Unity - Completed - Sexy Beats [Final] [Naku Kinoko]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Sexy Beats [Final]

    Unplayable, as the keys do not appear, the game looked good, and the AI CG seemed to be well done, but since you can't play you can't see them either. I have tried several things, from downloading it from different places to change the language to Japanese, but nothing works, so I can't evaluate anything.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This is just an alright (kinda shoddy) rhythm game engine with some eye candy. The rhythm game itself is not that fun, as it tilts towards a more competitive style of play with is for one not super fitting for the type of game it is.

    This feels like a cheap recycled product that was meant to be something else entirely. I'm not sure what it was even supposed to be in the first place.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    (Reviewed 2024-06-11)
    A decent rhythm game for eroge standards. There are some issues with the gameplay, but overall it seems like a well put together game and I'm always happy to see more diversity in gameplay genres for eroges. I think it could be worth trying out if you enjoy the look of the art and rhythm games in general.

    Gameplay 3/5:
    Pretty standard taiko style gameplay with a minor twist. There are 10 songs with 3 difficulties each (easy, normal, hard). The game doesn't really give you much of a tutorial other than telling you the controls, but everything is pretty intuitive if you've played any rhythm game before. Basically notes will come in from the left and right and you will need to hit or hold "d"/"f" or "j"/"k" respectively when the note reaches the center of the screen.

    Since I have some experience playing these types of games, I found the difficulty to be pretty easy after getting used to the controls and UI. I think the difficulty gap between easy/normal/hard is also pretty small, so depending on how good or experienced you are with rhythm games you might find everything to be very easy or pretty hard.

    Also the biggest issue with the gameplay is that the timing of the notes is inconsistent. Sometimes notes will be in time with the music, but other times things will be noticeably off rhythm. The acceptable range for hitting the note is pretty big which mitigates this slightly, but its still pretty annoying when the "perfect" time to hit the note is not on beat. The mapping for the songs is also mediocre at best. Note patterns are often kind of awkward and don't follow the music as much as I'd want it to. These two facts make the gameplay OK at best and mildly frustrating at worst.

    Overall I think the gameplay is OK, but could be a lot better than it is if the timing and mapping was better and more songs/difficulty levels were added, since fundamentally I think the concept is good.

    Music 4/5:
    The music is pretty good. Everything sounds decently well produced and relatively solid compositionally. The songs are Pop or RnB style songs in a variety of languages (English, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Chinese). All of the songs are 2-3 minutes long and seem to be originals for this game, since I can't seem to find any of them online from just the titles. However there isn't much variation in the genre of music and it all can sound kind of generic/sameish after a while. They're also all relatively slow paced which seems kind of counterproductive for a rhythm game. It wouldn't suprise me if some parts of the music were AI generated, but it all sounds pretty good in the end.

    Art and H-Content 4/5:
    All of the art is very nice. For me its hard to tell if AI tools were used or not, since the overall style is very AI, but on close inspection there don't seem to be any of the typical AI flaws such as weird details in the anatomy, hair, or other things. Generally seems hand drawn to me or at least manually fixed and refined in some way.

    There are 10 CGs total with 3 variations each and to full unlock them, you just need to get 3 stars on any difficulty of the coresponding song (which should be pretty easy). The animation is pretty janky though and kind of distracting when your playing, since the animation loops anytime you hit a note, so in some of the songs the girl just ends up spazzing around in the background while your playing. Also all of the CGs are pretty vanilla with not much diveresity in kinks.

    Overall 4/5:
    Decent fun for a rhythm eroge. Gameplay falls short of other similar rhythm games like Muse Dash or osu taiko, but I think the music and art make up for it. The overall design and UI is also very nice, but there's no quit button which seems like kind of weird oversight. If you like the art and rhythm games, I'd reconmend giving it a go.

    - Fundementals of the gameplay are good, but timing and mapping of notes could be a lot better
    - Good music, but not much variety in genre (mostly Pop/RnB).
    - 10 songs total, 3 difficulties each
    - you only need to get 3 stars on easy to unlock the full CG
    - Nice art. 10 CGs 3 variations each, but everythings pretty vanilla