RPGM - Ren'Py - Shadows of Desire [v0.5c.tv] [Shamantr]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Mixed opinion on this one.

    - Camila-Jason Cheating Path, Fred's and Camila's family getting BBC

    - RPGM Engine for Chapters 1-4, all minor characters (not family related)

    Still, would recommend trying it out, as it is always amusing watching Fred's 0.5 inch baby carrot getting supplanted by Jason's 14 inch staff :LOL:
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Well, there's some light and quite a lot of shadow unfortunately. First of all, the switch to ren'py was great. This game has no business being in RPGM.

    Unfortunately, the new 'game mechanics' actually make the game worse. Moving around is cumbersome and since you have no idea where you need to be, you'll randomly click rooms until you are somehow allowed to leave. Not fun. Not good gameplay. I am not sure how anyone can think this is a good idea.

    Unfortunately, the story doesn't know where it wants to go. There is a lot of scenes that really don't add anything. The writing urgently needs some editing. The animations are fairly poor, but they are there if that's important to you.

    That leaves us with a fairly interesting setting and a FP that looks unique. Not sure if this is worth it at this time.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Can really tell the passion behind the dev with the work put into this, has a good story and visuals, with some rough edges that will work themselves out, can see the potential for an awesome NTR/NTS game
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I can see the potential, I can see the Dev's passion when they made the female models, but the male characters' faces and expressions definitely need more work. And of course, file compression issues.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a good NTR + Corruption + BBC game. The female characters are really hot with some really good sex scenes.

    But the writing, the dialogue and some scenarios are pretty rough and unrealistic. The story is messy, it's not hard to follow but it's hard to care.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I played trough the cuckold route, it starts good but the overall tone gets very weird later, it does some very creative stuff with the nightmare section, very original but it's way, waay too long, should be half of what it is or less-
    It doesnt help the very weird tone shift after the nightmare section makes you feel MC is still dreaming, like the shop owner with the gang of dudes , also the eerie music doesnt help one bit at all, changing it to something more normal would help a ton with the mood.

    Also there's too much focus on the Antagonist, way too much, the main girl should be the focus of an NTS/NTR game after all.
    Theres potential for a great game here, and you can tell the talent of the dev,
    I'd reccomend ditching the RPG mechanics entirely and fleshing out the writing more.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is great. Lovely. Very appealing I don't mind rpgm. It keeps me investing in stead just clicking and reading away, Distraction.

    Story is messy. Written like nonsense. Almost dumb. Gameplay mechanics and resources become completely useless and irrelevant.

    Need a lot work in the story. Maybe even a ret con. Game needs to follow a main goal so it feels more like a game. 3 stars. Good luck.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is graphically fantastic, its setting and the expressions of its characters are 10/10, I understand that it is one of the author's first games and I personally think that it has a very high level, and it is unfair that they give it Bad marks just for being an ntr game, in the first game I do feel that Camila's personality is very different but it is positive since this version is a little more realistic, and in the other game she needed to be more flirtatious since it was a shorter game and a version alternative.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2602227

    Haven't played all yet but a masterpiece so far.
    The game has a bit of building up and running around in the beginning. Yet it's a cool story and it doesn't really feel like way too much of a pain. A bit at school like someone mentioned.
    I also appreciate NTR RPGM games. When you approach that door with a heart sign on it, there is a feel to that.
    Great hot girlfriend.
    Would have preferred if words like <removed> and such were excluded but I'm not that picky about it and it's not overly used either.
    That routes were marked better, like maybe with colors or something.

    Definitely worth 4 stars at least for any NTR fan. So far I'm giving it 5. Could change when I've played more but I highly doubt it.

    Also there are three routes explained, all that leads to NTR, 1 cuckold, 2 cheating 3 blackmail.

    If you're not in to NTR, this is a hard pass for you.

    Also one thing this game does better than most, is the sound. Sad music and heart beats and such. It really adds to the tension and atmosphere.
    I hope more devs will copy that. (y)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Although it is rough around the edges, this is actually what I might call an NTR masterpiece. It was clearly made with soul. Artist really did a good job with Camilla, she is so beautiful. I think that RPGmaker combined with rendered art gives the game a unique vibe.

    The language needs amendments as it is in broken English from a Spanish speaker.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm sure it's been said a bunch but I love this main female character. Camilla. Beautiful, innocent and eager for corruption. Weak boyfriend getting fooled and cucked with humorous dialogue and events. However racially charged it makes for great taboo. Only thing that could make it better is a more complete game. Not sure if a bug but V 3.0 I began to get error messages towards seemingly the end of Birthday party. Gonna have to peep this patreon for exclusive content cause it's hot.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know if it's just me, but the girlfriend is the most attractive character in all the netorare I've played. If this is just me, the author and I probably have interconnected minds.

    Talking serious. The corruption is slow and good, the rpg is a little slow in the school part but the rest of the game works well. The girlfriend's expressions are incredible, I have no words
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    EDIT 2: 3.5 stars from a previous 2 stars. Latter half of the game would be 4.5-stars on the cheating path alone, grading on an f95Zone porn-game curve. But the other paths & earlier content drag that down considerably.

    It's really just the cheating path that gets good. Cuck path has a couple of genuinely great visual scenes in chapter 5 but plausibility & plot are hot trash. lol. Blackmail path is also very uneven & less hot than the other two. At its best parts: Hotter than any individual scene by EvaKiss. As a whole: Wildly uneven and can definitely use some trimming & focus for quality. Dev definitely has some very strong talents and skills though, seen in bursts of great quality in-between much poorer stretches. If he can add more focus to his game/story design & improve on his weak-points I can see his next game being pure dynamite. Or alternately a retcon at the end of development on this game with his newly developing skills to fix visual sore-points, condense focus and sharpen the story for plausibility.

    Edit: PREVIOUSLY TWO STARS: Gave this another shot for the Chapter 5 Renpy release. Marked improvement brings it from 2 stars to 3.5. If earlier chapters get a BIG writing rework when converted to Renpy & the male (especially black) faces are improved to not look ridiculous, this could become a 5-star (for a porn game) title.

    Faces of the black male characters in the latest chapter are still cringeworthy at parts, with the white-guy-painted-brown effect from certain angles & lighting, namely in the hair texture/color, eyes, cheeks & brow ridge, which is a huge pet peeve for me. Though still a marked improvement from early chapters. Another character also has a huge body & tiny-ass head. Plus white male MC is still weird looking. Yet the female characters for the most part are designed well. Writing in early chapters also still awful & will hopefully be cleaned up when those get converted to Renpy.

    REASON FOR EDIT: Despite the above, everything from the writing to the graphics are a marked improvement, if still not perfect. The female characters - especially the main LR - are of super-hot design and Renpy is a much more palatable format. I'm truly hoping the dev focuses on the male characters' heads, faces and hair because it's still just such a huge sore spot in a game that's really stepped it up in all other ways.
    Honestly, the final sex scene of Chapter 5 is about the hottest I've seen in one of these games which is another huge reason for this edit. The skill & talent is there & the dev has put a lot of effort in to improve. both writing and graphics (or maybe got some help). It's still just very uneven at times. Hoping more support will help the dev work out the flaws in the game.
    ______________________________________________ Original Impression from RPGM
    Very poor writing: Dialogue, motivations & interactions are completely implausible. It's as if written by someone who has never had a relationship or even regular day-to-day interactions with other human beings. There isn't even the thinnest iota of writing ability here.

    Poor format: RPGM makes absolutely no sense for this sort of game. User going from point A to point B adds nothing but time-waste here. There are no relevant functions where RPGM would be apt. No battling or equipment/item management. This would be better in RenPy.

    Very poor graphics/design: On top of the grossness that is MC's hair, a variety of characters are weird or unnatural looking. Facial expressions are ridiculous as well. Pet peeve that's the absolute worst: Dev just picked a Caucasian Das3d model & painted him brown, putting an afro on him. It looks just as described. Why, when you can get free models with African facial features on F95Zone? This just makes me thing it was due to sheer laziness & no care for quality whatsoever. The model looks ridiculous.

    Even if you like the fetishes/scenarios this game aims for, it's a waste of time. Unless you have absolutely no standards for quality whatsoever & your capacity for suspension of disbelief is retard-strength.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is really interesting because it allows you to play the cuckold and the bull. Graphically it's not the most beautiful game but the author knows where he wants to go and makes players want to see the transformation of Cami and Fred.
    I think that in terms of humiliation he can go even further. Afterwards what would be good is to give the player the choice of transforming Fred either into a loser or into a big alpha male after having ingested a pill
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    I would really like to rate it higher as i do like the idea of the game aswell as the designes of the female characters and the overall story.
    However what i don't like is this generic stupid MC with little dick, the concept of girls who turn into rad sluts just by seeing a bigger dick and unfortunately the poor game mechanics of this game.
    I like RPG games, but this one better be a renpy game because the running and minigames just aren't fun.
    I don't see the point in making this a RPG Maker game, cause there are no elements ingame that would justify this decision.
    On top of that, the animations aren't particularly good (to me). Really (!!) hoping for some major improvements and i will gladly come back to this game if they are made.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This game possesses a rare potential seldom found elsewhere. Granted, one must truly appreciate this genre or be willing to embrace the fact that Black men predominantly take the spotlight, and that the protagonist's girlfriend and surroundings inevitably succumb to corruption. This game may not be suitable for those unwilling to accept these aspects.

    What makes this game exceptional is its captivating storyline that never grows dull, coupled with a gradual escalation of character sexualization. Some characters are already corrupted, offering a glimpse of what awaits the Female Main Character (Cami) later on. With various routes offering entirely different narratives and scenes, SoD is perfect for those who appreciate a non-rushed experience. Personally, I prefer the Cheating Path, and towards the end of the 0.3b update, I genuinely felt my heart race. It's been a while since I haven't just skipped through to the sex scenes; I was genuinely engaged and eagerly followed the game's development. And with each update, it only gets better.

    For those seeking an emotionally challenging story and for those who appreciate beautifully crafted renders, this game has something to offer. I highly recommend trying out the public version at least once before delving into the official and high-quality Patreon versions..
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple the best game I've played since years

    Just try it except if you really hate ntr

    Characters are well designed (Jason the mad and the GF are awesome) story is a bit crazy but in a funny way, dialogs are great, animation are not perfect but enjoyable, and there is a lot of little details (like sound, face expressions, decors) that make the difference and feel like the dev is putting a lot of effort on it.

    The only thing that I would like is to have a better help to understand exactly which path I'm taking. Cant wait for the next updates!
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    spent HOURS playing this on the cuckold route and I must say the Dev focused way too much on the story rather than the sex scenes. Seriously, at this point, the game might aswell be a SFW game by ripping out the badly made sex scenes and just focus on telling the story completely
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The advantage of the game is the variability. You can choose three paths, each with its own storyline and events. But you should not expect any seriousness and thoughtfulness from you. Personally, I'm not a fan of the BBC, but I liked the visualization of the characters. The scenes look good, and after a small "remake", the smoothness and quality of the animation have improved. The gameplay is not complicated, go there, go here, and the stage is yours. I will also consider small mini-games for Fred as a plus. But since this is an RPGM, there may be some bugs and broken scripts, but all this is promptly fixed. The potential of the game is great, Shaman commands my respect.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, everything is good, the story, the graphics everything. No more games like that! The cheating side is so good, more development on that side. The rpg side is meh, it's long and difficult to explore everything but the characters make up for it.