Just finished all the content from the latest update and going to give some thoughts about the game overall.
- The art really good for the most part. It's done well and is Summertime Saga-esque, big fan. The areas where it's lacking are being remastered which is a good sign!
- Lots of H-scenes and good variety of poses and sex acts, no complaints from me! Kind of wish there were more anal scenes but that's entirely a personal preference.
- The characters are quite similar for the most part, thick, busty girls, mostly milfs. I'm not sure if this is part of the game's identity or just how the story and characters have unfolded so far. In any case I'm a fan, I just wish there was some more variety. Some more slender girls would be welcomed, but it seems like that's already planned from the asian secretary and the secretary at the city hall building, as well as the Belle Delphine character. On a similar note, I'd love to more variety in ethnicities. At the moment almost all the characters are white or asian. Some latina, Italian, Black, Indian, anything would be a welcomed addition! One other thing I liked with the characters were the inclusion of Belle Delphine and Billie Eilish characters. Some may think this was cheesy but I really liked it! Not sure if there are any other characters planned like this but it would be a yes from me!
- As a fan of femdom, I really liked the domination themed H-scenes, it's not something I've typically scene outside of femdom themed games. I'd love to see some more scenes with this. Pegging scenes would be great, but not sure everyone would appreciate them, so understandable if they are not included.
- When playing, I thought a number of times the natural progression for the sister would be to start an Onlyfans and make you film content with her, but come to think of it perhaps that's what the Belle character is for?
- Teachers. I can only imagine that more is planned in this area. Right now there's 4 classrooms which makes way for at least 4 fuckable teachers. The school could very easily be expanded to have areas such as a principal's office, food court, swimming pool, computer room, library, etc. I'd love to see a school themed update that would introduce these locations and characters. Obviously it'd be unrealistic to have full fleshed out characters and story lines for all the students/staff, but just some location art and single character sprites would be nice to see and give players a good idea of what is to come.
There's lot's of different ways you could expand this game and I'm sure you've got many of the ideas mentioned aboved and many others, but I thought I'd mention them anyway. I'm drawing lots of parallels to SS as I'm sure this game was heavily inspired by it. My opinion may differ to others but I wouldn't at all be opposed to seeing more inspiration drawn from that game. Things like a tattoo shop (makes way for alt/goth characters), a police station, car dealership, etc. Any sort of business could be put onto the map.
One more thought about the map, at first it was hard to figure out all the locations as the top down view isn't the easiest of views to determine what each location is, perhaps a faint title above the locations would help with this? Or perhaps a re-do of the map to show it at a slightly different view (similar to the SS map).
This was a bit of a rant, but I really enjoyed the game and just wanted to get some thoughts across. Looking forward to the coming updates, will be supporting the project when I am able to!