HTML - Completed - Shameless Impurity [v1.2.1] [XXXChuckoly]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I just came back to this after a decent while, expecting new content. Lo and behold, it's the same version I downloaded over a year ago and the game's been slapped with the "complete" tag. This couldn't be less accurate.

    This game's not remotely complete. Most routes just reach dead ends, there's hardly any content with stuff that gets introduced at the very start of the game like the bully or the landlord. You can count the number of passages in the twine file in the double digits. Most "locations" are completely empty.

    And most remarkable of all, this 729 kilobite twine game actually lags. There's often pauses before the 2nd half of a page is loaded. It's so jarring and really disrupts the reading experience. This game just isn't good and given how little pure gay male game content there is on this site, that kinda sucks.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    The idea of the game is really good : a young gay man discover his sexuality through different targets. One is finished, the second is limited and very rough, the third one very limited but sexy and the last one isn't present. The world is well done though very usual for this kind of game. Some places are useless. The grind is heavy to unlock some content. Some settings are useless. The choice of images and gifs is really well done. A game you can give a try even though it feels unfinished.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    By the time of this review, I'm playing the version 1.2.0 . This game is on (very) early stages, but seems promising. It uses nice (and hot) video clips, instead of relying just on gifs or pngs. It does not have too many sections now, specially compared to other games, but since it don't even have 3 months of development I'm willing to give it a chance, specially since it's one of the few games here that does not rely just on furry or sissyfication content, just old m/m content. If I could get on patreon, I would support it.

    I also love the concept of have to decide between 2 dads with their own pics and clips, even the landlord have his own images and movies, not just random ones.

    It needs a lot work, but it's very promising.

    EDIT (07/22/2022): I had to lower my rating from 5 stars to 2. I really like this game, and I was looking forward for any updates, but it seems the dev wanted to go to another project. A shame, the only good thing is that this game inspired my game.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    To sit on my father's lap or not? I don't really care. The content seems not to be very creative but I want to support this game because of the fact that the creator want to do a pure M/M game with decent GIF/photos. Everything now is just a draft so don't expect too much. Keep it alive, don't abandon it.
    Edit: Okay it's just that poor and repetitive game. I gave up.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    most of the game is missing or just boring. there is nothing to this game. why even go to school if there is nothing in the school or even a screen of the school. this needs alot of work or restart from scratch.