RPGM - Completed - Sexy Quest: The Dark Queen's Wrath [v1.0.2] [Siren's Domain]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Easily the worst of Siren's stuff.
    Even if the story didn't need to be rushed in development like it was, it didn't seem like it really would've been super satisfying.
    MC is nice in that he's different than the typical "totally-not-a-shota-i-swear" Siren goes for (not judging mind you, some variety is just nice), but personality-wise he's utterly dull. The girls had potential, but got snubbed by the rushed development (not to mention we missed out on so many other good options).
    The gameplay is at least semi-fun to play compared to ToP and, at time of writing, what's there of KoP. It's also less guide-heavy; sadly it goes so far in the linear direction that it borders on just going from point A to point B most of the time.
    Not the worst game I've ever played but definitely a blemish on Siren's record.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    1. the battles in the game are very slow and boring, although I chose easy difficulty where it was written that you can skip them, this is not so
    2. the characters are ugly, they were much better in Town of Passion

    I'm disappointed in this game
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Sexy Quest version 1.0.2 (Completed):
    I'll start by saying that it's the worse game of Siren's Domain, the story is mediocre at best and I don't think the sex scenes really are that great either (the girls are fine), but the combat is good and the art is good.
    Art 7/10
    Animation 7/10
    Story 3/10
    Gameplay 8/10

    It had promise but it was undercooked and missing a lot of scenes with other girls (I'm seeing you Black Knight and the 3 fairies) and even the main ones.
    Would recommend to play it for fun, if you don't care about a poor story and mindless sex scenes.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    A game that offers a great experience as a combat add-on and exploration, more weapons and more areas to explore should be added to the game.

    The character designs are amazing, more designs of this type will greatly contribute to the development of the game, great designs, I loved it.

    Finally, thank you for developing such a beautiful game, I hope it continues to develop, thank you! :love:
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Rating of v1.0.2 is a 6/10
    Time to complete on normal difficulty was 5.5 hours
    Would I recommend? Kinda
    Art: 4.5/5
    Animation: 3/5
    Sfx: 3/5
    Gameplay: 3/5
    Story: 2.5/5

    I'd say everything about this game (aside from the great art) is slightly above average in terms of quality in a typical porn game. Nothing is wrong with the game, but it doesn't do anything that makes it stand out either.
    It has a story mode if you don't like battling, so you can get to the scenes quick, but they are kinda short and there are 15 or so in total.
    Overall just a decent game that's a decent time waster, but probably won't ever be in someone's top 10 favorites.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun gameplay, cute story, good characters. Only negative is I want more movement in the scenes. Plenty of non fetch side quests that have rewarding endings. Decent end game content. I actually cared about what happened to them
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game felt more like a beta test than a fully made game. Not that it's a bad thing, but it really felt like the dev was trying out new stuff with combat and the new engine.
    The game is fairly short, around 10 hours of gameplay if you really stretch it. The sex scenes are few but they are enough considering the context of the game. The art is well-drawn but the dialogue and plot feels lacking. There isn't any sort of build-up to the end plot and ends up fairly linear. But it's a siren's domain game so the production is very high quality.
    I would rate this an 8/10, mainly because of the short playtime.
  8. 2.00 star(s)



    Meh protagonist. And I mean truly meh. A wimp and I mean he actually *whimpers* at one point. Scared of everything. Oh but no one can start off perfect, the character builds up and grows as the story progresses. Yeah nah. I am fine. Ends up being the butt of every joke. Is quite stupid. I don't know if that's supposed to be funny or something but it really did not work for me. At least has a proper porn dick. Never the initiator of any scenes up till the end of chapter 4. Always "permitted" to do the sex thing. Almost as if this was written in the "current day". Maybe I am too sensitive about this in particular. But I don't care.

    Meh female characters. Not nearly enough dialogue to comment on their characters and personalities because I have no idea if they have any. So I am just going to rate the bodies. I don't find them attractive, pretty much at all. It's the tits. The bodies are fine but they are all the same. Exactly the same. If one of them was like that it would be great. I love 2d art. And some meat on those bones. But they are the same template. And then there are those disgusting malformed bags of plastic that are pretending to be tits on them. Results of malpractice and heavy drinking while redoing an already botched surgery in the 70s, is what they look like. An extreme turn off for me. And then there is the tiny problem that the women feel like the real protagonist. Them, not the playable character. Meh.

    Art is good. Other than what I've mentioned above. I would say, that I still probably prefer this, over the copy and pasted garbage that 3d renders are these days, but still. Just wasted potential. In my humble (read worthless) opinion. Like the third scene I saw was a reskin of one I saw about 10 minutes prior. And it was a tit-job. Starring that eye-cancer. Kinda lazy.

    Conclusion, ultra meh. Wouldn't bother. Grind is real. You can turn it off which is fine. But why not make it worth it instead. Lean into the gearing and game-play aspect more. I don't know how flexible rpgmaker is in terms of random gear drops and stat ranges on items. Maybe the grind would be more fun if the mobs dropped some items that could roll randomly arpg style. Just an idea since I can't see this as an actual porn game. Way too much filler stuck to it. Almost like the Monster Girl 1000 but worse.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Mediocre at best,
    The gameplay - Better then sirens previous title, Town Of Passion in which that game involved you running all around the town.
    In that game you actually needed a guide to fully 100% that game other wise risk running around clueless on what do next.
    This game,However is pretty direct on what you need to do.
    Kill enemys,Level up,Get stronger, Follow the main storyline and get the ocasional H - scenes.
    Their's even a easy mode to avoid fighting all together
    But the gameplay follows your traditional turn based rpg mechanic
    H - scenes - Truth be told?
    Not enough cg, Cutscenes are lack luster and end to quickly causing disappointment in the players PP.
    You'll find yourself thinking "WHAT?!?! ITS OVER ALREADY!??!" because amount of time it takes for a lewd cutscene is roughly 10 - 15 minutes so that's alot of time for a player to build sexual tension.
    I know that was true for the pink witch lady.
    I was disappointed to find only 2 - 3 renders.
    After doing a boss fight.
    The story - It's better then town of passion's story which is confusing af.
    In terms of content - It's like putting tiny little pieces of candy on every 30 or so pages of a book to encourage a child to read a book their not interested in. Though when you finally get the piece of candy its to hard to chew or tastes like shit.
    So you skip to other pages to taste the other flavors to see if they all taste like shit.
    I found myself skipping through most of the story to see if all the other cg's were just as short lived.
    My personal take?
    Town of passion was better CG wise and H - scene wise.
    He used to put alot more **Passion** into the Sex scenes back then and considering that the fact this game is supposed to come before this game disappoints me greatly.
    What bugs me the most is that town of passion was never fully complete either but that my friend is for another review section.

    Rating - Mediocre
    Play if you got nothing better on the "To jerk off to list"
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    I honestly wonder what went wrong here. Siren usually makes good stuff, and the art here is once again top notch. The design of the game isnt bad either, just very undercooked. The design outlines are there, the progression is there, it is just like he was forced to push it out a year early.

    Gameplay is very standard, go around, kill random encounters, kill bosses, get some story. Its stock RPGmaker combat. The game has some ideas, like allowing you to pick what generates your limit break points. Some characters have recognizable designs, like a tank or a healer. However, it just doesnt work at all. The tank doesnt work since bosses often have partywide attacks. So tauning them doesnt work. Other characters have just random spells. I honestly have no idea what use the black knight is. The game has 6 characters you can switch in and out, but 5 of them are useful and honestly there isnt a lot to strategy except for just picking 4 and pumping damage.

    The story is extremely basic. I honestly cant think of more to comment on.

    The porn is just extremely basic. The art is amazing, but the amount of content and type of content is just beyond disappointing. You start with a childhood friend/mentor character, but 5 minutes in she's already jerking you off, and it doesnt seem like this happened before, but it also doesnt seem like it really changes their relationship. Other characters also just exist and then decide to just randomly fuck the MC. Precious time and scenes are spent on the bunnygirls even though the main girls barely have any time to shine. Hell, the dark knight has zero scenes. Just what?

    That leads me to the conclusion. What happened. How is it possible the black knight has zero scenes. I think the answer to that explains every problem this game has. And its a damn shame, the effort put into the art and the girls couldve been spent on a better product.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I like the style of RPGMs but somethings it's difficult to find one not originally made in Japanese or without some form of tentacles, corruption elements or rope bondage.

    It's a fun, little game to play. It has one of my favorite elements, experience grinding (don't think most are a fan of this in their hentai games but I sure as hell am!) and animation scenes. And no corruption or having to rape for the smexy. And while I don't mind the shota progs I like it's actually an older man doing the "grinding" if ya know what I mea.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Meh... I mean, I love - LOVE - the art style, but the scenes and variety are subpar. If you like paizuri, then have at it ig.... but I had high hopes that this would be on the same level as Town of Passion, which this is a prequel to apparently. I don't see it, but yaknow. lmao The scenes are meh, just run through it on the easy mode and unlock the scenes to save yourself a few hours.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Maybe I came into this game with too high of expectations based on Siren's previous work. I figured this would be a slam dunk with the art and premise but it's just... nothing. A big pile of nothing with some pretty art sprinkled on top to lure you in.

    At times the story is so bland with handwaved plot points that you almost start to think that the game might be a genre-savvy commentary on overused fantasy rpg tropes. But there's never a punchline because it's not a joke. There's no immersion to be had here. The plot, characters, and setting are all woefully undeveloped. Why make a story-based rpg and then leave out the story and character relationships?

    I'd call the game "vanilla" but that's offensive to good vanilla games. There are no kinks featured in any meaningful way; even the harem element is largely ignored. My real frustration was with the absolutely romantically passive MC. It's just bizarre to me that the MC is characterized as so painfully oblivious to the women around him. Actually, that's not fair - "oblivious" is a valid character trait. This MC isn't characterized as anything. He might as well be a human-shaped dildo given that he doesn't catch on to sexual advances until they're naked on top of him.

    So what does the game have? Standard RPGM battles. And lots of them. Way too many of them. Every area that's not a town has random enemy encounters that activate every ~10 steps or so. You can reduce the encounter rate by 1/2 or even turn it off completely, but then you're not gaining exp or gold which are necessary to defeat bosses.

    Some people hate rpgm battles, but I'm generally fond of them. Problem is that there's nothing noteworthy about the combat. Abilities feel like they are randomly plucked from an rpgm kit and there's no meaningful synergy or gameplay twist to make up for the frequency of the combat. You match enemy weaknesses, heal when your hp is low, and that's about it. There is a casual mode which removes all combat completely, and if for some reason you feel compelled to play this game then I would recommend it.

    "Ok but what about the art?" you may ask. Surely, this bloated mass of nothing must at least succeed in being a vehicle for delivering porn via gameplay, r-right? This game proved to be an unfappable experience for me. I'm not embarrassed to say that my porn standards are rock bottom, but playing this game was such a chore that I could never get into the right headspace to actually enjoy the actual reason I was here to begin with. The amount of gameplay you need to suffer through between scenes is way too high and the scenes themselves are generic, lack meaningful buildup, and are reused more often than they should given how few there are.

    I'm sure there are people that will love this game solely because of the art. These people have absolutely no standards for how they spend their time given that this site, and even this developer alone, have far better offerings in their libraries.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Siren's Domain, great developer that really caught my eye a while ago. My rating is a reflection of how solid of an RPGM game this is. This game isn't a buggy mess, decent linear game design aka not same traps as many indie adult games. The art and animations have a nice polish. In my opinion, it is their best looking art yet. The game has a streamlined story only option to skip all fights or one with the RPG grind. Solid story but unfortunately lacking in a few areas.

    I can't help but feel this game is missing content. My main qualm, or the issue of note with the animated erotic scenes are that several animations are not unique to each character. Many characters sort of reuse the same rig and posing. It would be fine if they were bonus scenes, or maybe even baseline scenes that you can unlock i.e. titjob for x, y, z character, but it's not. It's the main content of the game.

    The story is fine, but you simply don't spend enough time with the characters of the game. No nude standing models which is a massive head scratcher. No scenes with several other notable sexy characters that show up in the game, One in particularly is ignored so egregiously despite the main character himself going "she's hot!" at one point that I couldn't believe it.

    I don't know if they intend to drip some more content into the game, since it is a completed project but this feels like it's missing a dozen or so scenes and character building. The conclusion is equally bizarre and seems rushed with only one character getting closure with the main character in the story. I wouldn't say this game is bad but just temper your expectations. This isn't anywhere close to the level of this developer's previous project.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Good so far. The artstyle is definitely interesting and reminds me of another game in particular. Being the same creator of house chores, which I did play when it was a short novel story, it became a whole story arc of its own. Looking forward for the next updates
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Version 0.7.1
    This could have potential.
    But it there are no tutorial to the combat and your abilities.
    So you are stuck fumbling against a boss you meet early on, if you don't know you have those abilities.

    If a companion is downed, they stay like that forever, you are then stuck with a downed companion fight after fight, and you can't purchase a restore item, so why are they just not removed?
    If a companion is poisoned and you don't have an antidote and enough gold for one, they die, and you are stuck with a downed companion.

    Story seems ok, but dragging a dead companion around just seems to stupid so I couldn't continue.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5055050

    Sexy Quest: The Dark Queen's Wrath is quite an enjoyable and fun RPGM title, with its charming art style and great character design, it was really fun.

    The gameplay is standard turn based combat (as expected from a RPGM game), tho it's not that grindy as other games, which definitely helps the flow of the game.

    The currently available H-scenes were phenomenal, especially with the sexy waifus.

    Even if the game is in beta, I am excited for more updates in the future.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    Worst game balance out of all Sirens games. Random encounters every 3 seconds even on half settings, every boss is a spam machine. You forced either pray to RNGesus so the boss stops spamming CC or doesnt nuke twice in his double action phase, or grind mobs until you cant lose to boss cause of bad RNG.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The art and animation were excellent.
    I like the story
    The characters may fall into archetype tropes but they were still lovable
    Left me wanting more. Can't wait til this progresses further

    My only critique is not enough sexy replays. I can't wait to get the next scene.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Standard RPG with the occasional sex scene tacked on. The art, animation, writing, and combat are all strong, which places it higher than most. Neither the concept nor gameplay are sexy, so it failed to intrigue me. If you're interested in good gameplay with reward sex scenes after bosses, you'll enjoy it.