Excellent game. I don't normally rate 5 stars, but I guess no game is perfect, so I guess I should give it out sometimes
Played through multiple versions, but latest 1.0 now. Game has good quality renders and excellent animations. Conversation during animations means you can reuse and run them a bit without them getting old so fast.
Fairly easy to get to the sexy content by just playing yourself and all the girls look good.
The game revolves around a time-loop, playing the same week, ending up in prom night, over and over again. There are temporary stats that resets when the time loop resets, and some stats (Zeta) that you basically earn by taking someone to prom, which stays on and allows new options for later weeks.
The concept means you'll end up replaying content you've seen quite a bit to see if you have possibly opened up a new option somewhere. To bring someone else than your Sexbot to prom, and open up new options, you need to get 3+ affection with them, so you need to learn a bit about what action gives affection changes to who, so you can build enough affection during the week.
While initially I was a bit frustrated with the replaying and not unlocking more content, once I understood the concept, how Zeta worked and that I needed 3+ affection with a single char and learned a bit what made who like me, I think this works pretty well. Seeing some of the sexy content again is just fine, and if you want to skip, you can skip fast by holding down CTRL.
The story is a bit silly, but doesn't take itself too seriously and is enjoyable.
Potential improvements:
- There is a scene gallery for what you have unlocked in a single game, with stats for that game, that you can look at at specific moments in the game. This is very useful to see your Zeta progress and other bits unlocked. But would be nice if you could open it any time to also see your non-Zeta progress. It would also be nice with a scene gallery of unlocked bits in any game available in the main menu.
- More content is always good. I want more content with Baily and Daphne at least. And probably not the author's kink, but I'd be jumping on the bed next to Alexa and get mom to also take me with that big cock.
- A page in the main menu to describe the concept, especially with the Zeta bits would probably help a bit, how many cycles you can play, is there an endings, or just eternal cycles etc.
- And for those getting annoyed with replaying to view content, a cheat mode, where you colored options that led to content you haven't seen yet would also be useful.
I hope there's no limits to the number of cycles you can do, or content that ends up hidden due to previous decisions that can't be undone, but seems like you can cycle time as much as you want, and at least very little content ends up hidden and requires replay. (Think there are a few scenes requiring to be triggered with certain conditions on first prom with a character)
As the version is now 1.0, it's easy to wonder if the game is complete. But from the discussion it seems like it will continue. To get closure, it would be nice if there were some endings that foiled Melvin's plans, broke the time loop and made you live happily ever after with the girl(s) of your choice.