Actually pay for it even dollar is joke. The only one good think are some character design which i like, but everythink else is terrible.
He doesn't even bother reduce file size and 8.5gb is massive fail. he compress only images, but totally ignore animations. Why he leave 10-30 sec animation loops in files since most of these loops actually can be mostly 3-5 seconds? 4.6gb take only this section and it can be cut to half size maybe more.
Also his switch from RPGM to Ren'py is stupid. He just do same mistakes and issues for that people criticize him.
About other thinks rather no comment. There is too much problems and i'm dissapointment. I was support him from start and hope he get better, but after few updates there was no improvements so i stop it and wait if someone put here link.
Why i bother? I don't know i just take it as example how not to make game like this. It's perfect example.

But i don't think it's purely fault of Shaman. I mean people who support it are on blame too. If they not criticize his mistakes, then there is no improvements or changes. Which is sometimes kinda impossible if your community are full of fanatics. (this can be applied to every fanbase).