Unity - Shady Lewd Kart [v1.59 Steam] [Shady Corner]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Just played this one, it was not bad, but it is not good.
    The Kart idea is good, but it lacks on content. Only 2 cups, with the same 4 tracks. Repetitive.

    - Very good idea.
    - Voiced 2 cups.
    - Art style seems to be funny.
    - Some jokes and humoristic lines are present in the game, very good point there.

    - Repetitive tracks (only four available for main quest).
    - Only two fucking cups available with voiced hostess.
    - The game lacks on rewards to keep the player invested.
    - Many characters, none of them are developed.
    - Not enough appeal, for kart games players or NSFW games players.

    Have not discovered any NSFW art, because the game lacks on grip to maintain my interest on it.

    Good idea, basic mechanics are well implemented, the few kart races are good, but the game BADLY lacks on elements to maintain the player's interest.
    Hope they will greatly improve the player satistaction factor and the KEEP player's attention on the game factor.
  2. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6267863

    I don't trust anything from Shady Corner, a fairly predatory 'publisher' from the warnings that have been sent my way. the game also feels like a soulless Mario Kart clone but with excessive cross-promotion. The AI was wonky, especially off-course, and the lewd content leaves a lot to be desired as well.

    a hard no from me.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Interesting concept, it could have been a gem but at the end of the day it's just pretty lame as an adult game as the art is nothing to write home about, could be ok as a kart game if it wasn't so frustrating in so many aspects.
    Huge amount of grind and no possibility to save your progress, boss races are ridiculously hard compared to the rest of races.
    I found the voice acting very annoying, I'd rather go with text only...
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    It's a better kart racer than it is porn game. The art varies, but is overall enjoyably stylized. The best part of the game is the game itself, however that's not what I came for. I came for a porn game with some kart racing, not a kart racer with some porn. The scenes just don't feel worth getting unless you REALLY like kart racing. It's honestly kinda weird, because this game solves a problem a lot of porn games have. It actually nails its gameplay, but fumbles on delivering the porn.

    If you really like kart racers, this game will be your absolute jam. You'll enjoy it a lot more for its gameplay than the porn, since you have to play a pretty good bit to actually get anything more than just an image. It just feels grindy, but not in the RPGM way. Rather than grinding enemies, you're grinding Grand Prixs.

    To compare it to your average, pretty garbage RPGM game: You tolerated the bland gameplay to get that good porn. In this, you tolerate the existence of porn to get some kart racing.

    All in all, just unrewarding as far as porn games go. Really good if you like Kart Racers a lot, but very lacking if you don't. The lack of focus on the actual aspect of its namesake- Lewd Kart - makes it a 3 rather than a 4. It honestly seems like it would have been better to just...not add the porn. Which sounds kinda blasphemous even to my own ears, but the porn just doesn't really feel like it adds. What little I got wasn't better than googling a pinup of some generic hentai babe, so...why bother with it instead of something else if I'm looking to obliterate my meat?
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the most fun hentai game I have ever played, sure its been 6 hours in and i still havent unlocked any animations, but i cant complain because i was hoping some horny guy was going to make a horny mario kart game. Its great i feel like i can play this game for weeks without getting bored. props to the genius to programed this game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The racing is rock solid and the whole game is dripping with unlockable content with a sizeable difficulty to undress it all.

    The kart racing is a little low in the poly count but it has tight controls and holds up in quality to major publishers in terms of racing quality, with a ton of tracks and special events.

    It will take a lot of game play to unlock all the characters, art and animations but the fundamentals are available right out the gate.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    This is for the Steam version.

    I was not expecting to rage quit this game when I first bought it on Steam (that's right, I actually bought this game rather than getting it through here) but OH MY GOD!

    Let me first start by saying that, while there is gamer rage fueling this review, I am trying to be as fair as possible.
    The game has potential, but it needs some serious work.

    Ho boy, controls are a pain (had to remap several key buttons immediately, which was actually easy thanks to their built in mechanic for customizing controls),
    drifting is a pain (sometimes you drift, sometimes you don't even hop), jumping is a pain (instead of jumping at the peak of a ramp, you have to jump just before it), turning is a pain (it's just plain unwieldy and unpredictable, which might just be because I'm playing on a keyboard and not with a controller, which is what I am far more comfortable with), and if you hit any surface you bounce off like a supercharged bouncy ball on crack.

    Literally got launched across the entire map from first to last because I tapped a wall while going fast as hell.
    Which brings us to the ridiculous turbo mechanic.
    It just seems to have a mind of its own for how fast you will go.
    One instant you can be at a dead stop after crashing, the next you're flying by at light speed straight into a wall that you can't help but bounce off of, landing you firmly back in last place, which is where I was spending the majority of my time.

    The game has potential, especially since it clearly takes inspiration from CTR, but the screwy mechanics make it completely unplayable without a controller and maybe some intense practice.
    BTW, these complaints are from playing for 20 minutes on the easiest difficulty on a keyboard, so I can't possibly imagine anyone being able to actually win on the hardest difficulty without committing hours of practice.
    I've never rage quit so hard so quickly in my entire life...except that one other time...

    Regardless, I appreciate the work that has been put into the game thus far and will be keeping an eye on it to see if there are improvements and to give it another shot in the future with a controller.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 5055050

    Shady Lewd Kart is seriously a really polished and fun racing kart game.
    I originally played for the H-Content but I stayed for the mechanically fun gameplay.

    Idk, the driving, the power slides, the characters and some of the tracks are especially well-designed with a lot of secrets and shortcuts for you to explore, although the camera can be a bit janky at the time.

    The voice-acting is pretty good for the most part.
    What I really like is the variety of VA's that are featured in the game and the artwork from different animators and artist.
    Unlocking new karts and characters through the climax meter, secrets or the shop just feels nice.

    I am actually surprised how good this game, this is one of the few H-Games with fun gameplay and enjoyable unlocks.

    If you want a game that feels and plays good, I can only recommend this game!
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    I promised to leave feedback to Shades after I've played SLC but I thought that why not make it public? So here's my thoughts on the game.

    First of all I think the most important thing in a kart game is how well does the drifting work. I couldn't be happier to say that it's good, the most satisfying element of the gameplay! Shady Lewd Kart has a ton of unlockables, and it's no walk in the park either. This might piss a lot of casuals off but I think the main audience for the game are gamers who enjoy seeing adult themes in their otherwise solid games.

    So the gameplay is solid, what about the audiovisual experience? The graphics are nice, both in-game and cutscenes. The actual game is made in 3D but giving it this low-poly & low-res pixel texture -look of the fifth gen console era (Which I' just love to see more often!). And props for all the small things things moving and squeezing in the menu/dialogue parts. All in all it feels really polished.

    The game has great voice acting which makes it all the more sexy and gives all the girls that much more depth and personality. The music is catchy and fits the game well. The sound effects are lacking some bass and they feel a bit plasticky. The bumbs and explosions lose some credibility due to this but I think it's a minor thing and can be easily fixed if other people share this opinion.

    The dialogue is pretty funny and there's a story mode for each character (which there's plenty of) with an intro and a ending. In top of that you're trying to impress the pit girl (which is a lot tougher than I thought).

    Other suggestion is to make a Mac and Linux ports of the game.

    I love the idea of bringing the games/devs/fans of this genre together as a one big family. And I personally can't get enough of these humorous, lewd games that work as a regular game as well.

    If you're up for some challenging yet rewarding racing spiced with naked babes, you should definitely try this game out!

    Did I already mention the game has insane amount of stuff to unlock?

    Ps. Metal Shades is a brick.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    draws: really good.

    character: really good.

    gameplay: DO YOU LIKE MARIO KART?

    story: funny.

    music and ambient: nicelly done.

    conclussion: this is one of the best things you can find in this page.
    i mean, already is full of funny content and a well done gameplay.
    but this game is not about fapping your way to glory, is about having a blast
    while you drive...your way to glory, even you can play with all your family thanks to the versus mode.
    whats else do you want lobster?

    this game TOTTALLY deserve your time and money.

    psdt: have in mind that for now is a demo, and there is room for a lots of upgrades.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    ignoring the comments bitching about mario kart and other games, theres quite a lot to say about this game here.

    voiced, unlockables, a helpful tutorial, tracks with shortcuts, several racers etc.

    obviously this is a demo but still i wanna point out flaws
    nr 1. thicc juice is WAY TOO OP you can be half a track behind and when you get thicc juice you'll end up in first
    2. collision is a real pain. no matter what you collide with, you will slow down extremely. the tiniest things such as barrels can totally block you making you get stuck having to reverse before you can get around them.
    3. affection items are usually "hidden" in such a way that you have to take a longer way. if they had at least a special/stronger speedboost along the way it wouldnt be so bad, but going for these usually results in falling behind several places.
    4. no camera controll. cant zoom out, cant look back, cant turn the camera. sucks.
    5. lack of items. technically you have red + green shells, bananas, mushroom, starpower, lightning strike and a "no special moves" for enemys. i can only compare this to my most played kart game, mario kart 64. a n64 game that has more items.
    6. not really a sex game. sure you have some half naked girls in cutszenes and finishing a race first gives you 1 still image of usually masturbation, but thats about it. if you'd remove this there would be nothing missing from the game.

    overall this was really fun, due to the things i listed very frustrating at parts. this has some huge potencial and i really hope there will be updates to this soon, cant wait to see where this goes. the devs have my support!