VN - Others - Completed - Shale Hill Secrets [v0.18.3] [Love-Joint]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I thought it was an incredible game, all the characters were worth it, of course my preference was between Emily and Vallery, they explored the relationship between them very well... the game's story is very immersive and I made a point of playing all the endings.
    Looking forward to the new updates
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Really loved this game, its unique having an MC that is mute yet smart and not incompetent. But i can only play on android and the in app download that was needed to play the game causes the app to crash so i cant play it anymore. Oh well.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a heavily story focused detective, conspiracy, action VN. It is pretty long (50H+), slow paced but very recommended for players who likes a more story reliant game.

    From the first minute of the game, you can tell by the renders that you are in for a treat visually-wise.The characters are VERY appealing, I would even say from the top I've seen, this was mainly my first attraction for the game.

    What next reeled me in is the characters' writing that was pretty good.It can be clearly seen that the writing wasn't done by some amateur, each character has its own personality and dialogue nuances which is fun and intriguing to explore and delve into, they don't feel like the stereotype characters you see in so many games due to their depths (of course few of them are though, but I would say that the ones that were stereotypical, weren't the important characters).The game makes it interesting to interact with each of the characters, and this is cleverly done by planting a mystery in each and every character. They tease you with something you would like to know but don't give that up so easily, making you want to investigate.

    With these finished VN games, it is often that I feel they are dragged too much and can be much shorter, concise and thus more enjoyable and less chewed.This game is pretty long, it has a lot of content and the content does feel important for the story, but some of could be thinned down without the overall narrative being compromised.The story is very intriguing, and the second selling point of the game after the visuals.It has its highs and lows, some portions are more interesting and some are less and feeling like a burden, but the overall feeling I got was that the it was exceptional, especially the first few chapters, when you still don’t have an idea what's going on and the last few chapters, when you revealed some major stuff and now curious of how it will playout.

    I thought the game would give me more choice to be ethical or not by the nature of the software that were given to the MC and it being the main plot point of the game, but it didn't seem to impact the game too much. Maybe at the beginning it presented you with choices that seem like it, but after some time they just dropped it altogether and its just a more of a linear story. The choices didn't seem to have much of a impact. Most of them were you controlling if you want to see the next scene or not.

    So overall, I have no idea if they were meaningful and I'm not the type of person who would go and play a VN again to see how it will play out… so it is what it is.In games like this that feels like choice matter, I always struggle between staying immersed in the character and what I think is better for him to do in a situation, to not missing content, so it is killing me sometimes that I choose something to not miss and block my self from further content. There are moments where it seems to set a tone if the arc of some character with you will be romantic and friendly, and in my mind, even though I think it is better for the character to proceed with friendly and not romantic relationship due to the toxicity of the character, I choose not to do so because I fear of maybe missing X number of scenes with her later that may be blocked because of my choice.

    Lets talk about the adult content here.The animation were pretty stiff, limited and repeating in my opinion. I'm not saying they are bad, because they are much better than countless of other games, but I was expecting more fluid and smooth animations due to the visual quality the game presented.Other than that, the scenes themselves flows really nice with build up, tension and release. There is a lot of "thought" dialogue in the scene and it makes it prolongs it and smoothens the transitions between positions.After some point, due to the animations repeating and being the same, I just started to skip through them. I was more interested in the story and I was tired of the game wasting my time with the same animations slapped on the same character, or best case scenario, another character.Another point to note, which some people may not like is that the scenes are far in between, but when they come, they worth it.

    Even that it seems that I have a lot of criticism towards the game, I'm really grateful that I decided to play this game among the hundreds in my watch list.I would give it 5 start on the story and the characters alone (if you are mainly looking for adult content, maybe less so)
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    1. Nice graphics
    2. Animations are pretty good
    3. Hot girls
    1. Really really really boring writing
    2. Very slow paced game
    3. There is just too much long winded dialogue
    4. Not sure why this is even an adult game
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has a higher rating than i've given and for many that higher rating is valid - it's a good game if you're looking for narrative mainly

    The game has good writing but it has soooooo much of it. So much that every single day ends with offering you a recap. The conversations go on for so long, investigating with nothing else that for large portions of the game I thought the MC was celibate.

    The MC is deaf. It didn't feel like this added anything to the game nor did it feel like good representation since every person you meet magically knows sign language.

    The models arent my favourite style, a little cartoony but they are decent overall and they have normal proportions which obey physics which deserves complementing.

    There's little real choice you end up in the same place whatever you do and you do not get to avoid those you dont want to interact with, since the story gets blocked
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Maybe in a different medium SHS would have felt like a much better story, but as far as interactive story games go, it was a bit of a miss. SHS is like a college diploma work disguised as a porn game, but by doing so it caught the attention of the wrong crowd. Long walls of artistic and complex text and hours of highly philosophical monologues doesn't feel like the right way to tell the story in an audiovisual interactive game, especially intended for a bunch of horny dudes.

    The mystery was quite intriguing and I had high hopes for SHS at first, but due to so much dry text which felt like the writer got paid by word count and tried to make it count, playing the game became a chore sometimes. Like it took the MC 5 minutes simple tasks such as flicking a freaking switch because he had another case of existential crisis he needed to share with the audience. Another thing that began disturbing me was the amount of times the MC's intelligence was sacrificed in order to drive the plot. As a reader I often felt 2 steps ahead of him and it ruined one of the most important elements of interactive narrative - self expression. Not saying the MCs have to be Mary Sues but they shouldn't be too much their own characters either. The players should have a sensible amount of input to personalize the MC.

    The static renders were nice, and the girls looked pretty, although the puppet proportions took a bit to get used to at first. And regarding the girls, even though each of them had their own fleshed out stories which were intertwined with the main plot, they all ultimately felt like side pieces not actual love interests. There was no significant romance with anyone besides the epilogues. Most of the interactions were about helping them and gratuitous sex scenes without much of a build up. The only way the authors knew how to advance the relationships was to make the girls willing to let the MC enter through their back doors halfway through the story. The animations were rather mediocre as well.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is well-crafted and (sort of) finished (which is enough to award it 2 stars in my book). It's LIs are well written and fleshed out and they kept me interested in the game (+1 star). That's about the two positive things I can say about this game.

    Now for the negatives:

    In a medium that's fundamentally based on dialogue, the authors made the bafflingly stupid decision to write a plot that involves a main character that's mute. I get that there's a need to distinguish the MC, but... why mute? It's all the more baffling, considering that they do so little with that premise and use it in a half-assed way. I'd imagine an MC nodding and gesticulating a lot, yet, according to ingame logic, he mostly uses a text-to-speech app - even for the most mundane things like "yes" or "no". Why can't he just nod or shake his head?

    This just shatters my immersion. Especially in highly dramatic and dynamic moments, like in a stand-off with an enemy, I imagine our MC typing in his (often quite verbose) remarks with flying fingers - the output of which apparently sounding like that Stephen Hawking robot voice. It's weird, unintentionally funny and just so, so unnecessary!

    On top of that, the main story is confusing and draaaggggggiiiiing on. The first part of the story that culminates in a halloween party (check that on your bingo sheet) is relatively well paced, so I figure this was written in advance. The following chapters have a rough episodic style and it feels like chasing after the proverbial carrot. You have little to no influence on the events of the story, and the MC often makes decisions that I find dumb and frustrating. The pace picks up again in the later parts, but by then, I was skipping a lot of stuff, because I wanted it to finally end.

    The sex scenes are formulaic and here's where the stupid 'mute premise' hits again as there's a lack of any banter or dirty talk (one of the endings makes good on that, but it's too little too late). Also, the body type of the LIs are all more or less the same.

    For a game this scale and ambition, you really want to give it more than three stars, but that would be overlooking its massive flaws. Recommended at your own peril.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I played this game 2 years ago waited for it to be completed but after reading the comment section below and this dlc plan I think I will passed this game. Unlike the previous game of love joint when palmer is alive and still in charge the story telling of the game is simple and straight forward DH and DFD are far more better games compare to Shale Hill's Secret. The only advantage of SHS is that it has sex animation. Other than that, the two previous games are better. The Female design alone is one i will compare it DFD and DH has diverse style of female character while SHS female design is like a copy of a copy of a female character in the game only the hair style, hair color and eye color are different.

    I will still give it a 3 star ⭐ rating for average. Don't get me wrong it's a good even though I did not finish it. But if I compare it to the 2 previous game. SHS pales in comparison
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    The story was a bit of a snoozer but the animations were pretty good. Sound is always nice because not all games in this genre have it. I would like to see more variations in body types as well. The sex options are always nice to have... unremarkable but not bad.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has amazing graphics. One of the best from finished games so far. The female characters are really attractive. The details are quite good.
    From the bad sides:
    The game mechanics
    Not a very big variety of kinks
    Endings (basically one more sex scene...not an ending).
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    An honest review, this is a master piece that is worth a try. The story is filled with thriller, mystery, action and romance, where it gets better as you progress through further. Not to mention, this game has over 10 episodes, having over 2 days of content depending on how fast you skip through the dialogue. Animations are pretty good including the rendering, so it doesn't feel choppy or weird at all. The only downside is that the story sometimes could get a bit boring, because it is a little repetitive, go out solve mystery, come home and sleep.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Can't believe i didn't vote for this yet, first of all the girls all look great, specially in the animated scenes, except on the compressed/performance version, since the one i played on android was much too pixelated and looked absolutely horrid, the plot is not much to talk about but it's still good, my only complaint is the crack only working for the pc chapters and not on any of the android, leaving half the game blocked there but still having the whole thing downloaded taking a lot of space since the game is bigger than anything else i had there so far, but on pc it's regular size to most games that have been going on for more than a year.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game seems almost like a missed chance but I give 5 stars because it is the best VN I ever played. Plot is fascinating, has the right tempo, starts like a classic college plot then becomes dark, darker and darker.
    The 3 main girls are awesome, they fill the plot amazingly, the 4 side girl are good in early chapter then become almost useless in last chapter, almost like fillers to distract a little to the main quest.
    Too bad my favourite LI goes rogue and has not a good ending
    I think both good and bad ending are something coherent with the entire plot, maybe bad ending a little less than good ending but still coherent.
    My only main critic goes to the lazy use of the side girls
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Interesting AVN, however it has some issues. Here are some of my impressions:

    1. Story: Very good actually. Plot is quite interesting IMO.

    2. Writing: It's below average. I have to say there are lots of walls of unnecessary texts everywhere, But the ones I hated the most where those during sex scenes, for example: "She watches with intense interest as I lavish her breasts with licking and sucking" NOW dude ...if that is exactly what we are seeing on the freaking render why describe it?? and on top of that we also get tons of MC's inner thoughts, who suddenly becomes a sex poet, you know.. phrases like "She hums along like an engine. Letting out a chorus of delightful litle sounds that just get me hotter" I could stand maybe 5 to 10 of these per scene, however sometimes I found more than 30, so it gets quickly annoying and in the end you just skip most of them. Another thing I noticed is that the writer has problems building anticipation for sex scenes, in mid episodes It felt like girls just randomly wanted to have sex with the MC for no reason..

    3. Renders: I like its art style. Pretty good looking renders.

    4. Characters: Not bad, only a few were boring or unlikable (I think Kristen and Alexis (before late pisodes) are my favourites, they're fun ). Girls designs are great.

    5. Music: Nice tunes, well selected.

    6. Animations: They're bad.

    So despite the writing being too "dense" and boring sometimes, the plot kept me going. So I'd give this game a 7/10, it's worth trying.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    The writer man, idk.
    The game had a good charm and artwork but the writing just feels like a teenager project or something.
    My suggestion is to stop the MC from talking to himself for an actual FIRST PERSON PERSPECTIVE VN.
    Just Let the world story build up for himself by the choices and encounters in his world with another character.
    If you are a writer and try to dictate everything, you will make a boring dialog no matter what you do. Let the audience think for themself about his character.
    If you keep insisting this style of writing, just go write some third-person story instead. This style of writing didn't work well for first-person interactive VN. and tbh no sane person would think too long or monologue IRL, unless you just taking a dump or going to sleep or stand-up comedy (but it can be worse in this case).
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    PR Mitter

    : Writing a mystery like this you need really high mystery IQ and intelligence but the writer lacks that. The wrap up and starting was good, the plots were good too, the problem was with the plot connection and the irregular intelligence level of Leah and MC. Once they act genius and just after they act dumb. It improved in the last few chapters though. The VN is full of unnecessary lengthy conversation and I had to skip a lot of uninteresting events.
    Overall the render was great but the model art were disappointing. Only Emily had a good body. The middle part were extremely boring and I'm sure most of the novel were too, I found it interesting from the middle only because I was deeply in love with Valerie. Leah most of the time was annoying, she represented as my caring person but her actions are totally opposite. Whatever the mystery of Valerie kept me to it even though the art was bad but the render quality was world class. The effort they have put into the VN is really admirable.
    3.5 stars for me.

    suggestion: Cutting the unnecessary middle section and making Valerie's mother one of the captive scientist of Arthur and then continue it some more rather than abruptly ending the novel. Then making them working together to free them or something. It would have been much more coherent to the story and more exciting. Because Valerie's coming in possession of The Malware isn't really relevant.
    Whatever, a great plot and great effort fucked up by bad execution and finale.
  17. 2.00 star(s)


    This is a really weird game to review because the individual elements are way above average: renders, animations, music, UI, LIs. Really can see the love the dev has for them.

    So why only 2 stars? Because it's boring, and it's confusing to fall asleep when you're supposed to feel excited. The story is just draggy, the villain has no motivation, and even the sex scenes feel repetitive at times.

    My suggestion: scope the plot tighter in your next game and maybe halve the number of characters so the pace is more brisk. And have higher stakes than school life maybe?
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    It's been a while since I've played a WEG that puts so much effort into its story, more often than not, the story is just an excuse to get from one sex scene to another. In this regard, it's really commendable that the writers put this much effort into the intrigue and especially the characters.
    All of the girls are really fun, maybe some are a bit bland, but those that stand out, really stand out (we'll get to that). Which is a shame that after some point of the story, the devs preferences are starting to kick in, and some girls are getting more and more sidelined. I hope you really like either Valerie or Leah. I personally didn't care for Leah, which created a bit of a problem.
    Speaking of which, let's address the elephant in the room and talk about Valerie.
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    But I guess I shouldn't be complaining, because one can say that Haley was shafted even worse.
    I have a feeling this sounded more negative than I intended, because overall, despite some minor hiccups (like some girls getting shafted and some endings being lackluster), I really did enjoy this WEG. It's the first of the kind that I played for the well-delivered story and not necessarily for the sexy parts. 4/5 stars from me and I'm looking forward for more content.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    This game revolves around a mute college person who suddenly gets access to a software that allows him to see all the very recent electronic footprints of anyone in his college i.e. texts, pictures, etc... The game starts off with a really interesting premise of trying to uncover the mystery of a hacker who is ruining people's lives. The love interests all have distinct personalities but several of them are so extreme that they are so unlikeable. The biggest issue is that midway through the game, it gets very convoluted and the writing really drags on and on with random added plot that doesn't make much sense. This is not to mention that the MC is not so smart either which makes the plot a bit frustrating to follow. Then there's the big reveal that the antagonist is
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    The sex scenes get very repetitive when you realize that a large majority of them follow the same format: get naked, kiss, get a blow job, MC eats out girl's pussy and ass, vaginal sex, more eating out and licking feet, and jizz. All of the sex scenes include the same type of very long inner monologues too. And yes, for those of you guys who are not fans of feet or eating ass, you'll have to see it often. This is a darn shame since all of the girls have quite distinctive personalities so you'd expect way more variation in the sex scenes. All in all, there's a really good base for a good story and characters but it really all just falls apart the more the game drags on and just becomes a frustrating mess.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I can sort of understand the criticism, but at the end of the day there is so much in this game that is leagues above anything else you find on this site that you can't really warrant anything other than 5 Stars.

    The art and the animations are excellent (and plentiful). The production values of this game are unlikely to be matched by more than a handful games here.

    Also while the story is (a bit too) wordy and the plot armor is impenetrable, it actually has a storyline that makes sense and builds tension.

    The characters are well developed and unique.

    Can you name 5 games that combine these things here? I'd have a hard time.

    It is an excellent game well worth playing from a dev team with a good track record and deserves your support.