is a scene gallery for what you have unlocked in a single game, with stats for that game, that you can look at at specific moments in the game. This is very useful to see your Zeta progress and other bits unlocked. But would be nice if you could open it any time to also see your non-Zeta progress. It would also be nice with a scene gallery of unlocked bits in any game available in the main menu.
    - More content is always good. I want more content with Baily and Daphne at least. And probably not the author's kink, but I'd be jumping on the bed next to Alexa and get mom to also take me with that big cock.
    - A page in the main menu to describe the concept, especially with the Zeta bits would probably help a bit, how many cycles you can play, is there an endings, or just eternal cycles etc.
    - And for those getting annoyed with replaying to view content, a cheat mode, where you colored options that led to content you haven't seen yet would also be useful.

    I hope there's no limits to the number of cycles you can do, or content that ends up hidden due to previous decisions that can't be undone, but seems like you can cycle time as much as you want, and at least very little content ends up hidden and requires replay. (Think there are a few scenes requiring to be triggered with certain conditions on first prom with a character)

    As the version is now 1.0, it's easy to wonder if the game is complete. But from the discussion it seems like it will continue. To get closure, it would be nice if there were some endings that foiled Melvin's plans, broke the time loop and made you live happily ever after with the girl(s) of your choice.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is really awesome and pretty unique.
    Even though it's not perfect, it deserve 5 starts compared to all other games you find here.

    • Unique Story
    • Very hot models
    • Well made, long scenes
    • A lot of different fetishes and poses
    • No sex sounds, at least female moaning would make it 10x better
    • All models have a very similar physics
    • The loop and finding out a different outcome gets boring fast
    • Some faces, especially lips are pretty ugly
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Great renders, good animations. Engaging story. One of the best of 2023. Looking forward to seeing more. t's crazy how something so simple as adding music can turn an already great game into something much more special. The synthwave tracks really elevated this experience to a whole other level.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly didn't think I was going to like Sexbot very much - my initial impression was that while there were some good enough preview renders to justify checking it out, there were also some character designs not to my taste, and the very trope-heavy visual design for some of them was an immediate red flag.

    However, in one of life's many lessons to not judge a game solely by the preview images, Sexbot has won me over. The time-loop based progression system works better than any similar mechanic in a VN that I can think of, with the between-loop ability status updates and guides preventing it from becoming a grind with no idea what to do next. While the characters are indeed very trope-heavy, the writing mostly strikes the right tone to make that aspect of the characters work in its favour, rather than just come across as lazy writing. The writing in general is light and fun, and competent, which allows the game to get away with things that might annoy me more in games with worse writing.

    The renders and animations for the sex scenes are generally great, and some of them are excellent. I'm not personally a fan of some of the character design choices, notably the exaggerated bimbo features of characters like Bailey and the faces of characters like Sam, which feel oddly proportioned. That said, the sex scenes are good enough that I stopped paying attention to that before long, and I genuinely enjoy all the character's scenes. It also helps that the cartoony tone of the game and characters makes it so that the less realistic character designs still fit in the universe well enough.

    The only other note-worthy critique that I can think of this that most of the secondary characters have very few sex scenes so far, so if you find a secondary character you particularly like, you may be a little disappointed on that front. But most of them do have at least some sex scenes, and presumably more coming in the future.

    Overall, a surprisingly great game. If you're on the fence about checking it out based on the premise and preview images, I would definitely recommend giving it a go, and I am personally looking forward to seeing future updates!
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Best Game, Period. Every character is likeable and well designed aesthetically. Plot is a great concept with the loop greatly enhancing replayability. The updates just can't come fast enough, this truly is one of the best visual novel games I've ever played.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Like it very much.
    Too hard to unlock all the scenes (too many reruns and specific choises are required).

    -Story, Originality
    You are a loner who has a harem of girls around, but still doesn't get a date for prom.
    Then you get an experimental robot as a date and stuff gets heated very much.

    Jucy 3D models and backgrounds.

    Some music and other sounds.

    Played it for 1-2 hours and liked it a lot.

    Runs like an average Ren'Py game.

    Didn't see any.

    Nice animations.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.

    -Amount of content
    Good ammount of content, but I didn't unlocked it all and want more.

    Another visual novel that made me want to read text and understand the plot.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    JAE Studio

    I would really love to have such robot to help around the house this is an interesting game, and I can see a great development. and future to this game llamamann is really doing great in this game every update is also super interesting
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    It's crazy how something so simple as adding music can turn an already great game into something much more special. The synthwave tracks really elevated this experience to a whole other level. The characters are great, the story is interesting, the dialogue and the references sprinkled in are all top notch. There is so much here that many devs could learn a lot from. Like this update showed off some pretty great lighting effects. If you haven't played this yet, you are missing out.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I really love this game. It is well though once you understand what you are doing . The animations are great and it is a continuous mix of funny and eroticism that just hooks you up.. Thank you Llamaman games
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Version Reviewed: 0.9.7

    I finally decided to try this game as it is approaching completion. There are some good things about the game and also some really annoying ones.

    • Good renders
    • Good character models overall
    • Decent to good writing
    • Good English
    • Good sex scenes
    • Good animations
    • Decent to good humor

    • The whole time loop mechanics don't work well here! After experiencing the first 6 days you loop and start at the beginning. Some new content is presented during each new loop but approximately 50% - 75% of it is just repeating the same identical content over and over again. I've never fast clicked through a game more than I have with this one! Making the player fast click or skip 50% of the game is a really bad gameplay mechanic!
    • The game has an extremely small music score. In fact, two songs are repeated so often that they are played nearly 80% of the game! The two songs are 'Bensound - Endless Motion' and 'Bensound - Pop Dance'.
    • All relationships in the game are superficial. There is almost no corruption. All household females start off as hungry sluts and only pretend to resist.
    • Porn logic reigns supreme with this game (which I expected) but it goes to the point of making the relationships in the game meaningless.
    • Too many of the character models suffer from exaggerated body parts or they are simply unrealistic. Nearly all females have nipple lifts for example (nipples and areola that are way too high on their breasts). This works well for teenage boys but not experienced guys who know what real female breasts look like.
    • Some renders are very grainy and/or lack detail, especially in darker scenes and when non-white light is used to light the scene.

    All too often, developers who take the 'time loop' route are just covering up for the lack of unique content in their games. Honestly, due to all the repeat content, I started getting very bored with the game. This is the danger of playing "Groundhog Day" too often. If an author is going to take this route, more unique content needs to be added for each loop with less repetition.

    I was also surprised that the same audio clips kept repeating over and over again like a bad dream. The two frequently repeated songs got on my nerves after a while! I don't know how anyone can think this is OK!

    Basically, the two above mentioned game problems each took a star off the rating for me since they were so annoying.

    Sexbot is a lighthearted and sometimes fun game and isn't meant to be taken seriously but I can't recommend it to everyone.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    So first let me start off by saying that this is not a NTR game or a FUTA game or even a Femdom or Maledom game. While all of those fetishes are present none are a primary focus and in the case of NTR and FUTA such content is clearly labelled and easily avoidable. If you are looking for a focused experience pertaining to your fetish(es) of choice this game may not be for you.

    What this game does focus on are the characters and story. The characters are all well written and developed. And the female cast manages to successfully avoid the pitfall of only differing in appearance. As to the story while I can see how some may find the time loop aspect of this game confusing and perhaps a bit disorienting. I find that it allows the story to progress in interesting and surprising ways.

    If I were to have one nitpick with the game it would be that you do eventually get to a point where you will start repeating scenes(particularly the prom scenes at the end of loops) in your hunt to get all of the content which there is a lot of. That being said this is mostly an issue for players who play each update as it is released and will become less and less of an issue for new players every update.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + In most of the scenes girls/women look hot, but the game has some consistency problems and there are a lot of scenes they do look unattractive as well.
    + The game has a kind of funny sense of humor with some references from certain movies, etc.
    + Sex scenes have animations and a lot of positions/angles.
    + With v0.9.9 we got some new music for the game.

    Bad Points
    - While the story-telling sometimes feels funny, the loop thing and doing the nearly same things over and over again is quite repetitive.
    - The game lacks choices and different outcomes come with that choices, as a player you have nearly no choice over the story, and it's a very bad point.
    - Girls/Women don't have enough variety, nearly all of them have lust-type of developments and relationships with MC, so the game lacks romance developments and love-interest type of girls/women.
    - Most of our content is just base stuff like some striptease, dry-humping, HJ, BJ, TJ, etc. Most of the scenes are cockblocking scenes with a lot of teasing, but with no finish, and it's quite unsatisfying.
    - This game's visual quality and animations are quite inconsistent... In most scenes, visual quality looks like 720p, animations don't have enough FPS, and animated sex scene positions/angles look bad. And weirdly again some of them look very good like the prom day Alexa sex scene, that scene had very good visual quality with very good animations and with good FPS value, and a lot of different positions.
    - Like animation quality art style feels inconsistent as well, sometimes girls/women look hot, and sometimes they look kind of too edgy and unattractive.
    - Intentionally or not some features sometimes work and sometimes don't works like the rollback feature, and it's a quite bad choice to make considering it's one of the known and convenient features of the Renpy game engine.
    - The game not informs player well enough about certain stuff and don't have invisible barriers either, and thanks to that you can block and can't open certain scenes/events, but can't figure out what's the problem and have to ask in game page, etc. Ashley date event is a great example for this, for opening that event you need to open Emily Hangout Option by progressing with Emily, but the game tells nothing about this.
    -Daphne's is manipulative and cringy person with pretty annoying content.
    - Melvin and every scene he is in is good enough to count as a very bad point, especially seeing the exact same scenes with Melvin over and over again on the last day of the loop and having no choice to change the outcome is quite bad, and the v1.0 group prom content being straight-up terrible, like there is literally no logical explanation about why they didn't take nor destroy the Lexxx's glasses or why Alexa didn't use her Amazon form like before for overpowering Lexxx instead of risking family members? It almost feels like writers forget what they had written before and created a plot hole for just writing this outcome.
    - With 1.4 we saw years passed after the incident, learned existence of Neuro-Virus, saw whole world is now controlled by Ama-zone, become a wasteland, everyone become slaves of Empress, MC is last free human remained in the world, trying to find a cure for Neuro-Virus and trying to fix the box to go back past and fix the things. Approach was more serious and even little bit romantic with how MC was acting depressed, asking questions to Alexa like ''I love you Alexa, but I can't stop thinking about 'can machines really love?''' or things like that. But same time that still doesn't change how nonsense it is all these things happened was part of the future MC and Alexa's plan. And like these are not poorly-written enough MC had to jump obvious trap (and as a player we had no choice again OFC) and get stabbed from his chest! And after getting healed he and Alexe gone to the exact same damn thing leading world apocalypse! Imagine coming from the future, having time travel power, yet not knowing or not creating any plan to stop world getting destroyed and just coming the past to say your past selfs to do exact same mistakes... Writers trying so hard to keep the loop is one of things makes this game writing shitty, what they should have done was remaking that terrible group content and fixing things with 1.4 content and stop the loop, but sadly this is how things are... Now we started another loop, but this time with more experienced MC who saw the ending of the world, or you might think that, but after some scenes in first day Alexa told MC she is going to delete his memory or it could prevent him from doing ''bla bla'' yeah exactly, that's how we should trait nonsense this game throws us, ''bla bla'' and aside that we have some little changes like Lexxx not having visor, or Mai getting curves with the project she was working on it, etc. But we are exactly where we are, one week before the prom like before.

    For The End
    This game had good potential from the start, but it's executed quite poorly, and especially with v1.0 it's become terrible.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Been a while since I reviewed a game, I felt at this point I had sort of lost critics to add to any new games that I've played that hadn't already been said by others, were simply negative or that didn't have to do with my love for the art style alone. But this game did so much so right, I had to comment.

    Story and character interactions are hilarious. Designs are incredible, sound and music is perfect. And finally, the reason for me to create the review at all, intuitive, well executed and designed gameplay.

    There are other games which have tried to do the replay with changed character relationships carried over from previous playthroughs and all are too confusing and poorly implemented. This game does it well, keeps it simple and straightforward, and provides payoffs.

    Rest assured if there is a character you wish to focus in on, you don't have to waste time getting to them, the game let's you reach your desired fap material pretty easily. Thank you for remembering what porn is yet also managing to create entertainment in other ways as well without trying so hard you ruin the game. This is comedy, this is story, this is gameplay, this is porn. Exemplary work, thank you!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Milf, NTR, Ahegao... It has everything a man could want and more. Considering lovely art its a great game. And I have to say the simplicity of reusing the same ambiance - scenes (via plot-timetravel) and still making progress is genius! Wish for more bad guy NTR action, not just pre-time travel scene, but maybe I just didn't do enough time-loops...
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Weird forest Witcher

    This game is basicaly the "all stars of porn game" it has every thing you could want, every kink every fetish, it has femdom, maledom, futa, romantic, funny stuff, cosplay, the jokes in the game are actualy funny, we get different types of woman and boys in this, like big boobs small boobs, bad boys good boys, everything, we got santa clause if you are into that, who ever you are this game has something for everyone, the dev is also very friendly and all he seems to understand us, whatever the idea of timeloop meets sexbot helps you fuck every hole in your area leads to lots of trippy stuff, every fan of porn f95zone, or funny visual novels should play this there is just one thing to make the game better, to make it bigger, make more of the same, the formula just works. 10 / 10