Ren'Py - Completed - Shag the Hag [v1g] [L8eralGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent short game.

    + Smooth, sexy girls, averaging 3-4 scenes each, with top-tier cum texture which is still a rarity in games like this
    + 70s exploitation horror vibe coupled with great humor and many references I found hilarious
    + The "back" option to revert any decision without loading a previous save
    + Easy to play through
    + Not afraid to take risks with zombie and hag models
    + Harem ending

    - Grinding was a bit linear and tiring at points, especially for girl's lust
    - No music (would have been great!)
    -Other little details that don't take away from the experience

    Overall, I have to admit that I was left wanting more of the same. Already looking forward to the next one!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the rare gems I've had the pleasure of playing. Loved the writing, characters, renders, even the grind wasn't so bad since there was a lot of variety in the writing. Looking forward to more from this developer :)
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I would vote 3 stars, but this game has an unique story that made me vote 4.

    In the beginning, the story becomes boring due to repeatable dialog that you can't skip because developer used too much random. Random can be good when you use it correctly which it's not the case.

    The game tho it's very funny, but you will need to be patient to achieve the girls scenes that aren't many. However their personalities are very unique and their characters desirable.

    The ending was somehow disappointing because there are ONLY one sex scenes for each character. I think everyone was expecting a 4some or 5some (due to blue girl in the ending), so i was. But as i said one image for each.

    The renders are really good. Not the best as we will find in other games, but almost excellent. Dialogs during scenes are very naughty.

    But as i said, there're to much repeatable dialogs that you need to go through just to raise points. The best games can do this without players noticing (in a kinda fun way with new simple scenes, or just because PC want to do it again.)

    - Excellent unique story
    - Good naughty interesting characters
    - Fun dialogs
    - Somehow open world with a unique path. You can make any choices, but won't make any progress unless you choose the right one.

    - Repeatable scenes
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    First of all the thing that grabbed my attention to start was the fact this looked different to pretty much everything else. And after about 30 min i was sold.
    The characters are really well done, in looks and in there personality which makes a change, And i found there stories to be enertaining, funny and emotional at times.
    I see people complaining about the grind, really? Dont get me wrong there is a little at times, but i never found it a deal breaker. But i feel these people expect things handed to them on a plate and didnt even read the parts they call grindy, because if they had they would have noticed slight varyations of most of the so called grindy bits.
    Anyway, to sum up, i thought this was fucking fantastic!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    this game is overrated. there is way too much grind and very little sex scenes. Sex scenes are not animated and very short. Story is linear, almost no choices. if there was no grind this game will only took about 30 minutes to finish. Renders and the girls are pretty but what is the point of having a hot jogger girl if we can't do anything with her? this game had the potential to be something great but it blew it with lack of content and grind.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game, a little grindy but enjoyable all the way through. Original graphics, unusual women and a story line that, despite being surrounded monsters, encourages you to act as a human being not as a creep or a paragon of morality. . Thank you for the experience.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    well... you need to repeat same actions and a lot -so pick this game if you are not bothered by it
    Managed to click my way trough and meet zombie girl and ofc player is expected to redo same dialouge many times to progress. im out
    also i found zombie girl not sexy at all (ugly, strange facial expressions and poses)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games, i've played in a time. Everything seems excellent with it - humor, story, action. Maybe too much grind for achivements, however - it was fun to play. I would like to add maybe animation, however even without such, it's still a kind of solid game to have pleasure from,
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Imho, a good game, a bit too much grind.
    but overall the story and render is very good, there should be a bit more explaining about the stats, i can see some people commenting that they are stuck doing one stat only, but also i guess that the dev will tinker a bit more with the project, overall very good job imho
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Super nice renders. Hot girls. Fun engaging story. Excellent use of humor. This game would certainly be a 5 if it wasn't for all the repetitive stuff. I seriously don't get why a dev would put so many repeating scenes and bits of text in their game. It makes the game take longer but the trade-off is not worth it, as it changes the game from being 100 % fun to partly a chore. I'm holding CTRL down for most of my playthrough anyway, so why even bother putting the repeating stuff in there? I'm ranting though. It's a good game and you should play it!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    great game!
    the story is different and well written, gameplay was well thought out
    pace of progress was good without being extensively grindy
    I really liked it
    I hope there's a sequel soon
    This review requires more than two hundred characters to be accepted so this overly verbose sentence is purely for padding purposes.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    A fun enough game let down by being grindy.

    So I actually dug the rather novel theme this game had. Though I gotta admit the hag was maybe a step too far for my tastes, haha. Also the character I was most interested in was the hobo-girl and was a bit annoyed I didn't get to fuck her early on when my lust was low, and then later nothing really developed there other than being able to choose where to cum. But in general the characters were interesting enough to keep me drawn in.

    The renders are really soild too, and despite the horroryness to some, the girls were by and large attractive.

    My main problem was just doing the same things over and over and over again to grind up lust with the characters, my stats, or just hope for different events to occur when stumbling through the woods ... I like it when games respect my time and I really don't feel this one did and it could have been much more streamlined.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique idea and great renders, a little grindy/repetitive to unlock events but it's so good otherwise that I can't knock it a point for that. Looking forward to future updates and to see who else we get to meet
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Its weird, its wild, its dead? I wasn't too sure about this game when I first saw it but after giving it a shot I absolutely love it! its UNIQUE and sexy as well! Isn't that hard as hell to fin on here? The vibe that is set up is a great combination of shocking, spooky, goofy and sexy, who even knew I wanted to have sex with a zombie girl? Thankfully it never gets too gross so you don't have to worry about that. Here's some quick likes and dislikes...

    • Great Renders: The renders are top quality, from sexy to creepy this game has a style and it is solid! Sex scenes are quality as well!
    • Personality: I love the writing and the personalities this wuthor sets up with the MC and girls, they all read different and feel unique!
    • Unique!: An actual unique premice for a sex game? and its written well? Now that's a sweet treat! The atmosphere is wonderful as well, it manages to make me feel a little spooky too boot!
    • Its Completed! Holy fuck this game is actually finished! Its not on version BETA 0.102.01(day 2 afternoon) or some bullshit like that. I cant tell you how refreshing it is to play a finished game (even if its not super long). This game has made me thing developers should MORE OFTEN only release completed games.
    • Open world / Grindy: This is a very small dislike but it is kind of one of those linear(ish) games that still has open world elements that space the story out as you "level up" and explore more. I don't really mind it but I can see how some people might.
    That's it so play this fucking game already!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A breath of fresh air. It's not that I mind the (step)sister/landlady dynamic all that much, but it gets stale. The MC isn't a cretin, hung like a bull moose or any of that other schlock that has been swamping the site.

    Hoping to see more of this. Great job!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Unique, humorous, hot and with amazing visuals ! Can't wait to see more from this developer :)

    I must say that this game is definitely icing on the cake. There has been a lack of interesting and unique games on F95 as of lately (nothing against devs, they all are doing a great job but reusing the same concept, character models, assets and story line will eventually bore people out - DIVERSITY IS THE KEY!).

    That's exactly why I love this game - dark woods, interesting dialogues and most importantly hot sex scenes with different concept and fetishes. I dig this game and can't wait to play the NEXT RELEASE.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great! It has likeable characters, an interesting story, and hot sex scenes. The protagonist is a guy that has insomnia so he walks through the woods every night and shit happens, which leads to increasing his stats, meeting the girls, or dying. I think you only get 5 deaths before it's game over, but I never died (because of Ren'Py's rollback feature ;)) so idk. There are also in-game achievements you can get, though a few of them are a bit grindy.

    It's no secret that this game is insanely unorthodox with the main girls and how they look. Nakita is a zombie, Yelena is a vampire, and Daphne is an old witch. And you fuck all of them. But one thing I loved about this was that each of them has their own unique and likable personality and you get to spend time with them and build up your relationship with them before you get to the romance and fucking. You end up feeling for them and wanting to help them out. My only real complaint about this game was that Yelena was handled poorly compared to the others. You barely spend any time with her at all before you fuck her and declare your love for her, which is unbelievable, and you get to learn more about her only after you already fuck her. With Nakita and Daphne, on the other hand, you spend time with them before you declare your love, which makes more sense. And this game's plot isn't just a generic guy who wants to fuck girls. Without spoiling too much, all of the girls are under a curse because of someone and you're tasked with helping them. As mentioned before, the story is engaging and has a satisfying conclusion.

    There are a few other girls that you get to fuck too, though I'm not sure if you could fuck the jogger because I never did. There's also a bit of a grind with stats and talking to each of the girls and building your relationship up with them, but using the fast forward button on Ren'Py helps speed things up a lot. The game took me between 2 and 3 hours to play and it was a very enjoyable experience. Well done L8eralGames!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, what a nice game. I just completed the game.

    These visuals are top notch, they are so high quality and great designed.

    The game is a little bit grindy, but for me it's okay.

    The Story is easy, you a guy that can not sleep and in the wood you can find your loves ;) Beautiful monsters. The conversations with the girls are so nice and funny. You will love these girls!

    Test the game, it's worth a try. Just survice the grind you will be rewarded.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    - Good renders (enough number of them)
    - Good amount of content
    - Beautiful, intersting and unique characters
    - It's a game about monsters, but it's not creepy at all, it's kinda cute
    - No time limits
    - Game dialogues is 'nice to read', unlike many games, I didn't want to skip them at all

    - Renders instead of animations
    - A little bit of a grind
    - No gallery // chance to re-visit a couple of scenes
    - There's no 'second way', like evil way or something like that

    Outcome: I would like to see animations instead of renders, more characters and scenes and more ways how you can act with others to get different scenes. But apart of that, this game is excellent for me.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a way more interesting game than it looks at first sight. The story is different to other games and some dialogues are really funny. But there are flaws.
    3D models are too generic, especially the vampire and the "cat" ones, that looks like anime dolls, but it's OK. There are others, like the one of the zombie girl, that are better.
    The worst part is the grind. Waaay too much grind for a game so short in real contents. If a game is short, I prefer to finish it in half an hour better than spending three or four hours with repetitive tasks to see the same contents. I don't think a game is better if it steals time to the player, and I don´t know why devs think different.
    Anyway, I would say that this game is above average in this site.