Man, I had such high hopes for this game when I first played it years ago (that part is important). Since that time the game has gone from maybe 20 minutes of content all the way up to 30. Updates are consistent but they are so barebones it can't even be called an update. Each one adds maybe 5-10 minutes of content. Meanwhile major complaints about the game still sit unresolved, such as the un-skippable credits, in a game that you are meant to play multiple times. It quickly becomes clear why though, when you get bombarded with ads for the developers other games, which are all having the same problems. These are not games, they are ads pretending to be games. At this point I'm convinced that the dev is doing the barebones work necessary just to make a quick buck selling poor quality VN's. It's a shame too because there is so much potential here. I admit I know nothing about the creator, they could be super passionate and working on these only in their spare time, but if that is the case it does not come through in the end product.