Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us all of this, that is really important for us and you are right, but this is basically the "2nd version of the game" (it's on the 0.043, but we had to make a lot of changes from the 0.01, we started on Unity and have to move to renpy (It was like starting again from 0) we made a full redesign of all the characters and the main character 4 TIMES! and just on this version we are expanding the content to new locations and characters) Of course we have to focus on something every update, otherwise it would be pointless, this one was focused con the family (Letting this done for now), Next update (0.05) will focus on expanding the world, new characters and locations, (0.06) will focus on Brixxida and the sexnote, setting new spells and mechanics, and then we will make a poll to know what do you want to depth on, so we could start to improve the game flow and creating more events with each character. Is just that the game is for now on an early version. (If you had tried the last updates you would understand better the progress of the game)